Su Mu received two system prompts in succession.

Blood Demon Wolf again?

It seems that the corpses of Warcraft that Su Mu has acquired these times are all the same lord.

Su Mu took out the corpse of the blood demon wolf in the mall.

The 500 corpses of the Blood Demon Wolf were piled up in the territory, like a hill.

Su Mu noticed that many blood demon wolf corpses were covered in blood, and the furs had not had time to be collected.

This lord should have just collected enough blood demon wolves.

Su Mu checked the friend application.

"Nine Tails?!"

Su Mu exclaimed.

Nine Tails is a half-orc fox saint, a seventh-level lord, with a cautious and vigilant personality.

It was also her first proposal to unite with Blue Star humans to fight other races and protect Thor Star.

It's a pity that the half-orcs are treacherous, and finally betrayed Blue Star and defected to the Three-Eyed Terrans, and Thor Star was destroyed, which also indirectly led to Blue Star becoming the next lord battlefield.

However, Su Mu was not hostile to this Nine Tails.

The Nine Tails did their best to maintain the relationship between the orcs and the Blue Star people from beginning to end.

At that time, the Nine Tails discovered that the clansmen betrayed the Blue Star people, and they reminded the Blue Star people for the first time.

It's a pity it's late.

The Blue Star were defeated by the half-orcs and the three-eyed Terrans.

The half-orcs even sacrificed the Nine Tails to the Celestial God Clan.

The Nine Tails had a dead heart, unwilling to be defiled by the Celestial God Clan, and chose to commit suicide, but these beasts did not even spare the corpse of the Nine Tails...

Su Mu felt unworthy for the Nine Tails.

Su Mu agreed to the friend application of the Nine Tails.

Nine Tails: I am selling you the Blood Demon Wolf Corpse to lead the Lord Nine Tails, I have an elite Tier 1 Warcraft corpse here, do you buy it?

The Nine Tails was a seventh-level lord and was able to kill elite Tier 1 alien beasts, and Su Mu was not surprised.

Su Mu: Acquisition. Elite Tier 1-3 Warcraft Corpse, 1 0.5 Energy Point; 4-6 order 0.7 energy points; 7-9 order 1 energy point 1 body.

This is the price set by Su Mu according to the attribute point of the Warcraft Corpse Grade Increase.

Ninetails: May I ask you what you did to acquire the corpse of the Warcraft?

Su Mu: No.

Su Mu didn't want to entangle with this woman. And infinite reinforcement is his secret, it is impossible to tell others.

The Nine Tails was just curious and asked casually, and Su Mu didn't care if she refused.

Nine Tails: You should be a Blue Star human, I share some news with you, can you prioritize the acquisition of the Warcraft corpse in my hands?

Share a message?

Su Mu looked at the message sent by the Nine Tails, he was reborn, what important news did he not know?

However, Su Mu did not refuse, he needed a large number of Warcraft corpses.

Su Mu: Yes, but the price of Warcraft corpses will definitely be reduced in the later stage.

Ninetails: I understand this, as long as you buy my Warcraft corpse at the market price.

Nine Tails sent a trade application.

Flame Demon!

Su Mu was surprised, Yan Demon was an elite Tier 1 Demon Beast, strong in strength and proficient in flame magic.

The Yan Demon appeared in the depths of the cave or near the volcano, moving in groups, even the elite 3rd order monsters did not dare to provoke.

Unexpectedly, this nine-tailed was already able to hunt the Yan Demon, enough to have a hundred Yan Demon corpses.

The class of the Nine Tails should be the Flame Demon Nemesis, otherwise with the strength of the Nine-Tails Level 7 Lord, it is not a group of Flame Demon opponents.

When Su Mu entered the lord's battlefield in the previous life, the territory of the Nine Tails had already been captured, and Su Mu did not know what kind of troops the Nine Tails was.

Su Mu spent 50 energy points to purchase 100 Yan Demon Corpses.

Su Mu only had 63 energy points left, and the energy points were still too few, and they were simply not enough.

The Nine-Tails sent a message again.

Nine Tails: Half a month later, Thor Star will usher in the extremely cold era, so you should prepare early.

Extremely cold times?

Su Mu was confused, he had never heard of the Extreme Cold Era in his last life.

Su Mu couldn't help but suspect the Nine Tails.

Su Mu: How do you know?

The Nine Tails did not hide Su Mu.

Ninetails: This is the top secret of the half-orcs, I don't know how to explain it to you. Eva, the power of the origin of the world in the mouths of other lords, she is a self-aware being. Lord Yangxian has awakened Eva, and half a month later, Eva will descend on extremely cold weather and cover the entire planet Thor.

Su Mu looked at the message sent by the Nine Tails and half-believed it.

Origin Power has self-awareness?

Su Mu spread out his right palm, and there was a faint Blue Star Origin Power Fragment Imprint.

If what the Nine Tails said was true, then his rebirth must be related to the origin power of Blue Star.

It is the origin power of Blue Star that helped him to be reborn on the eve of the arrival of the lord's battlefield.

I am afraid that the purpose of Blue Star's Origin Power is also to let Su Mu prevent this disaster from happening.

It's a pity that no one in Blue Star can communicate with the power of the Origin.

It seems that after being reborn, the development of events does not completely follow the trajectory of the previous life.

However, in this life, Su Mu entered the battlefield of ten thousand races for the first time, and he also had infinite strengthening talent.

Su Mu was confident that he could avoid the disaster of Blue Star's previous life.

Su Mu: Thank you for informing me that there are Warcraft corpses that can trade with me at any time.

Su Mu closed his private chat, turned to the corpses of monsters piled up in the courtyard, and continued to strengthen the skeleton soldiers.

The more than five hundred blood demon wolf corpses were all used up, and the strength of the seven skeleton soldiers was all raised to ordinary 6th rank.

At the beginning, he obtained ordinary 6th tier troops, and now in the lord battlefield, except for the original lord of Thor Star, no one can threaten Su Mu at all.

There are still 100 Yan Demon corpses left.

Yan Demon is an elite Tier 1 Warcraft, and the attributes increased by strengthening are definitely higher than those of the Blood Demon Wolf.

Su Mu thought about it, did not strengthen the remaining three first-order skeleton soldiers, and continued to strengthen the bone size.

[Ding, Skeleton Soldier Bone Physique

increased by 0.1 points; Spirit increased by 0.4 points;] Bone Absorption Flame Demon Corpse directly increased by 0.5 attribute points.

However, Yan Demon belongs to magical beasts, and the highest improvement is spirit.

And the bone is the weakest skeleton soldier, and there is no element mastery, and the improvement of spiritual attributes will not enhance combat power.

"Forget it, continue to strengthen, so many Yan Demon corpses cost 50 energy points in exchange, it's a pity to throw them away."

Fortunately, the Yan Demon Corpse has been strengthened, and the improved physique attributes are still good.

[The sum of the great attributes of the skeleton and skeleton soldiers is greater than 24 points, and the strength breaks through the ordinary 7th order and obtains 0.1 free attribute points]


[Ding, Skeleton Soldier Bone Great Physical Fitness increased by 0.1 points; Spirit increased by 0.3 points

] [Ding, Skeleton Soldier Bone Fire Element Mastery +1%] [Ding, Skeleton

Soldier Bone Great Comprehension Magic Skill, Fireball Technique]


The system prompt sounded one after another, the bone rank reached ordinary 7th level, and then absorbed into the tenth Yan Demon corpse, gaining 1% of the fire element mastery and comprehension of the fireball technique!

As long as you have elemental mastery, you can control magic and become a powerful magician.

1% fire mastery increases fire magic damage by 1%, reduces fire magic casting time by 1%, and increases fire magic resistance by 1%.

A skeleton soldier who can perform magic!

All the lords knew that the skeleton soldiers of the undead race had low spiritual attributes and were not proficient in elements, and the bone master suddenly cast magic, which would definitely catch the enemy by surprise.

The bone was upgraded to ordinary 7th rank, and the strengthening attribute of the Yan Demon corpse was weakened by one point again, but the increase of 0.4 attribute points was still terrifying.

Continue to strengthen.

[The sum of the great attributes of the skeleton and skeleton soldiers reaches 28 points, and the strength breaks through the ordinary 8th order and obtains 0.1 free attribute points]


[Ding, Skeleton Soldier Bone Spirit Boost by 0.3 points] [Ding,

Skeleton Soldier Bone Fire Element Mastery +1%]


The bone absorbs 20 Flame Demon corpses, and the fire element mastery has increased by 1% again.

Element mastery promotion is more difficult than attribute point boost.

As far as Su Mu knew, only some special heavenly materials and earth treasures could improve the mastery of the fire element.

And now, 10 Flame Demon Corpses can increase the skeleton soldier's fire element mastery by 1%, which is simply against the sky!

Su Mu was excited, he wanted to see how far these 100 Yan Demon corpses could raise the bone power.

Crazy Boost!

[The sum of the great attributes of the skeleton and skeleton soldiers reaches 32 points, and the strength breaks through the ordinary 9th order and obtains 0.1 free attribute

points] [The spirit of the skeleton soldier bones is increased by 0.2 points

] [The skeleton soldier bone fire element is proficient in +1%]


The bone size broke through the ordinary 9th order, and the attribute growth weakened again.

However, the fire element mastery is still steadily improving.


[Ding, skeleton soldier bone spirit increased by 0.2

points] [The sum of the big attributes of the skeleton soldier bone reached 40 points, and the attribute could not be improved] The system prompt sounded, the sum of the bone large attributes reached 40 points, and

the ordinary 9th order peak.

Reaching the peak of ordinary 9th order, you can only continue to improve if you evolve to the elite level.

Class Evolution Qualities require the use of Evolution Stones, but they are not 100% successful.

If the class absorbs too many impurities, the evolution success rate will decrease.

But Su Mu is not worried, the skeleton soldiers under him are all enhanced by absorbing the purest power, without the slightest impurity, and the success rate of evolution is 100%.

There is still a shortage of evolution stones.

In the early stage, an evolution stone has 500 energy points, and it has no market.

Fortunately, the ordinary 9th-order peak class is enough to fight against the vast majority of lords in the early stage.

Su Mu looked to the side, there were still 33 Yan Demon corpses left, although the attributes could not be increased, but the fire element mastery could.

Or continue to strengthen the bone large.

[Ding, Skeleton Bone Fire Element Mastery +1%]


[Ding, Skeleton Soldier Bone Great Comprehension Magic Skill, Wall of Fire]

Soon, Bone Da's absorption of 100 Flame Demon corpses, the attributes no longer increased, but the fire element mastery steadily improved.

And once again comprehended a magical skill.

Wall of fire?

This is an intermediate fire magic skill.

At this time, the bones were tall and burly, and the bones were as white as jade and flawless.

And the biggest change is the large eye sockets, shining with fiery red light, as if they were given life.

Su Mu looked at the bone big attribute.

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