In the Blade

Chapter 297 Local Customs and Practice

The local customs and practices were simpler than Du Chengfeng had expected.

When Du Chengfeng led the hundred or so bandits toward the rammed earth wall, the guards on the top of the wall shot arrows at him as a matter of course. However, Du Chengfeng was a pacifist, and he also knew that he looked like he was going to break into the earth wall and wash it away. Fortunately, after he caught twelve arrows with his bare hands, the guards on the top of the wall finally decided to have a friendly chat with him.

So, he expressed his intention and explained the fact that these bandits were willing to reform themselves. He only hoped that the people in the city would give these bandits a chance to exchange work for food.

So, even though he had repeatedly stated that he was just passing by and doing a good deed, he still harvested more than a dozen bags of barley, several bags of dried meat made from unknown animals, more than a dozen leather bags of water and light wine, and a box of gold.

"Oh, what a good place."

Looking at the pile of food in front of him, Du Chengfeng felt deeply the peace and tranquility of this place.

"The people here are too generous. I just sent some robbers to labor reform. Do you have to be so polite? And send gold... huh?"

Du Chengfeng took a gold bar from the small box and shook it, and his face changed immediately.

"With this amount, they dared to cheat me with fake gold! These beasts..."

"Not really, they didn't cheat you."

Seeing that Du Chengfeng was about to go back with the things to find fault, the swordsman Wu Zhao sighed and stopped Du Chengfeng.

"This thing can indeed be called gold, but according to your understanding, it should be called bronze... Don't look at me like that. In this environment, bronze is more useful than gold."

"Can bronze be more useful than gold?"

Du Chengfeng's first reaction was that Wu Zhao was talking nonsense, but immediately, he slapped his head.

That's true. He was just thinking out of habit. He instinctively thought that gold was a valuable currency. But the problem was that just because he thought so, it didn't mean that the locals thought so. Just like Wu Zhao said, bronze was indeed more useful than gold. At least the swords and axes made of bronze could really kill people.

"Gold only looks good at best, and because it is soft, it is relatively easy to process as a decoration. But bronze can be used in many places. After it is melted again, it can be used to make tools or weapons. If there is enough material, it can even be made into a suit of armor."

Dalang Wu Zhao also began to introduce Du Chengfeng to the customs and practices of the Bronze Age.

"So, they are cheating you by giving you gold. That thing is not so easy to sell. On the contrary, this box of bronze is hard currency. In your later understanding, it can be spent as money."

"Ah, this..."

Du Chengfeng was speechless.

This is the real customs and the real difference between the two environments.

It was at this time that Du Chengfeng truly realized that he was not simply walking from one place to another, but really coming from one world to another.

Strangely enough, he didn't have this feeling when he first went to Yangjiabao. At that time, he almost integrated into the local area very quickly, just like a drop of water into the sea. It only took a while for him to find a job in Yangjiabao. It only took a few days for him to get a stable income. After that, it only took two or three months for him to settle down in the local area and live there permanently.

But now...

I can't integrate.

It's not that he didn't try to get close to those guards who looked like barbarians, but although the other party was respectful to him, there was always a trace of undisguised vigilance in his eyes-in this case, it was naturally not easy for him to stay here.

"So, if we want to go back, it may be a bit difficult."

After hearing Du Chengfeng's sigh, Dalang Wu Zhao also sighed.

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but turn his head.

"Do you have a solution?"

"It's just a stupid solution."

Dalang Wu Zhao shook his head.

As for this stupid solution, it's not complicated to say. In essence, it's nothing more than going back the way you came here - now they have a walking stick and they haven't forgotten the process. If they must say what is missing, it's the "Taoyuan Township".

"In that place imagined by everyone, the power of the ghost in the heart can be enhanced. The reason why we can't go back is because we lack this necessary environment."

Swordsman Wu Zhao roughly explained the current situation.

"So if we want to go back, we just need to replicate this environment and recreate a place imagined by everyone, and we can go back."


Du Chengfeng fell into silence.

Speaking of it, it doesn't seem difficult. After all, what Tao Wuliu, an ordinary person, can do, how can these powerful warriors not do it?

It really can't be done.

The place imagined by everyone, how many people does this "everyone" refer to? Ten thousand? Twenty thousand? Thirty thousand or fifty thousand? One hundred thousand or one million? Without an accurate number, God knows what the workload will be - of course, if it were just a matter of numbers, it would still be within an acceptable range, but the most important thing now is that the people here reject them.

They think the people here are foreigners, and the people here also think they have foreign faces. These locals are wary of them and may not believe what they say. How can they let them tell a fantasy by telling stories like Tao Wuliu did?

Although Du Chengfeng and Wu Zhao are both culturally disadvantaged and not very good at telling stories, they are familiar with the Yin people's sacrificial rituals. Even if they tell bad stories, they can make people believe that it is true - but the premise of all this is that people are willing to listen to them.

Those locals don't even want to listen, what can they do?

"There is still a way, it depends on whether you are willing to do it."

Saying this, the three Wu Zhaos looked at Du Chengfeng together.

The subtle eyes made Du Chengfeng feel hairy all over.

"What are you going to do? Are you going to make something weird?"

"Not that, not that."

The three Wu Zhaos looked up and down at Du Chengfeng, who was tall and even too tall, and even began to nod.

"I don't care, but you really want to go back, right?"

"Of course, I have meat stewing on the stove."

Du Chengfeng nodded.

"So what are you going to do? Let me make it clear first, I don't do anything weird."

"Not really, this may be a good thing for you."

Dalang Wu Zhao thought about it and still spoke.

"Are you interested in experiencing the feeling of being a god?"

The first update is here, and the second update is still before 12 o'clock.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I will continue to write, please wait.

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