In the Blade

Chapter 422 Judge's Pen

Friends who often kill people know that the killing itself is actually not that difficult.

The human body itself is actually quite fragile. Whether it is massive bleeding, suffocation, damage to internal organs, or brain damage, people will die on the spot - but death is never the end. After a person dies, the trouble really begins.

Just like now, after collecting the loot immediately, Du Chengfeng had to think carefully about how to solve the matter of killing the county magistrate.

This situation is different from killing the emperor in Jiankang. If you kill the emperor, you will kill him. Anyway, he does not live in Jiankang City, but now, it is obvious that he will stay in Sanshan Town for a while, and everyone bows his head and disappears. See you later, you have to find a suitable way to say it, otherwise your life will be really difficult.

"In short, our magistrate has unfortunately died."

Facing the stunned government officials, Du Chengfeng hid his face and sighed.

"What a good man, how could he be just...what? Who is that person on the ground, you ask? The person on the ground is a thief pretending to be the magistrate, who else could he be?"


Under Du Chengfeng's narration, the government officials had probably finished hearing what happened.

According to what they heard, Yuan Zhixian had been assassinated by gangsters unknowingly, and the person who had been giving them orders was the bold maniac who killed Yuan Zhixian - as for the relationship between the two Anyone with common sense can see the difference. Could a frail scholar like Yuan Zhixian do such a terrifying thing?

It must have been done by this master. After all, masters are capable people and they can do anything.

"This master is so bad! What a good person Yuan Zhixian is!"

Thinking like this, the government officials spat at the human figure that was smashed into the floor tiles.

"Of course, not all masters are bad people. For example, on your side...if you hadn't exposed this evil thief, we don't know how long we would have been kept secret."

After scolding Magistrate Yuan, the government officials began to praise Du Chengfeng.

Facing the praise from the government officials, Du Chengfeng was dumbfounded.

"No, you believe it now?"

Du Chengfeng was dumbfounded. He was ready to continue to complete a few more sentences, but who would have thought that these government officials would have completely believed his nonsense just after he started.

Can such nonsense actually work?

"There seems to be something wrong somewhere..."

Du Chengfeng can be sure that these government officials cannot be so easy to talk to - at most they will not dare to question his decision because they are afraid of his fists, but true conviction like this now... this is obviously not a pure strength. Did it.

"Is it because of this pen?"

Du Chengfeng subconsciously looked at the bald pen in his hand.

After beating Yuan Zhixian to death, he took back the two broadswords that were as good as before, leaving only the bald pen in his hand. The main reason was that this thing was indeed easy to carry - if he was really carrying If there is any change, it is probably the addition of this pen.

"This thing..."

After looking at the government officials who had already begun to dispose of the corpses, and then at the bald pen in his hand, Du Chengfeng suddenly realized that he might have gotten something special.

And the next actions of these government officials also proved that they indeed believed the statement given by Du Chengfeng, and even planned to report it according to this statement - as for Du Chengfeng, they regarded it as exposing the fake county magistrate. The good citizen, that is, the chief official of Sanshan Town is gone now. Otherwise, for this level of credit, they will definitely ask the county magistrate to give him a good reward.

"There's no need for a commendation. You guys eat first."

Du Chengfeng had no time to chat with these government officials, and now he was more curious about what the deal was.

So, after jogging all the way back to the inn, Du Chengfeng found his own whetstone.

Yes, counting the time, he hasn't sharpened his knife for a while.

Theoretically speaking, the pen cannot be sharpened, but there is a small blade on the other end of the pen. Since the edge is opened, it is equivalent to giving Du Chengfeng room to play.

The blade of the knife rested on the whetstone, and Du Chengfeng gradually felt the past of this bald pen.

Different from Du Chengfeng's original imagination, this bald pen was not made by a famous craftsman. Even at the earliest, this bald pen was not what it looked like now.

A long, long time ago, the bald pen and the knife on the other end were originally separate. The bald pen had its own pen tail, and the knife also had its own handle. The two were originally a set. As for why the pen and the knife were a set, This also starts with the carrier of writing.

In the years when knives were made, people used not the current paper, but the older and more bulky bamboo slips. However, compared to paper, bamboo slips also have their own advantages. That means if you write the wrong word on the paper, you can only change it to a new piece of paper and rewrite it. But the bamboo slips are made of bamboo strips. Even if you write the wrong word, it doesn't matter. You can scrape off the ink with a knife and you can still write. .

This is also why the knife and the pen are a set, just because one is responsible for painting and the other is responsible for correcting. They are a set of stationery.

But since it is divided into two parts, there will always be times when things are forgotten. Most of the time, people will not forget to bring a pen, but sometimes people will not be able to find the knife used to make corrections.

It was at this time that someone patted his head and came up with an idea.

"I put the knife on the back of the pen, so I can't lose it, right?"

What's more, the process of making this thing is not complicated. It's nothing more than removing the handle and inserting the blade of the small carving knife into the pen holder. You don't even need to find a special craftsman to do it. You can do it at home.

Facts have proved that this is indeed a smart idea. From that day on, this smart man never lost his knife again.

But what this smart man didn't expect was that this casual idea would save his life later.

That was when this smart man was 52 years old. He was in charge of the library and was cleaning up the old bamboo slips and re-copying the broken ones. However, just when he was writing furiously, there was a sudden chaos outside.

It was at this time that this smart man knew that the enemy soldiers had entered the capital. At this time, those soldiers were looting, and even the library was not spared.

The enemy had already rushed to his face, so this smart man would not stand under the dangerous wall. But even if he wanted to run now, it was too late. The enemy soldiers who rushed into the library had already slashed at him.

The enemy had a shining sword in his hand, but he was unarmed. Even if he had been carrying bamboo slips for many years and had a strong body, what could he use to fight against them?

"Wait, am I really unarmed?"

Thinking of this, this smart man instinctively raised the blunt brush in his hand and directly stabbed the tip of the blade into the neck of the enemy soldier in front of him.

At the same time, this smart man who had escaped from death was still surprised by the result of the battle just now, and he was not able to dodge in time, so he was also slashed in the chest by the blade of the enemy soldier, and fell to the ground on the spot due to blood loss.


Du Chengfeng was dumbfounded when he saw this scene. He originally thought that this smart man could do something big, but the result was just like this?

But think about it, even if the brush is equipped with a blade, the lethality is extremely limited, and there is no way to compare with a real sword. At present, this smart man can exchange his life with the opponent, which is already a considerable achievement.

However, the scene is not over yet.

The smart man who made this pen is indeed dead, but the pen was pulled out by the dying enemy. The enemy soldier with a lot of blood loss in his neck can no longer stand, and the blood-stained pen was thrown aside.

So, time flies, and the years are uneven.

Days passed one after another, and this library also experienced looting again and again. The books originally stored here were scattered in one turmoil after another. Even the half-copied bamboo slips have long been scattered all over the ground. With repeated trampling, the handwriting on the bamboo slips has long been blurred, and even the originally spotless room has gradually begun to grow grass.

Spring has gone and autumn has come. The former library has only a dilapidated building left, and the valuable things in it have long been emptied. Now, in addition to the foxes and mice, the only ones who come here to test their courage are the children.

It was at this time that a child found this old brush.

The half-rotten pen holder and the brush head were almost hairless. Although there was a knife at the back, the knife was already rusty. No one would take such a thing seriously, but this child was like finding a treasure.

After that, Du Chengfeng learned that this child had been poor since childhood and could not afford to go to school. Now that he had a pen, even if it was a rotten one, it was enough for him to start learning calligraphy.

Even if there was a small blade on the pen, this pen was still used as stationery.

If it were normal, this diligent and studious child might become well-educated or famous when he grew up, but unfortunately, life often changes suddenly when it is getting better and better. Just when this child had just studied for two years, he was targeted by a bully of the same age. Seeing that the child was of humble origin, the bully squeezed him everywhere and even beat him for fun.

The child was originally an honest person, but no matter how honest a person is, there will be a day when he explodes. So, when the child was beaten again, this old pen was once again nailed into the person's neck.

The bully was stabbed to death, but the child was unlucky. If he didn't fight back, he couldn't continue to study. Now that he fought back, he would have to kill and pay for his life - but perhaps people's fate is so tortuous. Just when the child was about to be beaten to death according to the law, a wave of robbers came in.

The robbers killed all the other people in the village, but they admired the child's bloodiness. Because of his ability to read and write, the child quickly rose in the robber group. In a few years, he became the second in command of the entire gang.

And this pen, as a souvenir, was carried by him all the time and became his identity certificate.


After reading all this, Du Chengfeng didn't know what to say for a while.

Perhaps, people with ability can find their place anywhere?

"So, this child is the real owner of this pen?"

Thinking this way, Du Chengfeng continued to watch.

So, in the next scene, the child who had grown up was beheaded by the soldiers who were suppressing the bandits.

"Ah, this."

Du Chengfeng was speechless for a long time.

Facts have proved that the profession of robber really has no future.

It is true that the second owner of the pen died, but many people still know about this pen. People find it interesting to put a knife on the pen. This design is really practical, especially for those whose desks are messy. A pen that can be used for writing and sharpening can save them a lot of trouble.

Of course, more importantly, this pen can also protect themselves at critical moments.

Although the blade is small, it is still an iron tool. After sharpening the blade, it is enough to pierce the human body and bleed people. If there is a problem, it is that you have to turn the pen upside down every time you use it, which is a bit troublesome. So after that, everyone designed a variety of new pens according to their needs.

Some pens adhere to fundamentalism and must put the knife at the back. Some pens are for camouflage and simply hide the knife in the pen hair. Such pens are definitely not good for writing, but they are good at assassination.

However, if it is really used to kill people, the flat-headed knife seems a little insufficient, so some people simply replaced the flat-headed knife with a sharp short blade, or even simply pressed a piece of iron spike into it. Some people also think that the iron spike is too easy to be discovered, so it is better to work on the pen. On weekdays, they say that they use the iron pen to practice arm strength. When they really encounter a fight, they pick up the pen and it becomes a short iron stick - some people even don’t even want the head of the brush, and the whole pen is made of iron, just for fighting with others.

"... Wait?"

Du Chengfeng suddenly felt that something seemed to be wrong.

All along, when he was sharpening the knife, he saw the main perspective of the weapon - but just now, the things he saw had nothing to do with the pen in his hand. Those fancy things were made by others, and the difference between them and this pen was also very different. How could he...

"Finally found you."

It was at this time that the picture finally moved to the relatively later part.

As for why it was relatively later, it was mainly because an acquaintance appeared in it.

That was the Magistrate Yuan who had just been beaten to death by him, but in the current scene, this Magistrate Yuan was younger and still alive.

But unlike the one Du Chengfeng had seen before, the Magistrate Yuan at this moment looked at the pen with a bit of fanaticism.

"The ancestor of all pens, the world's first judge's pen..."

Magistrate Yuan held the pen carefully in his hand as if he had received some sacred object.

"Baby, my baby..."

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