In the Blade

Chapter 104: Killing officials and rebelling

The marks left on the old sword are the shadows left by the strong in time.

Gently stroking the heavy sword in his hand, Du Chengfeng seemed to experience Ruan Shantao's youth again.

There is no doubt that like He Xiqing, Ruan Shantao is also a gifted strong man, and unlike He Xiqing, Ruan Shantao is more intelligent and more perseverant - in order to prove his sword, he defeated all the students in the capital of Jiankang, and in order to practice his benevolence, he went from being a commoner to being a minister. As long as he wants to do it, there is nothing he can't do. This is the will of the strong and the courage of the strong.

But only once, Ruan Shantao chose to compromise.

If the young Ruan Shantao saw that he would become like this in the future, he might also laugh, laughing at the future self who would choose to retire from the court and return home because of a message that was not even an oral order... Indeed, perhaps what is needed in the court is the art of compromise.

But for the strong, this is the most unnecessary thing.

The strong do not need to compromise with anyone.

"... What are you going to do?"

Seeing that Du Chengfeng had already drawn his sword, Qi Jinshan suddenly felt an inexplicable chill on his back.

"Calm down, I mean, I will send someone to send your people away now, to the south..."

"It doesn't matter, I'm not that familiar with them."

Du Chengfeng smiled and shook his head.

But his footsteps were getting closer and closer.

And the sweat on Qi Jinshan's forehead was getting more and more.

Qi Jinshan, who had practiced swordsmanship before, could see that he could see the posture of holding the sword, which was the most suitable grip for exerting force, and this was clearly an attacking posture!

"Du Chengfeng! What are you going to do!"

Feeling the impending danger, Qi Jinshan also subconsciously drew out the gorgeous sword at his waist.

"What are you going to do!"

"Shh, don't make noise."


With just one swing of the sword, Qi Jinshan's gorgeous sword made by a master craftsman broke into two pieces on the spot!

"How dare you! How dare you..."


Before Qi Jinshan could shout anything, another heavy chop hit his shoulder.

With just one sword, Qi Jinshan's bones and tendons were broken on the spot, and his right arm, which was originally holding the sword, could no longer be lifted.

"I've said it, don't argue."

Qi Jinshan was knocked down by two swords, but Du Chengfeng, who was holding the heavy sword, frowned.

Inspiration is often fleeting. Just now, he was still vaguely aware of something, but Qi Jinshan shouted twice, which directly disconnected his originally smooth thoughts.

This feeling is annoying, really annoying, uncomfortable, and irritable.

"So you calm down for a while, I'm thinking about the problem."

Du Chengfeng showed a relatively kind smile. He felt that friendly communication could make people understand his meaning better.

"Do you understand?"

" dare to hit me! You dare to swing your sword at this governor!"

It was obvious that Qi Jinshan did not understand the good intention. Seeing Du Chengfeng approaching again, he turned around and ran away with his right arm seriously injured.

He was still shouting while running.

"With the enemy in front of him, you dare to swing your sword at your comrades! You are probably a spy sent by the grassland people! No wonder you keep talking about withdrawing turns out that you have long wanted to surrender to the grassland people! You bastard, are you worthy of being a Chen person! You are worthy!"

"First of all, I am not a grassland person."

Du Chengfeng felt that he had nothing to say about this question. After all, if you really count it, he has killed more grassland people than Qi Jinshan has eaten.

"Secondly, I am not a Chen person either."

Shaking his head, the somewhat irritable Du Chengfeng simply raised his hand and waved.

The heavy square sword flew out and broke Qi Jinshan's legs on the spot.

The broken inspiration continued.

Yes, unlike the previous two swords, this sword was something Ruan Shantao had never done before.


Qi Jinshan, whose legs were broken, fell to the ground, wailing in pain.

But what frightened him more was Du Chengfeng's figure getting closer and closer.

"What are you doing! What on earth are you going to do!"

Seeing Du Chengfeng pick up the Fangzheng sword again, Qi Jinshan screamed heartbreakingly.

"You and I are both officials appointed by the court! How can you! How can you..."

"Oh, that's right."

Du Chengfeng, who bent down to pick up the sword, nodded.

Then he took off the seal on his waist and threw it to Liu Bolun on the side.

"Okay, not now."

As he said this, Du Chengfeng raised his sword and swung it.

Qi Jinshan's body, which was lying on the ground, was split in half by this edgeless sword.

"Huh... It's finally quiet."

After exhaling a breath of turbid air, Du Chengfeng felt relaxed all over.

The fleeting inspiration was caught.

"This is probably something that you, old man, can never do."

Holding the Fangzheng Sword, Du Chengfeng seemed to feel that Ruan Shantao was by his side at the moment.

However, it was not the old Ruan Shantao.

It was the young, indomitable, and talented talent.

Although he had never learned even a word from the old man Ruan, at least at this moment, he really felt the influence of the old man on him.

This is probably what is called teaching by example.

This is a legacy that is hard to describe in words.

"You actually... killed him?"

Liu Bolun, who was standing by, was holding the seal in his hand, and his whole body was trembling.

"You actually, used the old man's sword to kill him like this?"


Du Chengfeng nodded.

"What the master can't do, the student must do, otherwise it's not in vain?"

"The old man won't teach you to kill officials and rebel..."

Everything that happened in front of him was too horrifying, and Liu Bolun's brain had already stopped - even a person like him who didn't follow the rules had never thought of using the method of killing Qi Jinshan to solve the current problem.

But Liu Bolun had to admit that this method was very effective.

Really effective.

"So, since you know that I killed officials and rebelled, why don't you run away as an official appointed by the court?"

As he said this, Du Chengfeng raised his hand and pointed at the seal in Liu Bolun's hand.

"You just heard what Qi Jinshan said. Go and take down the chief clerk. Then you will be the biggest in Yanzhou City... Hurry up. Now the three armies are fighting. You still have some time to lead people to withdraw and clear the place for me."

"Ah? Oh!"

Liu Bolun came to his senses and ran away.

But immediately, Liu Bolun seemed to remember something and looked back at Du Chengfeng.

"What about you? Aren't you leaving?"

"Me? There's no rush."

As he said this, Du Chengfeng moved the wine jar left by Liu Bolun, turned it upside down under the huge "Ren" character as a stool, and sat down directly.

"I still have one last class to go."

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