In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 85: Just Retrieving My Things

The sacred road paved with golden holy light is like a miracle from heaven, as if all the filth in the world is not qualified to tarnish Mo Yi's feet. This sacred and majestic road covers everything in Marineford. From the moment Mo Yi appeared in this Marine holy land, no ordinary Marine on the entire island could stay awake. Countless Marines foamed at the mouth. They lay on the ground with white eyes and their bodies twitched involuntarily. Each of these Marines carefully cultivated by Naval Headquarters is given great hope. Any one of them can be an admiral if thrown into the four seas. However, such a group of powerful Marines do not even have the qualifications to stand in front of Mo Yi. In the ancient times, the king's travel required clearing the field and the people to retreat. This was not only a respect for the king, but also a protection for themselves, because just bearing the majesty of the king's travel was enough to kill most people. Marineford second floor. Smoker fell to the ground helplessly, watching his comrades who had fought side by side with him fall in a pool of blood, his eyes dyed red layer by layer.

But the weakness that kept coming out of his body reminded him that he could do nothing now, because he was too weak, so weak that he was not even qualified to fight in front of those two guys.

Like two devil-like guys, they stood on the hilltop of countless corpses, not caring about the blood that was constantly eroding the ground around them.

"Hiccup, the adults are here, hiccup!!" Dajiu hiccuped, slapped his stomach twice, looked in the direction where Mo Yi appeared, and the casual expression on his face gradually became serious.

Katrina, who was sitting on the mountain of corpses, also sorted out her clothes and jumped down directly from the mountain.

The powerful force made the whole ground tremble, and the terrifying force like a landslide caused a ripple in the surrounding space.

Smoker tried his best to stand up, but the gentle Marine Vice Admiral Huoshaoshan pressed heavily on him, and the blood stained his clothes red, and the white Marine clothes became dirty.

"Damn it! If I could be stronger!" Smoker1 could feel that although Huoshaoshan was seriously injured, his life was not in danger. If he acted rashly now, he might implicate this unconscious partner.

"Greetings, sir!!!"

"Greetings, sir!!!"

Suddenly, Smoker heard the two arrogant demons make a respectful voice at the same time, and their bodies half-knelt on the ground in no particular order, like humble servants, and their heads hit the ground deeply.

Mo Yi was shrouded in golden light, looking at the pile of corpses in front of him with displeasure, and a bit of anger appeared in his eyebrows, but he didn't say anything.

After all, the order he gave was that those who were disobedient could be killed.

Although Dajiu and Katrina's methods were a bit horrifying, they still completed his mission.

"It's OK."

Mo Yi said these words coldly, and then without any pause, the golden holy light responded around him, and he walked slowly towards the highest authority representing the World government.



Smoker heard the footsteps of Mo Yi. Marine, who was once so proud of him, now doesn't even have the qualifications to stand up in front of this man.

His fists were clenched into a ball, and white smoke gradually emerged from his body, and his strength was constantly accumulating.


A burst of extremely cold air instantly froze Smoker's power, and the smoke dissipated.

The cold feeling made Smoker feel very familiar.

" Kuzan Admiral!" Smoker looked at the tall man in front of him and shouted excitedly.

"Oh~ Smoker, you are really in a mess, leave it to me next!~"

Kuzan turned his back to Smoker, and endless cold air continued to condense on his body. Crystal clear frost continued to appear on the ground under his feet. The surrounding space began to slightly frost, and Riqi seemed to have arrived in the Cambrian era.

The whirring sea breeze, with the biting cold, continued to blow, making the whole Marineford solemn out of thin air.

"Puff!! Is this guy trying to stop the adults? You are not worthy, little kid!!"

Katrina stood up and blocked Mo Yi's back. Her whole body continued to emit a moonlight-like light, and her strong breath met Kuzan without any avoidance.

Mo Yi felt the breath of Kuzan behind him, and he did not even have a trace of emotion to care about him.

His footsteps were still moving towards the world headquarters without haste.

But with every step he took, his momentum became more and more powerful.

"Sakazuki's life card is on fire, kill him."

Kuzan looked past Katrina who was standing in front of him, and looked at the man who had woken him up from nightmares again and again.

Ever since Mo Yi destroyed the Gate of Justice, Kuzan had no idea how many times he had been awakened by that terrifying figure in his nightmares.

The breath that was like the sky hanging overhead made Kuzan tremble from the bottom of his heart countless times.

He was right behind that man, but he didn't even have the courage to take action.

Until they met again today, Kuzan realized that this man's strength had become even stronger.

If the previous Mo Yi was the endless sky that covered everything in his eyes, then the current Mo Yi was the boundless darkness hidden in the abyss of terror, the ultimate terror that could completely swallow up the sky.


Unlike Sakazuki, Kuzan had experienced the power of Mo Yi early on, but he still appeared on this road now, and seeing that the life card of his old comrade who didn't get along well with him had been burned out, Kuzan understood that he might be in danger today.

However, even so, so what, he is a Marine Admiral, and the word justice behind him does not allow him to retreat at all.

Even though he knew that this justice was only a flash in the pan, he was still willing to defend his persistence with his life.

"The price of attacking me is something you can't afford."

Although Mo Yi did not directly answer Kuzan's words, the meaning of his words was already clear.

Although he did not look at Kuzan.

But Kuzan could feel that he was completely locked by a terrible aura at the moment. If he made any move now, he would face his unimaginable terrorist attack.

His body was wrapped in layers of frost, but he still felt insecure in his heart...0

In front of him, the crescent hunter Katrina looked at him with a smile, and the moonlight on her body had disappeared.

Because Katrina knew that once Mo Yi spoke, she only needed to wait for the king's order obediently.

The king hated people who were smart the most.

The evil king who was punished by the king to dig sand in Alabasta was the best proof.

"I know, I also know that I am not your opponent, but I still want to ask you, what do you think is justice!"

Kuzan asked a question that was almost exactly the same as his old opponent.

These two people, who were completely different in character and behavior, made the same decision at a certain moment.

They all wanted to get Mo Yi, the king of mankind eight hundred years ago, about his attitude towards justice.

The sea breeze was still howling on Marineford.

Scattered clouds drifted in the blue sky in twos and threes.

The sun was high in the sky, but there was still no heat. It seemed that because of Kuzan's ability, Marineford was like welcoming winter.

Listening to the question he had already answered.

Mo Yi paused for a moment without moving forward.


He did not answer Kuzan's question, but continued to move forward without caring.

In the golden color, he was like an emperor who was about to rule the world, invincible.



Kuzan frowned, pursed his lips slightly, and suddenly exerted force on his feet and stood up instantly, but Catalina was faster. Almost at the moment when Kuzan stood up, her huge body had appeared in front of him.

Her hands were in the shape of claws, and the moonlight seemed to form a half-moon-shaped slash in her hands, slashing down fiercely at Kuzan's neck.

"Moon Arc!!"

"Ice Cone Bird!!"

Kuzan reacted very quickly, his hands floated back, and countless frost condensed into birds and rushed straight to Kat's slashing bar.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After a violent explosion, the two figures kept intertwining in the air, and the speed was so fast that only two afterimages could be seen clearly.

"Damn Marine! Let me go! Then get out of the way and be grateful to me!"

"Otherwise! I'll take your life!!"

Kat waved his claws with a grin, and each time it had enough power to tear the hill apart. Aokiji's face remained unchanged, and the expression on his face was even more like frost.


Kuzan quickly stepped back, and swung his hands from bottom to top. The terrifying cold air in the air continued to condense into two huge icebergs, which appeared above Kat's head and fell down.

"Tsk! Little tricks!!" Kat faced the two icebergs with rainbow-like momentum, without a trace of panic, and waved his left hand directly upward.


A huge claw mark suddenly appeared in the air, instantly splitting the iceberg into three bandits.

"What is his purpose!!" Kuzan knew that he could not get rid of the monster in front of him that had been famous in the sea for many years, not to mention that there was a big wine next to him who had been drinking and didn't care about the world, but that was also a legendary monster.

"Hehehehe! The king just came to your Naval Headquarters to take back his things. Isn't this an honor for you?"

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