In the Blade

Chapter 456 A wise bird chooses the right tree to roost in

Since it is the best sword in the world, it naturally has many wonderful uses. It was the first time that Wang Wenshun saw a weapon of this level, and he couldn't help but feel excited.

First of all, it is the portability of short weapons. Now he is like the burly man just now. He doesn't need to carry a sword with him. He only needs to move his mind and the waist sword he usually uses will appear in his palm. If it was in the past, this kind of thing would not be a big deal, but now, with his newly learned fighting style, this method of calling the sword at will makes him more powerful.

"In other words, you can draw the sword at any time!"

Wang Wenshun's eyes lit up, and he quickly thought of many ways to use the sword from tricky angles.

"But I always feel that there are other ways to use it... Oh, I wouldn't kill so quickly if I had known."

Recalling the burly man who wanted to fight back after his hand was broken, Wang Wenshun also realized that this so-called best sword in the world might have other more unconventional ways to use it. It's a pity that he was too fast and too anxious at the time, so he didn't see how the other party used it completely.

However, Wang Wenshun did not think too much about this matter. Everyone has their own way of using a knife.

The way the burly man used it might not be suitable for him.

He had his own fighting style and ideas.

In addition to its portability, this so-called number one knife in the world also had the most basic thing about a knife, which was sharpness. Although his waist knife was still the same waist knife, the sharpness had risen by many levels.

Just like now, he just swung a knife at the big tree on the side of the road, and the half of the tree fell diagonally after a moment's pause.

"Just scratched it with the tip of the knife..."

Wang Wenshun's pupils suddenly contracted.

Using the tip of the knife, which was less than two inches long, to cut off a tree as thick as an adult's waist was a bit too outrageous. Under normal circumstances, a two-inch deep scratch on the trunk should be what this knife should show.

But now, the whole tree was cut directly.

"This kind of cutting..."

Wang Wenshun couldn't help but take a deep breath.

This kind of cutting is already a little unrealistic. He has never seen such a knife. This kind of power is just like the magic weapons in the storytelling novels or the stories of the storyteller.

It is not a vicious weapon, but a real magic weapon that cannot exist in reality.

But this is not the limit of the world's number one knife.

Wang Wenshun felt that in addition to being portable and sharp, the waist knife in his hand also brought him something that he couldn't explain.

Just like now, he clearly knew in his heart that even if he held the world's number one knife, he might not be able to defeat his mortal enemy, but he inexplicably had the courage to fight him.

"The knife is the courage of all weapons."

Holding the waist knife horizontally in his hand, Wang Wenshun suddenly realized this.

No wonder the burly man just behaved so wildly. It is probably not only the opponent's strength that supports this arrogance, but the courage brought by the war knife in his hand is probably also a very important part.

That is the blood and courage to swing the knife to cut it open no matter what difficulties and obstacles he faces, no matter what strong enemy he faces.

"But... is he really that brave?"

Thinking of this, Wang Wenshun frowned.

Perhaps the burly man behaved like he was quite brave, but in Wang Wenshun's eyes, this was more like arrogance, or conceit - of course, the other party was indeed qualified to be arrogant, after all, if they fought head-on, he really couldn't beat the burly man.

But now, the burly man has become a corpse.

This so-called bravery seems a bit stupid.

"No wonder..."

Wang Wenshun vaguely sensed something.

As the saying goes, good birds choose trees to roost in, perhaps the world's number one sword has also sensed that his user is just a fool who looks brave but is arrogant, so he transferred to his sword when the fool died.

Yes, this world's number one does not refer to the sword in the other party's hand, but the title hidden in the sword.

That title, known as the world's number one.

"Is this possible?"

This was the first time that Wang Wenshun encountered such a situation. This was different from the evil weapons he had encountered before. This made him vaguely realize that in addition to the evil spirit, there might be another power.

As for what that power was, Wang Wenshun had not figured it out yet, but he had already vaguely understood the mechanism of this sword - in short, he did get the world's number one sword, but if he lost to another sword, the so-called world's number one would also leave him with this failure.

Of course, if he just gave up the title after losing, it would actually be fine. As long as he didn't say that he was holding the so-called world's number one sword, no one would know about it.

But the problem was here. After picking up this sword, it meant that all the swordsmen he met would instinctively want to challenge him - as the saying goes, there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts. No sword is willing to admit that it is not good enough. They all want to compete for the first place.

"No wonder my desire to attack just now was so strong suddenly..."

Wang Wenshun frowned. He originally thought that the action just now was just because he wanted to test his skills with this burly man, but now it seems... there is clearly a knife involved.

Swords are the most popular weapons. Picking up a knife means that you may encounter challenges at any time, or even be trapped in a killing situation. Countless life and death battles, no matter how capable a person is, he may not be able to withstand it. This thing is not something that a person can hold at all - of course, there is no way, such as taking the knife directly to the sea, finding an uninhabited island, there is no one around, naturally there is no need to take action, and there is plenty of time to study the wonderful use of this knife.

However, Wang Wenshun did not plan to do so at the moment.

"The knife is the courage of all weapons!"

Wang Wenshun clearly realized this.

If he really chose to take the knife to the sea to avoid fighting, then this war knife would definitely abandon him. A swordsman loses the will to fight, and the only thing left is probably madness.

If you don't even have the courage to face the challenge, why bring a knife?

"If there is a way, go; if there is no way, go!"

Wang Wenshun opened his eyes suddenly.

"When two people meet on a narrow road, the brave wins! This is the true meaning of the sword!"

Courage and courage filled his whole body, and even made his blood hot - but he did not have any crazy ideas like the burly man. His mind was more meticulous and his understanding of the battle was clearer.

Just like now, he brought the sword all the way back to Sanshan Town, but he was not in a hurry to show up.

He was still waiting, still waiting for a chance to fight the enemy who killed his brother.

This wait lasted for seven days.

But there was nothing to do about this, after all, it didn't rain in these seven days.

The weather was not on his side, which made Wang Wenshun a little bit upset, but he didn't mean to rush to take action. He knew very well how to maximize his combat effectiveness.

Fortunately, on the morning of the eighth day, the misty drizzle finally fell from the sky.

The weather is getting warmer now, and it has become hot in Sanshan Town. A little rain has just added a bit of coolness. Since the rain is not too heavy, people don’t care much. A little rain not only does not affect normal travel and life, but even makes the air fresher.

It is precisely because the weather is good that Du Chengfeng simply went out to buy vegetables without even an umbrella.

Breathing in the fresh air and letting the drizzle sprinkle on his body, Du Chengfeng, who has not thought about fighting for a long time, fully enjoys this walk after the rain - and perhaps because of some water stains, the vegetables brought by the vendors today are much better in appearance, looking quite fresh and appetizing.

"This is life."

Feeling the current leisure, and recalling his past battles, Du Chengfeng just wants to say that his previous life was really not a life for a human being.

Fortunately, he now has the strength to defend this peaceful life, so he can relax a little. Just like now, after picking a few fresh vegetables in the vegetable market, he has already outlined the dishes he will make today in his mind, stir-fried seasonal vegetables, winter melon and pork ribs soup, tomato scrambled eggs, dry fried pork tenderloin, and stewed with some rice. He can eat all these things by himself.

"Then it's the part for the guests..."

While recalling the delicious food in his mind, Du Chengfeng scanned the vegetable stalls in front of him.

At this moment, he no longer thought about fighting, he could devote all his thoughts to his favorite cooking.

But at this time, the handful of green vegetables in his hand was suddenly cut in the middle.

"What's the matter?"

Du Chengfeng raised his head and looked at the vegetable vendor behind the stall.

"Why are your vegetables rotten? I just took a bit..."

"What do you mean my vegetables are rotten! These are all fresh!"

The vegetable vendor was immediately unhappy.

"But you just picked it up and cut it off. What kind of character is this! You must buy this vegetable today! You can't leave without paying!"

"Ah, this."

Du Chengfeng frowned. He didn't expect the vegetable vendor to blackmail him.

But what really made him frown was not the words of the vegetable vendor. After all, the vegetable was indeed broken in his hand, and it looked like he did it.

But he knew very well that he was not deliberately causing trouble.

Just because the green vegetables in his hand were not so much cut off as cut off.

The cut was so obvious, even comparable to the amazing knife of the top swordsman, who could cut such a smooth cut on the green vegetables, which ordinary swordsmen could not do.


"Do you think I have a knife in my hand?"

Du Chengfeng argued.

"You cut half of it in advance, and waited for me to come and take it, right? It broke when you took it, how could it be my fault? I've been buying vegetables here for a while, do you want me to ask everyone to come and judge?"


The vegetable vendor was choked and speechless for a long time, why did this evil man in front of him blame him.

However, it is probably unnecessary to ask people to come and judge, after all, the other party has been buying vegetables here in the vegetable market for a while - everyone in the vegetable market knows that the other party is the cook of the post station outside the town, and his cooking skills are amazing. When everyone is hungry on weekdays, who doesn't go and have a bite?

This also means that if everyone is really called over, everyone will most likely still side with the cook.

After all, it's just a bunch of green vegetables. Who wants to offend such a well-known person in the town?

"Forget it, just treat it as bad luck."

The vegetable vendor spitted and could only pretend that it had never happened.

But at this time, a few copper coins were slapped into his hands.

"I can buy vegetables. They are all small businesses, and it's not easy."

While stuffing the copper coins into the hands of the vegetable vendor, Du Chengfeng shook his head.

"But this is really not broken by me. You also saw this cut. Does it look like it was pinched out by hand?"

"You... too."

As the saying goes, a person who eats someone's mouth is grateful, and a person who takes someone's hand is soft. Even if the vegetable vendor still has some doubts in his heart, but looking at the copper coins in his hand and the neat cut on the broken green vegetables, he can't say directly that this is the cook deliberately looking for trouble.

"Forget it, I don't want the money. It's just a bunch of green vegetables. I'll give it to you as a gift."

"How can this be? It's not easy for you to run a small business. You must pay."

"I won't take it. Just consider it a gift. You are a regular customer."

"That won't work. Brothers should settle accounts clearly. You still have to pay..."

For a while, the two people who were about to quarrel actually pushed each other away. The money for the vegetables that they had just argued about became something that no one was willing to accept.

Occasionally, passers-by saw it and thought it was something, but after hearing the whole story, they just laughed it off - after all, this was not a fight because of a dispute, but just mutual humility. If it really spreads, it can even be regarded as a good story.

However, they are a good story, but Wang Wenshun, who is far away on the corner of the street, has frowned.

"That's not right... How is it possible?"

With the drizzle falling, Wang Wenshun frowned more and more.

"My knife... how could it be useless?"

Thinking this way, Wang Wenshun continued to swing the blade, and the sharp knife intent merged into the misty drizzle, and once again sprinkled on his brother's murderer - he saw clearly that the raindrops containing the knife intent had already fallen on the man's body, and even cut the vegetables in his hand.

But why, the man himself was not hurt at all?

"Why is the rain... so heavy?"

Du Chengfeng wiped the rain from his forehead.

"The rain is too heavy, I'm afraid it will rain heavily soon, otherwise everyone should quickly pack up the stall."

Speaking this, Du Chengfeng directly carried the vegetables and left.

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