
Kaido and Sean have been fighting for ten days and ten nights, and the ice on the sea has melted and broken again and again.

Aokiji provided services to the two like a maintenance worker, which made Aokiji look resentful.

Although both of them can fly, their fighting scenes are too violent, not as beautiful as the natural system. For monsters with strong physique, the battle is simple and unpretentious, and can only be determined by water grinding skills.

You hit him with a hammer, and he chopped you with a knife, breaking the ice layer hundreds of meters thick. What is even more incredible to the pirates is that Sean's healing ability is even stronger than Kaido's.

Kaido heals himself, and Sean can heal anyone.

This further dispelled the idea of these pirates' surprise attack.

As the battle between the two was widely reported by the news bird, it also attracted more and more pirates.

The navy even dispatched more navy to confront the pirates.

To be honest, if the world government hadn't been watching too closely, they would not be allowed to cause any results that disrupted the balance.

Zhan Guo led everyone to fight together. Anyway, with Sean's treatment, they would not die no matter how hard they fought.

But unfortunately, the World Government also sent CP0 people to watch, leaving Zhan Guo helpless.

As a naval admiral, he naturally knew better than anyone how deep the water of the World Government was.

Their navy alone was just one of the institutions of the World Government.

He would not be naive to think that the World Government relied on"public opinion" to rule this sea.

In the eyes of those in power, as long as it did not affect their rule and face, nothing mattered.

So both sides condensed what should have developed into a full-scale war that would shake the whole world into a war between the Navy Supernova and the Overlord of the New Era. They waited for the result tacitly. If the Navy won, it would greatly curb the arrogance of the pirates.

If the pirates won, the sea would also set off a more crazy riot, and the pirates, who were already increasing in number, would probably grow explosively.

Except for those who were not strong enough, the pirates and the Navy who were strong enough watched the fight between the two throughout the whole process.

Time came to the eleventh day.

After Red Hair and Ben Beckman talked for a while, Red Hair came to Whitebeard's ship in full view of everyone.

During this time, except for a burst of noise on Whitebeard's ship, no one knew what the two of them talked about.

Then Red Hair and Whitebeard jumped up, jumped off the ship, walked slowly on the ice, and walked towards the navy camp.

(The author also wants to know what they said, after all, Red Hair is the pirate who has met the Five Elders alone...)

The navy side is even more like facing a great enemy. Whitebeard, who doesn't know him? He is the undisputed overlord of the sea.

Then, Sengoku and Garp also walked over there. With Sengoku's brain, he roughly knew what was going on.

Garp looked at Shanks with a complicated expression, the man who brought Luffy to the road of pirates.

He couldn't help but think in his heart, how great it would be if he had gone there to break his legs back then

But now is not the time to think about these things.

Sengoku looked at Whitebeard,"So... what do you pirates want to do?"

"Kulalalala~" Whitebeard said meaningfully:"No one can stop the change of times. We are old, aren’t we? This red-haired kid has grown up to this extent." The red-haired boy on the side also added:"There is no need to gamble on the uncertain present, the future will be more exciting, isn’t it?" The red-haired boy paused and continued:"The consequence of continuing, no matter who wins or loses, it will be a failure for us."

Zhan Guo understood what they meant, which was to stop the fight.

Even if Sean killed Kaido here, it would not have any impact on the higher-ups, although it would curb the arrogance of the pirates.

But no one can change the rampage of the sea.

What's more, Sean may not win. Once he loses, the dignity of the navy will be lost, and the World Government will probably be happy to see a navy that is not under their control disappear.

Zhan Guo also felt that he could not afford the gamble and was unwilling to sacrifice Sean in vain. What's more, with his personality, when he can't hold on any longer, he will 100% dodge and hide somewhere...

Just thinking about it makes his scalp numb, so after pondering for a moment,

Zhan Guo nodded in agreement,"Okay... but if the pirates on the periphery don't retreat, then I can't do anything about it.""

"No problem, leave it to us."

Red Hair ignored Garp's angry eyes and nodded to them.

Then he stepped on the ground and rushed to the center of the battle between the two men. The elderly group followed quickly.

Red Hair came to Kaido and blocked Kaido's mace with a knife. White Beard directly cut a bottomless gully on the ground in the center.

In an instant, there was an uproar in both camps.

Sengoku and Garp also came to Sean and each grabbed one of Sean's arms.

Sean frowned:"What are you doing? That earthworm is too arrogant. I'm going to be a dragon slayer today!" Sengoku glanced at the back meaningfully:"Okay, if you keep fighting, those who have insomnia because of you will be very happy."

Hearing this, Sean perked up. Yes, fighting with Kaido confused his mind.

It would be uncomfortable if he was attacked by surprise, not to mention that he had been fighting for eleven days. Even if he was not injured, his mind was already in a daze.

Having said that, Sean still stared at the opposite side with a domineering momentum.

On Kaido's side, when Whitebeard and Red Hair attacked, Charlotte Linlin also rushed up.

He asked angrily:"What do you want to do! They haven't even decided who will win!"

Whitebeard ignored anyone, looked up to the sky and laughed:"Kulalalala~ Sons, let's go back, the show here is so boring~"

""Yes, Dad."

Immediately, the white-haired man walked towards the Moby Dick.

The red-haired man also walked towards his own pirate ship. When he passed by Kaido, he only left a sentence:

"Our era is coming, don't do things that are incompatible with the times."

Although Kaido is reckless, he is definitely not a fool. Judging from their attitude and the attitude of the navy, something is probably going to happen.

The pirates around looked at each other in confusion as they watched the two monsters leave one after another.

But they all understood one thing, that is, they would not fight, and the result of this battle would be a draw.

Although they didn't fight anymore, Kaido looked at Sean deeply and asked,"Little dwarf, tell me your name!"

Sean was so angry that he wanted to rush up and fight Kaido to the death, but he still held back.

He rolled his eyes and thought of a name that could disgust Kaido, to match the admiral and admiral candidate, that is, color plus animal.

So he blurted out:"Tu (Tu) Dragon!" ps: Tu means white. I have found a lot of similar colors, such as snow, ice, etc., which overlaps with Aokiji.

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