In the Blade

Chapter 476 Killing is always the easiest thing

Killing is always the easiest thing.

Just like now, the blade rises and falls, and a human life is lost, although Du Chengfeng is not sure whether this Liuhua Mountain Lord is still a human.

However, the other party looks like a human and speaks like a human, so there is no big problem in classifying him as a human.

People will die when they are killed, and it is always like this.

But killing is never the end, and the death of a life can only be regarded as a beginning - just like now, even if the Liuhua Mountain Lord is killed with a knife, Du Chengfeng is actually not sure whether the Liuhua Mountain Lord is dead or not.

So in order to clean up the mess, he also went to Liuhua Mountain.

The specific idea is similar to the last time in Jishui Town. First find the places where Liuhua Mountain Lord may be worshipped, then kill the people, destroy the altar, and then completely crush the things that may revive Liuhua Mountain Lord.

As the saying goes, if you don't remove the roots, the grass will grow again in the spring breeze. Du Chengfeng didn't want to leave any unfinished ends. After all, if this kind of thing is not done well, it's not just him who will be unlucky.

And the people of Jishui Town, strictly speaking, they are the ones who contributed the most in this mountain king crusade. If it weren't for the people of Jishui Town who drew the heart and strength of Liuhua Mountain King at the critical moment, Du Chengfeng might not be able to kill Liuhua Mountain King.

After all, with the support of incense and vows, the power of Liuhua Mountain King is almost endless, and in the battle, Liuhua Mountain King did show extremely firm resilience.

"From this point of view, it is much stronger than Jishui River Lord."

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but think of the opponents he had met before. Facts have proved that Jishui River Lord who can be killed is still a little bit short of meaning.

And judging from this state of being invincible, the strength of Liuhua Mountain Lord is even greater than Huangtian who once fought against him.

Although Huangtian also used a method similar to the power of incense and vows, he only developed an infinite resurrection after all, but Liuhua Mountain Lord directly used the immortal body - it's not that the immortal body is definitely stronger than the infinite resurrection, but the main thing is that Liuhua Mountain Lord is likely to have mastered the technology of infinite resurrection.

In short, compared with Huangtian, in addition to resurrection, Liuhua Mountain Lord also has the skill of immortal body.

"Speaking of which, how did they live so long?"

Du Chengfeng suddenly became a little curious.

If Yuan Zhixian of Sanshan Town lived a long life, it could be considered that the warrior cultivated his body and maintained his character properly, then the Sanshan Town God who kept Yuan Zhixian like a dog had a lifespan that was a bit too long. As for the Jishui River God outside, and Liuhua Mountain Lord, these two were even more frighteningly long-lived.

"The main thing is that they didn't use any technology..."

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but think of the other enemies he had encountered.

He had also encountered other long-lived enemies, such as Wu Zhao, Taizu of Southern Chen, and the Gray-Black Fire Phoenix, but these longevity obviously came at a price. For example, Taizu of Southern Chen was a modified human, while the Gray-Black Fire Phoenix and Wu Zhao simply gave up their bodies. This level of longevity was still within Du Chengfeng's understanding.

But when it came to these mountain gods and river gods, Du Chengfeng was a little confused.

It seemed that they could live a long time without doing anything.

"I'll study this later."

Du Chengfeng himself was not very interested in longevity, after all, he was still very young, but he was quite curious about how this mechanism worked.

But this was a matter for the future. Perhaps we could understand it by polishing Liuhua Mountain. The most important thing at the moment was to clean up everything about Liuhua Mountain Lord before he was resurrected.

But when Du Chengfeng arrived at Liuhua Mountain, he found that this matter was not that simple.

"It's not easy to kill."

When he saw Du Chengfeng, Zhang Laowu showed a painful expression.

Because of the previous situation in Jishui Town, when Zhang Laowu saw the Taibai Star appear, he roughly knew what was going to happen. After all, the Taibai Star had promised him more than just rice and eggs.

In the process of distributing supplies, he also had to pay attention to who still supported Liuhua Mountain Lord.

As for how many supporters Liuhua Mountain Lord had...

"Everyone in Liuhua Mountain."

Zhang Laowu reported truthfully, he didn't think his deception could be hidden from the Taibai Star.

"They are all grateful for Liuhua Mountain Lord's kindness. After all, Liuhua Mountain Lord has saved them too many times... Although it may be a scam of Liuhua Mountain Lord in your eyes, in their eyes, Liuhua Mountain Lord is a mountain god who saves people from suffering."


Du Chengfeng began to have difficulties.

Killing people is always the simplest thing. This is just the beginning. The subsequent handling of the beginning and the end is a bigger trouble.

Just like now, he can't kill everyone in the Liuhua Mountain area, right?

Actually, it's not impossible. At least he can really do it.

However, if he did so, the people of Jishui Town would not be able to accept it. After all, the people in the Liuhua Mountain area had a harder life than them. Everyone has sympathy, not to mention that they were a group of poor people with similar circumstances.

But if he didn't do so, he could just walk away, but if the Lord of Liuhua Mountain was resurrected, the people of Jishui Town would probably be liquidated immediately.

"So... Hey! Got it!"

Du Chengfeng patted his head and thought of a good idea.

"Let me tell you something, I haven't told you all this time... In fact, I am the real Liuhua Mountain King."


Zhang Laowu was dumbfounded. What kind of story was this?

If this Taibai Star is the real Liuhua Tiger, then who was the one who was killed?

"Actually, this involves a long story."

Thinking of the eye-catching and coquettish tiger-skin cloak that Liuhuashan Jun was wearing, Du Chengfeng continued.

In Du Chengfeng's words, he is the real mountain god of Liuhua Mountain. He originally sent the boy out of the mountain just to help people in danger. Who would have thought that the boy actually had evil intentions, stole the tiger skin cloak, and occupied the mountain god's place himself. position, causing disasters in Liuhua Mountain every year.

"That's about it."

After finishing editing, Du Chengfeng let out a sigh of relief.

"That's the way it is."

"Ah this..."

Zhang Laowu was speechless for a long time.

Although this story sounds like that, but just looking at the expression and posture of Taibai Xing in front of him, it looks like it was made up for him on the spot.

But he couldn't refute it, just because he, a mortal, really didn't understand such things at the level of gods.

To put it simply, whatever the other party says is what it is.

But this kind of thing...


After taking a deep breath, Zhang Laowu raised his head.

"I have another question."


Du Chengfeng, who had just finished his compilation, was in a good mood and was happy to answer questions.

"As long as I know, we can talk about it."

"I just want to know... why me?"

Zhang Laowu clenched his fists, and also clenched the little iron man in his fists.

You must know that almost everyone in the entire Jishui Town worships Taibai Star, and everyone wants to be blessed by Taibai Star - but only he, Zhang Laowu, was selected by Taibai Star. Got the opportunity to work for Taibai Star.

Originally, Zhang Laowu regarded this as an honor at the beginning. After all, at that time, the people of Jishui Town had just been saved from the terror of the Yin soldiers by this Taibai star, so it was inevitable that they would highly respect this Taibai star.

But the more he went on, the more Zhang Laowu discovered that this Taibai Star was completely different from what everyone imagined.

Without any immortal spirit or even the dignity of a master, Taibai Xing is not so much a divine figure as a man covered in a layer of iron.

Not even necessarily a good person.

He could feel that Taibai Xing had really thought about killing all the people in Liuhua Mountain just now.

"So why did you choose me? Why do you want me to know all this?"

Zhang Laowu's eyes were filled with confusion.

"Obviously you can find someone else, such as Zhao Laoer, and he will be more convinced of you. No matter what you say, he will do it..."

"Ah this."

Du Chengfeng started scratching his head.

He didn't expect that his casual request for help would make this old man think so much.

He can't just say that he just found someone at random, right?

Anyway, he can feel the trust of the people in Jishui Town through the power of incense and vows. In other words, he knows very well that what he says will be implemented. Since things can definitely be implemented, it doesn't matter who to take the lead. It’s all the same.

But you can't say this kind of thing directly, especially after seeing this old five's expression, it would be too hurtful to tell the truth.

So Du Chengfeng simply chose a relatively tactful approach.

"The reason I chose you is because I have seen your ability to do things."

"The ability to do things?"

Zhang Laowu raised his head, his eyes full of disbelief.

Just, when it comes to doing things, he actually made a mistake. After all, he failed to fulfill the Taibai Star's request, and even turned the responsibility back on the Taibai Star - but the Taibai Star actually praised him. Having the ability to do things, how can this be...

"Yes, the ability to do things."

Du Chengfeng nodded fiercely.

"You did really well this time."

"If you think everyone in Liuhua Mountain deserves to die, that means I chose the wrong person."

These two short sentences fell into Zhang Laowu's ears, but they were as shocking as thunder in the sky.

"I...I understand."

Zhang Laowu murmured, his voice as loud as a gnat.

I don't know if he is talking to Taibai Xing in front of him, or simply to himself.

Fortunately, Zhang Lao Wu did not continue to ask questions after all, but left with a dull look on his face. Obviously, this man who considers himself an ordinary person needs some time to digest this information - but fortunately, this time is not enough. Influencing Zhang Laowu's work is also where Du Chengfeng feels more at ease with this man.

To a certain extent, this can be regarded as luck. He picked a reliable person to help him with the work.

"In this way, the belief in the Liuhua Mountain Lord should be cleared up."

Du Chengfeng nodded slowly.

This can even be said to be a better way to deal with it. After all, Liuhua Mountain is completely different from Jishui Town. There are no led sacrifices here, which makes it difficult for him to find those hidden altars—— But now he has become the Liuhua Tiger. The former tiger has become a fake, and people will spontaneously throw out those altars.

Of course, these altars alone are not enough.

The Lord of Liuhua Mountain always has a chance to regain power.

"So, it seems that the progress on Datang Mountain should be stopped."

As he said this, Du Chengfeng looked at Liuhua Mountain in front of him.

Obviously, compared with mastering the ownerless Datang Mountain, it is more important to quickly seize the obviously stronger Liuhua Mountain.

Without Liuhua Mountain, the source of incense and vows will be cut off. Even if the Lord of Liuhua Mountain can be resurrected, it will be useless.

"From this point of view, we still have to find a way to deal with this kind of enemy that can be resurrected infinitely."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but start thinking.

The most ideal situation must be that, just, kill the enemy with one knife, and also blow up all the resurrection methods prepared by the enemy, but how to implement this fighting method is really a difficult task-although Du Chengfeng himself understands that in this idealistic world where he has seen ghosts, as long as he can think of it, he can do it, but the problem is stuck here, he can't think of it.

Imagination is still too scarce.

He still has a lot to learn.

Just like this time, Liuhuashanjun is an opponent he has never seen before. His difficult immortal body even made him unable to find a way out for a while. If Liuhuashanjun had not shown his cowardice first, but chose to seize the opportunity to attack him head-on, he might not be able to defeat this real monster comparable to immortals and gods.

"You still have to correct your mentality!"

Du Chengfeng's face was stern.

After having a new body and mastering new powers, he seemed to be a little too lazy, so that when facing this unknown enemy, he even began to brag... Indeed, in this idealistic world where ghosts have been seen, such an optimistic attitude may indeed be useful.

But for the battle itself, such an attitude is still a little too frivolous.

"Du Chengfeng, Du Chengfeng, you have to learn self-discipline and can't be so lazy anymore!"

While encouraging himself like this, Du Chengfeng took out another trophy of his battle.

Yes, in addition to the two-pronged approach of eliminating the belief in the mountain king and seizing Liuhua Mountain, he also prepared a third way to deal with the mountain king.

"I hope you have enough time with him."

Saying this, Du Chengfeng set up the heavy sword and began to polish it.

The mottled marks on the blade are the memories left by the years.

And in front of Du Chengfeng's eyes, the life of this sword gradually emerged.

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