Tomoya Aki felt that he had met his soulmate. He walked into the coffee shop, still thinking about his experience during the day, when a girl's hat fell in front of him. Just as he was about to pick up the hat and return it to the girl, the scene in front of him was unforgettable for him. What kind of girl was that?

With natural facial features and a very serene temperament, there was a calm face.

The girl's appearance that struck his heart made him unconsciously look like a pig brother, but it seemed that he had messed up. His ugly appearance made the girl look at him with disgust.

Tomoya Aki became more excited when he saw the girl's expression. After all, he was best at PUAing others, and this girl must be easy to catch.

Thinking of this, Tomoya Aki handed the hat back to the girl, and then shamelessly inquired about the girl's information. Because he picked up the hat for the girl, the girl could not reject him because of disgust, so he successfully learned that the girl was in the same school and the same class as him.

It was just that he had never noticed such a beautiful girl before.���Akiren didn't figure this out either, but that didn't matter. What mattered was that he wanted this girl named Kato Megumi to be the heroine of his life. He said that he was only interested in two-dimensional beautiful girls. Wasn't this just a setting he made up for himself in order to PUA Eriri and his senior?

How could a normal man not like beautiful girls in real life?

But it seemed that Akiren's idea was about to fail before it was realized. In a place where he couldn't see, Kato Megumi repeatedly wiped the places that Akiren had touched with disinfectant tissues.

"What a disgusting guy! He even harmed Su Yun in class.........Damn it!..."

Of course, Tomoya Aki didn't know this. He thought hard for a long time and finally came up with a good way to win over the girl: he would make a beautiful girl game with the girl as the protagonist.

This way, the girl would be moved to tears and agree to date him.

However, he couldn't make any of the games, but he had his senior and Eriri, right?

Tomoya Aki did what he said and planned to do PUA with his senior and Eriri........After a conversation, he reserved a table at the coffee shop in Anding District

(rest assured, readers, even if the senior and Eriri don't accept him, they won't like Midoriya. The famous anime heroines that appear in this book are at most those who like the protagonist but can't love him. I'm afraid that readers will run away, so the author humbly explains)..........

""Mr. Ethics, why are you so slow? Didn't you invite us? Could it be that those beautiful girl figurines in your house have completely drained you out?"

In the coffee shop, Kasumigaoka Utaha, who had been waiting here for a long time, expressed her dissatisfaction when she saw Tomoya Aki who was late. And Eriri, who was watching from the side, didn't say anything, but she stared straight at her childhood sweetheart who suddenly came to her in high school.

"Haha, sorry, Senior Eriri, I was delayed for a while because of something on the way............"

Akitomo didn't dare to tell Eriri and his senior that he had been thinking about Kato Megumi the whole afternoon, so he accidentally missed the time.

"Forget it, sit down and tell me what you called me and this flat-chested blond girl to do. If it's something boring, I'll torture you, Ethics-kun."

Eriri looked at this fat woman who dared to call her like that and controlled her mind to argue with her. She was now more curious about the important matter mentioned by Aki Tomoya.

Aki Tomoya saw that the senior and Eriri had no intention of arguing with him, so he sat down quickly and planned to tell them about his big plan.

Eriri and the senior who saw that Aki Tomoya did not make any other moves were a little disappointed. This man doesn't even know the slightest etiquette.........

""By the way, Eun-ji-kun, don’t you need to do something? Eriri and I have been waiting for most of the day." Kasumigaoka Utaha, who was going to give Aki Tomoya a hint, even touched the table with her elbow.

But Aki Tomoya still didn’t react at all, and just looked at Kasumigaoka Utaha in confusion.

Seeing this, Eriri couldn’t sit still anymore, so she quickly got up and said,"Waiter, take the order."

Seeing this, Aki Tomoya finally reacted. He reflected on himself in his heart. It was all his fault that he was too eager to use the senior and Eriri. What should he do if they got angry because of this? Hearing the shouts, Kaneki

Ken hurried to the two guests he had been paying attention to for a long time. He was still wondering why they didn’t order yet. It turned out that they were waiting for someone. Kaneki Ken has been a ghoul for quite some time, but he is very glad to have met the store manager and that he has a good friend who cares about him.

Therefore, he can live a relatively stable life today. In such a life, he has also developed the skills of making coffee and serving as a waiter.

"Customers, what would you like to order?"

Eri, who was angry about Tomoya Aki, looked at the variety of coffee in front of her and was a little undecided.

""Mr. Waiter, do you have any recommendations?"

Seeing the customer throw the choice to him, Kaneki Ken was overjoyed. He knew that the coffee-making skills he had practiced hard would be very effective.

""Guest, I recommend this newly launched snow-topped coffee. It will definitely not disappoint you."

Seeing the waiter's confident look, Ying Lili had no reason to hesitate.

"OK, two cups of snow-topped coffee please."

Jinmu saw the customer ordered the coffee he was responsible for making, and a sense of accomplishment emerged from his heart, but soon he felt something was wrong.

"Are you sure it's two cups, sir? I see you have three........."

"Let this man do whatever he wants." Kaneki Ken was interrupted by Eriri before he could finish his words. He could only look at Aki Tomoya awkwardly.

"I don't need it, you go quickly, we have something important to talk about." Kaneki Ken didn't say anything about this, just focused on making his own coffee. After

Kaneki Ken left, the atmosphere between the three was very cold. Amaki Tomoya saw that Eriri and the senior were slow to speak, and couldn't wait to explain his plan to them.


But just as he uttered a few words, Eriri pointed at her already cracked lips.

Seeing this, Akitomo wanted to slap himself a few times and became anxious again............

As an experienced craftsman, Kaneki Ken's hands are still very fast. Soon after Eriri placed the order, he stepped up to complete the production, just because he saw that the two customers had not drunk water because of waiting for a long time.

And he will impress the two with the perfect coffee he made.

""The guests have been waiting for a long time. Here are two cups of iced coffee. Drink them quickly before the ice cream melts." Kaneki Ken served the coffee to the two female guests, then left the battlefield to them and quietly left.

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