
The next morning, Sean got up early and brought breakfast back from the cafeteria.

Then he woke up the sisters because they said they must see Sean off, otherwise they would ignore him.

Well, actually Sean didn't know why girls were so obsessed with rituals, no matter how big or small.

He could come back anytime and anywhere, and he would pick them up every week to go back to Shimokatsuki Village. He was just spoiling his junior high school sister.

Since Sean was going to report on his work, and it was the G5 branch of the gangster group, the new recruits he brought with him could not go with him.

It happened that the headquarters transferred Gumier to the G2 branch of the New World, and Sean was happy to take a ride on the boat.

Not long after, Sean, with a knife on his waist and no luggage, took the two sisters to the port.

As soon as he arrived at the port, Sean saw Lieutenant General Gumier, who was also Zefa's student.

Sean felt that this fat man with two swords was also very strong, and was definitely not as weak as Maynard, who was actually ruined by the brainless fan Barto.

In fact, Sean is sometimes speechless, because the gap between the vice admirals in the headquarters is too big.

As strong as Garp is, he is as weak as a punch.

The giant vice admiral Longz had his weapon mask and skull shattered by a punch from Walter White.

There are also some vice admirals who are not strong but quite domineering, such as Vice Admiral Bastille. In the anime, the more confident they are at the beginning, the more embarrassed they are beaten by Sabo.

Sean has also seen this masked man, who is only a colonel now and belongs to the Red Dog faction. He also looks arrogant when he sees him.

He almost rushed up to beat him up. He is obviously at the level of being saved by one punch. I don’t know where the confidence comes from. After a lot of thoughts, he still stepped forward and greeted Gumir enthusiastically.

After all, everyone is from the slacking faction, and their direct superiors are Kizaru.

"Lieutenant General Gumier, I'm sorry to bother you this time."

The fat man smiled honestly and said,"It's not a problem at all. We are all subordinates of General Kizaru. If my G2 branch has any problems in the future, I will also ask you for help."

"Of course, we subordinates must unite to better enforce justice in the new world!"

Gumil's eyes flashed with wisdom,"Then if my subordinates are seriously injured in the future, I will have to trouble you."

Sean understood in his heart, it seems that his healing effect has spread internally.

Regardless of whether the goodwill released by Gumil is true or false, but since they are all navy, Sean will definitely not watch them die, so he agreed.

Sean turned around and looked at the two sisters. Guina's big, kazilan eyes were already misty, and she looked reluctant.

Dasiqi's situation was better, she just pursed her lips, with a stubborn face and no one knew what she was thinking.

Sean touched the two little heads:"Okay, let's go back, it's not like we can't meet. Next time I come back, I will catch some sea kings from the new world for you to eat."

""Woo wow..." Kuina finally couldn't hold back her emotions, and threw herself into Sean's arms and cried loudly, just like when Sean decided to go to sea.

Dasiqi on the side was also a little eager to make a move, looking at Kuina with envy.

Sean noticed Dasiqi's emotions, and also hugged her in his arms, gently patting their backs to comfort them:

"In the process of growing up, the pain of separation is insignificant. Every separation will make the person who misses it look forward to the next meeting. So, in this mood, work hard to make yourself better, okay? When you are strong enough, we can work together to enforce the justice in our hearts and realize our ideals."Guina, who was crying loudly, and Dashiqi, who was sobbing softly, nodded when they heard it, and replied softly:"I know."

Sean let the two wipe their tears on their clothes.

Not long after, the two who had calmed down were blushing,"Sean, you must come back"

"I promise you"



In this way, with the sisters reluctant to let him go, Sean finally boarded the warship to the New World.

Until he boarded the ship, Sean kept thinking about what he had forgotten.

Thinking it was not an important matter, he did not care.

On the other hand, Kizaru, who had just finished a meeting with the Five Elders in Marijoa, also sneezed.

"How scary! Is there some powerful person who is thinking about me?"

The fat man in a red bellyband who was following behind Kizaru asked curiously,"What's wrong, old man?"

"It should be fine." Huang Yuan thought for a while and continued:"I always feel like I have forgotten something, but I can't remember it."

"Is it important? You can tell me,"Zhan Taowan patted his chest,"I am the most tight-lipped man in the world." Kizaru supported his chin, pouted his mouth, raised his eyebrows and said,"Well~ It shouldn't be important, otherwise I wouldn't forget it."

Zhan Taowan didn't hear any secrets, and he was also disappointed.

Kizaru patted Zhan Taowan's shoulder:"Xiao Tao is the most reliable~ Otherwise, I wouldn't let you be Dr. Vegapunk's bodyguard. He is much more reliable than Sean. He came to the headquarters for so long before he was willing to go to the New World. In the future, he will shock the New World on my behalf, and

Akainu will also return to the headquarters. At that time, I can only have meetings in Marijoa every day. It's really a headache, hehe."

After saying that, Kizaru showed a wretched expression, which made Zhan Taowan confused. Is it so happy to stay in one place every day?

However, Zhan Taowan still grasped the key point of reliability, and said proudly:"Of course, because I am the most tight-lipped man."

Just like that, Kizaru didn't remember what he had forgotten.

On his way to the new world, Sean would leave a mark on the islands he passed by when he was familiar with the plot.

Anyway, this mark is invisible and colorless, and only Sean can see it, and he found a bug, not just the buildings.

As long as he puts in a little more effort, he can directly apply the mark to the entire island.

Yes, then he can appear anywhere on the island at will.

It's just a pity that teleportation is convenient, but it can't be used like flash.

Otherwise, in the island war, with his strong physique and extreme attack power, he would definitely be invincible.

Half a month later, Sean finally came to the new world. During this period, he went back twice and sent the sisters back to Shimotsuki Village twice. Koshiro also felt that he might have underestimated Kuina. He had made obvious progress after only one month away, and he was also sincerely grateful to Sean.

The weather after entering the new world is even more unpredictable. It's not that thunder is falling all of a sudden, or hail as big as a head, and there is no scientific reason. It comes when it comes...

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