The broken streets, cracks and cracks appear like spider webs, printed on the floor tiles of the surrounding streets, and it seems that the entire street may collapse at any time.

In front of the broken gate.

The atmosphere is silent!


Nearly two hundred pitch-black muzzles were aimed at the white-clothed boy who walked out of the gate.

The spirit of killing is born.

Less than two hundred navies, dressed in neat uniforms and armed with long guns and ammunition, stood in front of the gate, their eyes full of restraint and apprehension, staring at the young man in white.

If the other party makes a slight move, they will immediately pull the trigger.

The bullets will inevitably pour down like a downpour, and at the same time vent on the body of the boy in white.

“No, not Lieutenant Colonel Smogg!”

“It wasn’t Lieutenant Colonel Smogg who came out of the door!”

“How’s Lieutenant Colonel Smogg? Why this teenager? He is not a member of our Navy. What happened to the navy that just now with Lieutenant Colonel Smogg, who all stepped into it? ”

Countless questions, trapped in the minds of these navies.

They stared at Liu Chuan tightly, their expressions full of puzzlement and apprehension.

Of course they can’t think of it.

The first one to come out of it was not Smogg, who they thought in their eyes to be extremely powerful Natural Devil Fruit ability!


Why not Smogg?

It’s not scientific!

With Smogg’s strength, it stands to reason that solving these things is simply not too easy.

The first to come out of the gate was not Smogg.

This incident dealt a very heavy blow to the many navies present.

They have thought of a lot of conjectures, and at the same time the dark feeling is not good!

“Not Lieutenant Colonel Smogg’s words.”

“Does that mean…”


Many navy throats rolled, and they couldn’t help swallowing their saliva, and their eyes became frightened and shocked.

Eyes turned.

They once again fixed their gaze on Yanagawa, who was standing in front of the gate, their expressions were full of shock and trepidation, and they forcibly endured the fear in their hearts, and they clutched the spears in their hands.

As if this is the way to give them a certain comfort in their hearts.

“Lieutenant Colonel Smogg, has it been solved?”

“Otherwise, how to explain why it was not Lieutenant Colonel Smogg who was the first to come out?!”

“Me, my God!”

“This must be fake!”

“Lieutenant Colonel Smogg, that’s a Devil Fruit ability of the Nature Department!”

“How could he be solved by others so easily. In the East China Sea, it stands to reason that there are no monsters of this level. ”

A group of navies had countless thoughts and thoughts floating through their minds.

They gripped the spears in their hands, still using the pitch-black muzzle of the spears to aim at Liu Chuan, not daring to relax and be careless, and their spirits were in a state of extreme tension.

This state can be inferred.

But any abnormal movement in Yanagawa would cause all of them to pull the trigger in panic.

“The battle that broke out inside just now…”

“In the end, will it be Lieutenant Colonel Smogg who loses?”

“And this teenager, such a young boy, he is the winner of the battle?!”

“This, is this possible?”

“It’s completely unreasonable!”

All the heads of the Navy were smashed by what was in front of them.

Who is Smogg?

That’s a natural ability!

In their eyes.

Those who are naturally capable can really do everything.

In battle, those with natural abilities should be invincible.

But who can explain it to them.

Where did the Smoggs run?

In this dilapidated building, what caused the movement that erupted just now?

The most important thing is…

Who can tell.

It was this teenager who walked out of the gate?!

It seems that the harmless teenager is the first to walk out of the gate!

Why is that?

A lot of confusion shrouded this group of navies, so that they couldn’t think of an accurate answer if they wanted to break their heads.

But they have a lot of speculation.

One of them.

Although it is strange, it is also the most realistic.

That is…

“This teenager, seemingly harmless boy, he defeated Lieutenant Colonel Smogg!”

“Only in this way can he explain why he was the first to step out of the gate.”


“That terrifying battle movement just now was caused by this young man in white?!”

“Oh my God!”

“Has the world changed? Or is it that the times have changed so that I can’t keep up? Such a young boy actually has such terrifying strength? Even, it is possible to defeat the strength of Lieutenant Colonel Smogg! ”

“Lieutenant Colonel Smogg is a natural ability, how could he be defeated so easily? This is obviously impossible! ”

The navy wailed in its heart.

Their hands carrying spears couldn’t help but start trembling.

It’s just that.

They tried to control it.

Suppress the fear in their hearts as hard as possible!

Although the situation is unknown.

But they can be at least one thing for sure.

The boy in front of him is not a friendly army, but an enemy!


Although this teenager seems harmless to humans and animals, he is also young. But they have a hunch that the boy in front of them is very terrifying!

Horror beyond their imagination!

Even Lieutenant Colonel Smogg is very likely to lose at the hands of this young man.

It is not difficult to deduce from here.

The strength of this young man is only beyond the imagination of everyone present.

Those who are naturally capable can’t stop it!

What can they resist ?!

“All be careful!”

“This teenager, although he looks no different from ordinary people. But in fact, he is most likely the monster who defeated Lieutenant Colonel Smogg! ”

“At the same time, I always feel that maybe this teenager is the culprit that caused the streets around these four to be so broken!”

“This building has obviously suffered a very horrific battle, eroded by the aftermath to form such a dilapidated appearance. I seriously doubt that this teenager is a participant in that terrible battle! ”


“Even, this teenager is the winner of the terrorist battle!”

With the explanation of the Navy.

The mood of everyone present became more and more panicked and shocked.

This, is it possible?

It’s obviously just a teenager!

But did so many earth-shattering feats?!

Even Lieutenant Colonel Smog was defeated ?!

The reason why the streets around here are so broken is because of the aftermath of the terrifying battle that broke out between the teenager and some people in front of him?!

All this is too scary!

So much so, that they are unbelievable.

“This, this won’t be, right?”

“He really looks like an ordinary teenager. Could these such horrific feats really have been done by him? ”

“My God, if he really did it, how terrifying must his strength be?”

“Can a teenager at such a young age easily defeat Lieutenant Colonel Smogg and beat a certain area into such a broken appearance?”

“His strength is only far beyond our imagination, and everyone must remember that we must not relax and be careless!”

All the navies tensed their spirits, lifted the spears in their hands, and concentrated on them.

But, a deep question, at the same time swept through the brains of all of them.

Here’s the problem.

If it’s really as they guessed.


A monster who can easily defeat Smogg, but can turn an area into a ruined environment like the end of the world.

Is this kind of monster really something they can resist?


The strength of this monster is far above all of them!

Even if they take it seriously, will they be able to defeat each other?

This is a big joke!

One thought of this.

The confidence of a group of navies collapsed and vanished.

Their faces turned pale and bloodless, their lips trembled, and even their legs were soft, seemingly shaky, and they could collapse on the ground at any moment.

“If the speculation is true, then wouldn’t it be no different from sending us to death when we stood in front of this monster and tried to block the way of this monster?”

This is a thought common to all navies.

Even Smogg, who they thought in their minds was extremely strong, could not stop it!

Do you want them to take their heads to stop this monster?!

Is there a difference between this and sending to death?

The navy carrying the spears had trembling hands, the hands holding the spears loose, their hands and feet soft, and their eyes were full of fear at the young man who looked at the gate.

This is the moment.

In their eyes.

This boy in white is like a monster!

Be the biggest source of fear in their hearts!


It is impossible to block a monster of this level.

This is the thought that remains in the minds of many navies at present.

The atmosphere is oppressive!


Approaching two hundred pitch-black muzzles, aimed at Yanagawa.

“It’s really uncomfortable to be pointed at with a gun!”

Yanagawa’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he glanced at the many navies around him.

Detect the look in his eyes.

These navies subconsciously lowered the spears in their hands a little, lowered their heads very apprehensively and fearfully, and did not dare to look at Liu Chuan at all.


Deep fear penetrated deep into their hearts.

Just being stared at by Yanagawa’s eyes made them feel timid and apprehensive.

“It’s better to solve you all together, so as not to get into trouble.”

Yanagawa just had this idea in his heart.

Next second.


A faint breath spread from his body in all directions.


The diffused breath becomes like a surging tide, rolling and rippling!


The area within a radius of two hundred meters was completely shrouded in this terrifying momentum. Every corner is affected.

Within two hundred meters of the ruined street, everything was violently oppressed by this terrifying momentum.

Together with the nearly two hundred navies standing in front of the gate of the ruined building, they will not be an exception.


They are the closest to feel the coercion of this fierce weather.

This terrifying momentum.

This is……

Overlord color domineering!

Followed by.

Nearly two hundred navies rolled their eyes, foaming at the mouth, and the hands holding the spears were soft, and the spears fell to the ground and smashed on the ground at will, making a crisp sound.

The spears fell to the ground and scattered in all directions.

“This, this is…”

“What a terrifying power!”

The Navy had just had this terrifying and horrifying thought.

And then.

He just fell.

At the same time.

Thump! Thump!

One by one, the navy rolled his eyes, instantly lost consciousness and fell to the side, and the whole person was paralyzed on the ground, completely fainted.

An instant.

Look at it.


A large swast of the navy all fell.

Like the group of more than 2,000 CP members before it, no navy was an exception.

They all lay down and were paralyzed, briefly losing consciousness.

Broken floor tiles.

One by one, the navy, lying unconscious.


Nearly two hundred navies surrounded this building, and the whole army was destroyed!

And Liu Chuan, without even spending too much effort, let alone wasting too much time, easily solved these troubles.

“This is the second time today that the overlord color has been cast. It has begun to gradually cause a certain degree of burden and impact on my body. ”

“It seems that with my current mastery of the overlord color domineering, it is not enough for me to release too many overlord colors in a short period of time.”

“The proficiency of the overlord color needs to be improved!”

“My physique must also be better tempered.”

With this thought, Yanagawa took a step forward, jumped over these members of the navy and CP organization lying on the ground, and left the broken street step by step.

Drifting away.


Yanagawa’s figure completely disappeared in this area.

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