"If an SSS-level player like you can come, why can't I?"

Fangcun Ate pouted and explained unhappily.

"Who told the Yukinoshita family to expand their market from the real estate industry to the publishing industry, and I happened to be signed by their publishing house?"

"It seems that the great writer was also very poor at first.....The big publishing houses all look down on you, so you can only sign with this emerging publishing house of Yukinoshita's family."

Fangcun Atte heard Su Yun's words. This guy always hits her sore spot and attacks her, but she only dared to get angry for a moment..........

"Are you Su Yun? I didn't expect to see you here. It's our first time meeting. Please advise me. I'm Sawamura Spencer Eriri."

It must be said that if the golden-haired loser gets serious, she still has the temperament of a young lady. However, Su Yun, who knows what she is like, is not very interested in her current state.

"Nice to meet you, Sawamura-san."

After completing the etiquette of greeting Su Yun and getting a response from Su Yun, Sawamura Eriri quickly asked Su Yun to take a walk in the yard and left.

Finally out of the sight of Su Yun, Yoshimura At and Yukino, Eriri went soft like a slime.

This dress is really uncomfortable, not as comfortable as her sportswear. I really don't know what these high-end people were thinking in the first place. While Eriri was complaining in her heart, an elegant figure walked up to her side.

"Isn't this our teacher Eri Kashiwagi? I haven't seen her like this for a while....."

Hearing this voice, Eriri turned around and saw Yang No's smiling face from the bottom of her heart. She was a little shocked, but she quickly reacted and looked around.

After confirming that no one had heard the name, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"I told you, Yang No, don't call me by that name. I came here to support you today, so don't tease me about the book."

Yang No walked forward and squatted next to Eriri.

"I understand, my lady, thank you for your help this time......"

Ying Lili waved her hand, revealing a small canine tooth.

"Who told you that you are my most loyal fan? Of course I have to help you with this kind of thing.....And your mother is indeed a little outrageous."

Seeing that her mother was described as outrageous by Eriri, Yang No did not get angry, but nodded in agreement.

"Okay, Eriri, you are not the main force today. Although I am very grateful for your help, it is not right for a diplomat's child to support me......."


Before Eriri could finish her words, Yang No gave her a confident smile.

"I'm very grateful that you can come. As for what happens later, just leave it to Su Yun and Takatsuki Izumi."

"The dinner is about to start, let's go quickly."

After saying that, before Eriri could react, Yang No took her hand and walked towards the main hall of the Yukinoshita family's villa..............

Unlike the long table that the Yukinoshita family usually uses when entertaining guests, this time Yukinoshita's mother used a round table that did not reflect the status of the host and the guest. This was because none of the guests present were people that the Yukinoshita family could offend........

After everyone sat down, Xue's mother was about to speak, but Yang Nai spoke before her.

"Welcome everyone to the Yukinoshita family for dinner. On behalf of the Yukinoshita family, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone."

Just when Yuki's mother and the little transparent Yukinoshita father were still in a daze, Su Yun and Yoshimura Ate started to applaud in coordination.

And Eriri seemed to be doing it on purpose, deliberately slowing down for a beat, and joined in after Yoshimura Ate and Su Yun had been clapping for a while.

Yuki's mother, an old-fashioned person, finally understood what was going on. Her eldest daughter was trying to usurp power! The eldest daughter of the diplomat's family just now was slow to applaud, so she just came as a friend? It seems that Yang No is still rational......So are those two the real main forces?

Needless to say, the girl is a famous writer with a great reputation throughout Japan and has a great influence. As for the boy.....

Thinking of the reminder given to her by her old classmate Mitsui Suneo, Xue's mother knew that this might be a more difficult existence than the great writer........

"Seeing that you have so many good friends, mom is very pleased. Everyone, don't just stand there, let's get started. The chef of the Yukinoshita family will definitely not let you down."

Okay........As expected of a mother, she is still so difficult to deal with. However, Yang Nai is not in a hurry. She will slowly"kill" the remaining blood of Xue Mu when eating. As the oldest elder at the table spoke, Su Yun, Fangcun Aite and others no longer hesitated and started eating.

However, Yang Nai did not follow the etiquette as usual when eating today, but chatted while eating.

"Mr. Takatsuki Izumi, I heard that your new book is going to be released soon. Have you decided what the content is?...."

Fangcun Ate shook her head, indicating that she was still thinking freely.

Yang Nai narrowed her eyes and then asked Su Yun again

"Su Yunjun, I heard that you and Ms. Kaguya have been very close at Sobu High School recently......You two are....."

"Just a childhood playmate....."

While Yang Nai was satisfied with the answer, she felt a little disappointed for some reason......But she quickly adjusted herself and filled the glass that had been prepared long ago with red wine. Yang Nai handed the glass over, and then said to Xue's mother in a light tone:

"Mother, I offer you a toast!"

Mother Xue took the cup from Yang Nai bitterly. She inexplicably remembered the story of giving up military power over a cup of wine........

Yang No first started with Takatsuki Izumi, vaguely revealing the undetermined content of her new book. In other words, the content of this new book can be related to the Yukinoshita family and can enhance the influence of the Yukinoshita family.........This gave Xue's mother a sweet date.

After that, Yang No brought up the relationship between Su Yun and Shigong Huiye to demonstrate to Xue's mother, which had the effect of both soft and hard tactics.

It seems that her eldest daughter has really grown up......With so many great friends,

Xue's mother died with relief.....Oh no, it was a smile of relief. She drank the red wine handed to her by Yang No, and her father nodded proudly to Yang No, and then looked at Su Yun warily.

Yang No felt a little dreamy when she saw this scene. She succeeded so easily? Will she be the head of the Yukinoshita family in the future?

Yang No excitedly hugged her sister who didn't understand what happened next.

"You are free from now on, Yukino, go and pursue your dreams with confidence,"

Yangno whispered in Yukino's ear.

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