In the Blade

Chapter 517 Birth, Age, Sickness and Death

Du Chengfeng stayed in Wangyou Township for a few more days for the funeral of Old Man Yang.

Strictly speaking, this was not the first time Du Chengfeng experienced death, after all, he had killed many people under his command - of course, these were all enemies, so strictly speaking, it was not counted, but even if it was a close person, Carpenter Li had been killed once.

But that time, relying on the wishes of everyone and his obsession of not acknowledging reality, he finally managed to revive Carpenter Li.

But this time...

He didn't use a similar method to revive Old Man Yang.

It's not that he didn't think about it again, but after thinking about it, he always felt that it was not necessary. Carpenter Li's death was purely accidental, but Old Man Yang's death could be regarded as a natural death - so Du Chengfeng didn't do it again, but arranged for Old Man Yang to rest in peace normally.

If he had to pull this old man back from death, things might become more troublesome, after all, Carpenter Li's current state of existence was already outrageous.

Is Carpenter Li dead or alive? Du Chengfeng is not really sure. Maybe Carpenter Li is indeed dead. Carpenter Li is just a wooden shell that carries his thoughts. But Carpenter Li may still be alive. After all, the feelings he feels are not fake.

So what is death? What is life?

If it were the previous Du Chengfeng, he would take it for granted that death is death and life is not death. After all, in the materialistic worldview, death and life are very easy to distinguish.

But as Du Chengfeng understands this world more and more, he realizes the idealistic nature of this world more and more, and the boundary between death and life becomes more and more blurred.

"What is life and what is death?"

Even after finishing the funeral of Old Man Yang and returning to the cave of the fishing old man, Du Chengfeng still couldn't figure it out when he looked at the pool in front of him.

If Old Man Yang's death is death, will Carpenter Li, who has become a wooden man, have the day of his death? If there is such a thing as dying of old age in this idealistic world, then why did the Southern Chen Taizu live so long?

And those many monsters, and the so-called "star gods" in the sky, how did they break through the shackles of lifespan?

Or, in this idealistic world, can lifespan really be considered a shackle?

"I still know too little about this world!"

By the pond, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but sigh.

He thought he had enough knowledge about this world, but who would have thought that the more he knew, the more he felt that he still knew too little.

He seemed to be the frog in the well.

This kind of meditation lasted for two full months. During this process, Du Chengfeng did not sleep, eat or drink, and even forgot the passage of time - his attention was all focused on life and death. His mind was full of the death cases he had seen, but the more he wanted to explore the essence of these deaths, the more confused he became.

This confusion was not only for him, even the coyote who came to visit him was also confused.

"Didn't you say you didn't like this environment?"

Du Chengfeng, who was awakened, raised his head.

"Why are you here again? Is there something wrong?"

"It's a small matter, but your situation..."

The coyote circled around Du Chengfeng, and his expression became serious.

"What's the matter? Why are you so unstable? Didn't you go down to quench your fate a long time ago? Why... didn't you bring anyone up? What happened?"

"I... hey."

Du Chengfeng sighed, and then roughly recounted his experience.

"It's not a big deal that I didn't bring anyone up. Everyone has their own ambitions, and everyone has their own life to live... It's mainly because I saw an acquaintance die, and I felt something in my heart, so I just, you understand what I mean?"

"I probably understand."

The coyote nodded.

"So it's the life and death barrier. I thought it was something else. You didn't even pass this barrier. This is simply... But it's true. After all, your path is not very normal."

"Life and death barrier?"

Du Chengfeng keenly caught this special word.

"What is this?"

"This... It's more troublesome to just say it."

The coyote thought about it and simply made an invitation.

"Why don't you come to my cave and I'll show you how to do it."

"That's fine."

Du Chengfeng also felt that it was not a good idea to keep thinking about it like this, so he simply followed the coyote and flew back.

But this time, the coyote did not take him to stay in the jungle for too long, but took him all the way forward until he walked out of the jungle.

After clearing the grass and trees in front of him, what appeared in front of Du Chengfeng was a big city that looked quite unfamiliar.


After searching the memory in his mind, Du Chengfeng couldn't think of anything that could match the number for a while.

But the coyote next to him gave the answer.

"This is the capital of Dajing, and it's also the city where I lived when I was young... Look, that's me."

"Which one?"

Du Chengfeng looked carefully and saw a figure with strong limbs and dark skin in the crowd.

But unlike Du Chengfeng's expectation, this figure was not wearing general armor, but an old commoner.

"This was when I had just met the old man, but before I could fly to the sky, I was still hesitating whether to go to the sky. After all, although the sky is nice, there are still many familiar people on the ground. Even if I could fly up, I would still feel uncomfortable in my heart. There will be regrets after all... But at this time, something happened. "

Having said this, the young strong man not far away walked all the way towards the palace.

"The emperor is dead."


Du Chengfeng looked at the scene in the distance and nodded slightly.

He still remembered what the coyote said. Although Emperor Da Jing assassinated the coyote three times, he was also the coyote's most trusted friend.

It was obvious that no matter how hard Emperor Dajing tried to kill him, the coyote still had the love of his friend in his heart.

"It's not that he's unkind, the main thing is that he can't kill me."

After hearing Du Chengfeng's sigh, Coyote felt a little embarrassed.

"If he can beat me, then I will definitely use all my firepower, but the gap is really too big, I can't afford to lose my temper with him... Forget it, let's continue."

Coyote waved his paw, and the scene in front of them was quickly pulled into the palace.

The young commoner general had already walked to the luxurious coffin, and of course a group of sergeants guarding the palace would rush up to surround him - but the young general just slapped his hand, and all the sergeants flew out.

This is an absolute gap in strength. The young general is the strongest person in the Jing Dynasty. He alone is an army. No one can do anything to him at the moment.

He can do whatever he wants.

"So you called me here just to show me this?"

Du Chengfeng's expression began to become subtle.

"If you really want to show your talent, you don't have to go to such trouble? I think it's not interesting just to see your glorious achievements when you were young. How about we compete?"

"That's not what I meant."

Coyote was also a little embarrassed.

Obviously, the way he thought he was handsome when he was young and swept across thousands of armies can already be called a dark history for him now.

"You continue to look down, the bottom is the main thing."

"Down there...huh?"

Du Chengfeng frowned as he continued to watch.

Just because the young general had no intention of sitting on the throne after knocking everyone over, and he didn't even destroy the coffin in front of him. Instead, he carefully pushed the coffin away and lifted up the body inside.

"I'm here to save him."

The young general said to everyone.

As soon as these words came out, the civil and military officials present, as well as many generals, no longer dared to stop him.

Even Du Chengfeng was dumbfounded.

"Save him?"

Du Chengfeng turned to look at the coyote beside him.

"You can also resurrect the dead!"

"What is death? What is life?"

Coyote raised his head and asked directly back.

"What do you think death is? What is life?"

"When you die, your body's functions stop working."

Du Chengfeng carefully selected his words.

"If you are alive, all functions of your body are still functioning normally."

" something I've never heard of before."

Coyote glanced at Du Chengfeng in confusion, and then continued to ask.

"To live is to live, to die is to die. Although it is simple, it is straightforward enough... But do you know a word that means life is worse than death?"

"I know, I know, but..."

Du Chengfeng hesitated for a moment.

How could he not know this word? After all, he often chopped his opponents until they were worse than dead. However, it was obvious that what the coyote in front of him wanted to express should be different from what he was thinking in his mind.

"If you are alive, look here."

Saying this, the coyote moved its paws again, and the scene in front of them also changed.

"Look at this man. He used to have some wealth, but he developed a lazy temperament. He also has no ambitions and is not enterprising. He is miserable every day. He has nothing else to do except drinking and playing cards... His life can almost be seen at a glance. , From now to a few decades from now, it will always be half-dead and unchanged.”

Having said this, Coyote turned to look at Du Chengfeng.

"Do you think he is alive or dead?"


Du Chengfeng fell into silence.

He originally wanted to say alive. After all, this person was indeed not dead physically, but based on this person's living condition... it was hard for him to say that this person was really still alive.

"Some people died in their twenties and were only buried in their seventies or eighties. This is a situation."

The coyote concluded, then swung his paw again.

And another figure also appeared on the screen.

This figure looks like a teacher in his dress, but this teacher's body does not look very good - but with such a body full of injuries, this teacher takes the children to finish reading every day. After that, when I go back, I will still study on my own and work hard to prepare for the next course.

Naturally, the teacher could not last long under such fatigue, so the teacher died early before he reached the age of thirty.

But the children he brought out did not forget him.

Under the influence of this teacher, the children developed a good habit of perseverance, never giving up easily when encountering difficulties, just like their dead teacher - so after these children grew up, they naturally achieved some achievements, and then they returned to the village, set up a tablet for their teacher, and worshipped him with incense.

Then, a magical scene appeared.

Under the power of incense and the sincere will of these students, their teacher actually resurrected again with the tablet as his body.

Seeing that the children at that time had become independent people, the teacher was quite pleased, but the teacher also knew that his little knowledge could no longer be used to guide these successful students, so he would no longer disturb the lives of these students on weekdays. Only when a student encountered something and was in a bad mood, he would quietly enter the dream and bring some comfort to the student.

"Some people died at a young age, but he is still alive."

The coyote made a summary again.

"Besides, you should also be able to feel that the set of standards for life and death you mentioned before is only useful for mortals, but for us... Look at our postures, according to your standards, are we really alive?"

"Of course!"

Du Chengfeng began to be stubborn.

"I'm still breathing! How can I not be alive!"

"But your body... forget it, if you say it is, then it is, okay?"

Realizing that Du Chengfeng already understood what he meant, but was still stubborn and didn't want to admit it, the coyote didn't dwell on it too much.

"Anyway, you have read two different cases, and you have a general understanding of the matter, and then we will look back."

As he said this, the coyote's claws moved again.

The scene in front of him turned to the palace again.

In front of the gorgeous coffin, the young general lifted up the corpse, obviously wanting to bring this former best friend back to life - obviously, the young general with extraordinary power is no longer a mortal, he has the ability and can make this former best friend open his eyes again.

"And... did you really revive him?"

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but turn his head to look at the coyote beside him.

"How long did he live? I'm a little curious about this. As you know, I have a friend..."

"No, no."

Before Du Chengfeng finished speaking, the coyote smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Actually, I didn't do it."

And in the picture in front of them, the corpse that was almost about to open its eyes closed again.

"This is what I want to tell you, the real difference between life and death."

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