"Let's go."

Seeing that Su Yun agreed directly without any refusal, the words that Shizuka Hiratsuka had been thinking about for the whole afternoon suddenly lost their meaning.

She intended to introduce Yukinoshita Yukino to Su Yun. If the two of them became good friends, it would not only help Yukino who was alone, but she, who facilitated this friendship, would also be able to make friends with Su Yun. Wouldn't this kill two birds with one stone? Shizuka Hiratsuka was really a genius.

As for the possibility that the two of them could not become good friends? Shizuka Hiratsuka thought it did not exist at all. Both of them were good kids and had been bullied. If they could not be friends anymore, she, Shizuka Hiratsuka, would make amends with her body. However, in order to ensure the smooth implementation of this plan, Shizuka Hiratsuka sent Su Yun's photo to Yang No, the senior sister control who stood her up.

She was afraid that Yang No, who had a sister control, would anger Su Yun and ruin her plan. But now everything was OK, and Su Yun agreed very happily.

"Let's go, I'll lead the way."

Shizuka Hiratsuka in front of her confidently led Su Yun to the service department. She was confident that she would win...........

Back in the morning, Yang No, who was attending classes at Chiba University, suddenly saw a picture sent to her by her high school teacher.

She could never forget the man's face in the picture, his invincible posture..........

But now, Xiao Jing, oh no, it was Hiratsuka Shizuka who wanted to bring this killer into the service club. Yang No, who didn't have hypoglycemia, suddenly felt her eyes go dark. She might be separated from her sister by Yin and Yang.

"There is still a chance!"Yono thought of the club activities of Sobu High School, which are usually held in the afternoon, and her sister is still alive, but her situation is like that of a grasshopper in autumn.

So Yono spent the whole afternoon writing this strange talk about rules, hoping to attract the attention of her sister. After all, it is a strange talk about rules, and no one will ignore it. At least it is more reliable than her sister's words. The anxious Yono never thought that it would be enough to just stop Hiratsuka Shizuka's behavior........

It was afternoon, and after sending the text message, Yang No still felt uneasy. There was no other way, Yukino, get out of here, I will come to the account myself. Yukino, who was far away in the service club, answered the phone with the note"Perfect Woman"

"Sister, what are you doing? What is that weird thing you just sent?"

"Xueno, there is no time to explain. We will keep talking on the phone later. When a man enters your club classroom, you must do what I say in the text message, otherwise I will let my mother take you home.

The fear of Su Yun even made Yang Nai threaten her sister with Xue's mother. Sure enough, the effect was outstanding and hit the vital point. Xueno's thin body trembled.

"I know, sister....."Yukino replied to Haruno in a tone as if she had received an order from her superior.

Not long after the two sisters talked, the door of the service department


""Yukino, I'm here. Look who I brought with me, teacher?" Shizuka Hiratsuka said, and stepped aside. A handsome man with outstanding temperament appeared in front of Yukino.

Yukino now showed a natural smile, and then said generously: Welcome, classmate, is there anything I can do for you?

Yang No heard the noise and sent a command on the text message, but Yukino didn't seem to be a robot that could execute the command perfectly.

After seeing Yang No's text message, Yukino raised the corners of her mouth stiffly.

Seeing Yukinoshita Yukino like this, not to mention Shizuka Hiratsuka, even Su Yun was scared.

This creepy smile made Su Yun even think that Yukino was possessed by Sukuna.

"Oh, Yukino, are you okay?" Shizuka Hiratsuka was the first to break the peaceful atmosphere.

"It's okay, it's okay, hello classmate." After replying to Hiratsuka Shizuka, Xue No asked Su Yun stiffly.

"Um, hello"

Oh, GOD, Yang No felt finished at Chiba University. She actually ignored Yukino's awkward personality. If she laughed, she might be able to do it, but smiling........

But, there is still a chance, Yang Noi continued to give instructions,

Xue Noi, now treat this boy well and ask him to sit down. Then use the skills you learned at home to make the guests cups of tea (crossed out), and politely ask the boy what he likes to drink, and prescribe the right medicine for the symptoms.

Knowing that she did not complete her sister's first instruction well, Xue Noi felt a little guilty, but there was no time to mourn for the first instruction. The next instruction was a new one.

At this time, Su Yun finally discovered the text message in the phone that Yukinoshita Yukino was glancing at. Even he was a little speechless. Yang Noi was really scared that day.

""Yukinoshita-san, please don't be polite to me. Please turn off the call on your phone."

Su Yun's voice was not only heard by Yukino, but also heard clearly by Yangno who was far away in Chiba University.

It's over..........Yang Noi hung up the phone, knowing that she still couldn't save everything.

The dignified lady, at this moment, turned into a pile of unknown creatures like Pochi-chan.

Without Yang Noi's guidance, Yukino finally swept away the embarrassment and became herself again.

"I'm sorry, Su Yun, I lost my composure just now. Welcome to the Service Club." Xue Noi ignored the question of why she was on the phone and greeted the first guest of the Service Club as if they were meeting for the first time.

"Who were you talking to just now, Yukinoshita-san? This is very rude."

However, Su Yun did not want to miss the opportunity to tease the iceberg, so he asked Yukino a fatal question.

Looking at Su Yun who wanted to embarrass her, Yukino would have activated her passive skill, Poison Tongue, under normal circumstances.

But when she was about to do so, her sister Yang No's abnormal attitude towards Su Yun and the strange ghost story sent by Yang No appeared in her mind.

Thinking about Su Yun's performance in school today, Yukino, who was about to speak, quickly stopped her tongue that was about to come out of the cage and changed the words,"Sorry, Su Yun-san, I was rude just now.


Su Yun was a little surprised to hear Yukino's words. This is not like you, Hirano, you made me feel embarrassed by doing this.

""It’s okay, Yukinoshita-san, can you tell me what your club does?"

Yukinoshita Yukino breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Su Yun didn’t pursue her sister’s tricks. But why would Su Yun be interested in her club? Wasn’t he forced to come by Hiratsuka Shizuka? Otherwise, who would know that she was such a"poor girl"?

Yukino actually had a great liking for Su Yun, who was bullied like herself but dared to fight back. When she looked at him, it was as if she saw herself in elementary school. It’s just that Su Yun, who fought hard in high school, was more valuable than her.

Maybe someone who was so close to her could recognize her ideas? And after recognizing her ideas, the two of them could maybe become friends? Even friends of the opposite sex. Yukinoshita Yukino wanted to be a"perfect woman" like Haruno. She would never allow herself to have any shortcomings in social aspects, but not everyone could catch her eye.

So now, she is about to launch an attack..........

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