In the Blade

Chapter 511: Breaking the Shell

At the beginning of the first millennium, the monkeys began their great expedition.

As for the direction of the expedition, it was naturally the sky. When they had explored the border of the world and even the city walls had nowhere to be repaired, the walls that were originally used to resist foreign enemies gradually became tall towers.

As for foreign enemies, they no longer had any foreign enemies at this moment. The beasts that were like mortal enemies to them in the past had all been sent to the zoo as early as the first century - after all, in the fifth century, their God Emperor issued an edict not to exterminate other species.

The words of the God Emperor must be reasonable. After all, it was because of the existence of this God Emperor that they had moved from ignorance to civilization. Even if the God Emperor was gradually aging, they could not leave the guidance of this God Emperor. It was under the guidance of this God Emperor that they safely survived natural disasters again and again and reproduced such a large ethnic group.

In short, the God Emperor lived long enough, so what he said must be reasonable.

And now, the God Emperor issued a new edict.

"Heaven! We want to explore the sky!"

When the monkey, who was as strong as the silverback gorilla, announced the words he had heard before, all the monkeys present were excited.

In fact, after a thousand years, the monkeys' originally hopeful lives had already gradually begun to have problems-especially when they gradually explored the edge of the world and realized that the world actually had limits, many monkeys had already felt despair.

It's not that these monkeys are too fragile, but as the tribes multiply and thrive, the monkeys feel more and more that resources are beginning to become insufficient. Although they have tried very hard to maintain the environment around them and try not to exhaust the pond, there is only one thing they can't solve.

That is, the problem of living space.

The number of tribes will only increase, and even the speed of laying towns has been somewhat behind, but at this time, they have already found the boundaries of the world-this means that the carrying capacity of their world is ultimately limited, and their originally united tribe will eventually have cracks due to the problem of living space.

Fortunately, an old man in the family is like a treasure.

The Emperor pointed out a new path for them.

After conquering the vast land, they could point their spearheads to the sky. The land is limited, but the sky is boundless. As long as they keep doing it, one day, their descendants will get the living space they want in the sky.

Of course, the ideal is full, and the process is still relatively tortuous, especially in this land where natural disasters are frequent. It is undoubtedly extremely difficult to build a city to the sky. So in the first hundred years after a thousand years, the monkeys failed as a matter of course. The giant city that rose from the ground eventually collapsed in a major earthquake.

In just that disaster, one tenth of the monkeys died.

But the monkeys did not give up.

"We can't let them die in vain!"

Shouting such slogans, the monkeys continued to invest in the construction of the giant city.

Perhaps it was due to the change in the environment, or perhaps it was some kind of mysterious power at work. As the monkeys worked harder and harder, the natural disasters became more and more frequent. This also led to the fact that it was not until the fifth century after a thousand years that the monkeys barely completed the overall construction of the second layer of land.

Not the second layer of the tower base, but the second layer of land.

At this time, the earth was completely covered by the monkeys' city, and the flowers, trees, and even various animals and plants had become part of this big city. That is, with this huge city as the foundation, the monkeys built another layer on top of this city.

Just adding one layer, various problems have emerged one after another. Those sudden natural disasters are even considered good. The environment of the lower layer is the key. For example, the lighting problem that no one had thought about before has become an extremely difficult issue at this moment. The monkeys spent three hundred years to solve the energy problem.

From zero to one is always the most difficult.

From one to ten, it is different.

With relatively mature experience, the subsequent construction speed was much faster. It took the monkeys only two hundred years to complete the third layer of land. After that, they simply advanced to the next layer every hundred years.

Until the second millennium, the monkeys reported the good news to their God Emperor.

"We have succeeded!"

This time, the monkey who walked to the throne was a relatively thin monkey, but his body was more symmetrical. Compared with the strong monkey like the silverback gorilla before, this monkey's body was more like a warrior who had experienced hundreds of battles.

His body was upright and full of explosive power, but not bloated, but with a few strands of toughness.

Obviously, during this long time, the monkeys had changed again without knowing it.

On the contrary, Du Chengfeng on the throne was already on the verge of death.

But even if he was on the verge of death, he was still alive. Not only was he alive, his eyes were even as clear and bright as before - the years may have left traces on his body, but they could not shake his spirit after all.

As for the reason for his longevity, he did not hide it, and the monkeys knew it.

"The Emperor of God knows how to live."

This is the monkeys' evaluation of their God Emperor. After work, they often use the deeds of the God Emperor to motivate themselves - these deeds are not slogans that make people excited. When their God Emperor was still able to move, he never worked overtime. It can even be said that their God Emperor is completely the opposite and never overworks himself.

It is precisely because of this imitation of the God Emperor that the monkeys' lives have become much easier.

The God Emperor seems to be able to do everything, and even death cannot take his life.

"That's not the case. I suspect that I will not die of old age because of another thing."

Du Chengfeng didn't pay much attention to the flattery of these monkeys.

"In addition, you are not successful yet. Just keep practicing. Don't stop here. Your future should be unlimited."

"I will obey the decree."

The strong monkey retreated respectfully.

From the second millennium to the third millennium, the monkeys' city more than doubled in size. After the monkeys fully occupied the living space, natural disasters finally had no effect at all - even the most dangerous earthquakes could not hurt the monkeys at all, because they had already abandoned the lowest level of the city and lived on a higher level.

As for the lowest level, it was transformed into a solid earthquake-resistant structure by the monkeys. Even if the earth cracked, they would not necessarily fall down.

From the third millennium to the fourth millennium, the monkeys were getting closer and closer to the sky, and this big city that went straight to the sky was filled with monkeys. Hundreds of millions of monkeys lived in this big city, but they could no longer move around on the treetops like their ancestors - unless they went to a special vegetation area, and now only these specially planned green spaces would have a lot of grass and trees.

As for Du Chengfeng, after two millennia, his body became weaker and weaker, and he even had difficulty lifting his eyelids.

But he was still alive, he was not dead yet, and even after a long period of recuperation, he was still energetic enough to say a few words to the new generation.

This also made the monkeys revere their God Emperor even more, and they believed that this was the real God.


When Du Chengfeng heard the monkeys' address to him, he just shook his head.

"Maybe there are gods in this world, but they are definitely not me."

Such remarks made the monkeys even crazier. Although their God Emperor denied his identity as a god, he did not deny the existence of gods.

And now, they already have the power to reach the sky.

"If we just keep going up like this, can we really see the gods?"

The monkeys didn't know, but they were very curious. They really wanted to know what the gods in the mouth of the God Emperor looked like - it was more like a simple desire for knowledge than worship. Compared with the God Emperor who had been guiding them, this so-called god was more like some unknown creature to them.

There are no unknown creatures in this world anymore. All animals have been collected by them as early as the first millennium. Those that can be eaten are taken for breeding, and those that cannot be eaten are kept in zoos.

So if there are any unknown creatures... it is a great thing for them.

After all, they are full of confusion at the moment.

Although they have already walked all the way to the sky and have the power to reach the sky and the earth, these monkeys are becoming more and more empty - after all, this world is too small, so small that it can't even accommodate this little city. They have already conquered everything here, and this land can't carry their dreams at all.

If it weren't for the guidance of the Emperor of God, who shifted their sights to the sky, they would have collapsed when the edge of the world was explored.

And now, they have even touched the edge of the sky.

"The sky, there is an edge?"

After discovering this fact that made them desperate, the new generation of monkeys once again sought the guidance of the Emperor of God.

"Shouldn't the sky be infinite? Why is this sky different from what you said? Why is this sky so narrow? Are we living in a huge jar?"

"You finally touched it..."

After a long time, Du Chengfeng, who had some strength, spoke.

"Amazing, you actually touched the sky... Then push me up, let me see what's wrong, let me see it myself..."

As soon as these words came out, the monkeys immediately moved.

This was not an ordinary trip, just because their God Emperor could no longer be moved casually. Not to mention his fragile body, just the huge life-support system connected to the throne was already a huge project. If they wanted their God Emperor to move once, the labor cost would be no less than building another layer of land.

But they still quickly brought their God Emperor to the position closest to the sky, no matter how much it cost.

"This is the boundary of the sky."

Pushing Du Chengfeng all the way to the top layer, a monkey pointed to the air and introduced Du Chengfeng.

"It's right here. If you raise your hand, you can even touch something like a wall... If you look up, you can still see the sky, but it's like there's an invisible wall here."

As the monkey said this, he raised his hand and patted the sky above his head.

It was obvious that he was just patting the empty space, but that hand seemed to have patted something, making a banging sound.

"Ah, I knew it, I knew it..."

Du Chengfeng, who was extremely angry, smiled weakly.

"It's true, it's true..."

The other monkeys didn't dare to speak, they didn't know what to say at this time.

In the end, it was the monkey who was responsible for the introduction just now who spoke first.

"The earth has an end, and so does the sky. The world we live in is like a jar, and now we have finally filled it."

The monkey's face looked a little depressed and confused.

"So what is this world, and who are we? Can we just be suffocated to death in this world?"

"That's not the case."

Du Chengfeng shook his head, and then raised his hand.

"Get me a knife."

The monkeys respectfully handed over the knife, which was already the best knife they could produce.

Immediately afterwards, Du Chengfeng raised his hand and thrust the sharp blade into the sky.

Although he didn't have any words, he used actions instead of answers.

Since the limit of the sky has been touched, it is just a matter of breaking the sky.

As long as this knife cuts down, there will always be a way to survive...


Du Chengfeng suddenly fell into a trance.

The feeling of aging that had accompanied him for thousands of years suddenly disappeared, replaced by a long-lost energy and strength - no, this was even a bit too strong. He even thought for a time that his body had turned into steel. cast.

But this is not what he thinks subjectively, but what he is.

Yes, the moment he split the sky, he directly turned into his own body again.

It was true that his body was the body he was most familiar with, but the surrounding environment had undergone earth-shaking changes. The rooftop observation deck that had been built with all the strength of the Monkey Empire had also turned into a small pond.

There was a haggard old man holding a fishing rod and sitting next to the pond, obviously fishing.

But when Du Chengfeng stepped forward and tested the old man's breathing, he realized that the old man had been breathless for a long time.

" going on?"

Du Chengfeng didn't understand what it meant for a while.

But fortunately, he still has a chance to understand.


After bowing his hands to apologize, Du Chengfeng simply picked up the fishing rod in the old man's hand.

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