Chapter 109 is inspiring! Controlled nuclear fusion engine construction completed!!

After receiving the refusal of the Dragon Kingdom,

It completely showed a domineering posture.

First of all

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United States issued a message to the whole world.

The news claimed that the United States was about to unite with many countries to carry out military activities in the Pacific Ocean

Clear-eyed people can see that this is a large-scale exercise against the Dragon Kingdom

When the message is released.

The Pacific Fleet of the United States immediately began to move,

They sent 1 volt-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, 8 Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carriers to assist, plus dozens of nuclear submarines, destroyers and other ships.

Together, they formed a powerful aircraft carrier combat formation.

Of course, the aircraft carrier is also equipped with the most advanced fighter jets of the United States, which can take off at any time for escort.

For the first time, the United States sailed to the Pacific Ocean in a state of combat.


The naval fleets of Allied countries such as the Camel Nation and the Honko Kingdom also formed their own battle formations.

Heading for the Pacific Ocean.


Multi-nation naval battle formations meet in the Pacific.

Then under the rearrangement of the commanders of the United States.

The multinational combined fleet has formed a combat posture with the United States as the center and other countries as the escort.

Completely in the Pacific Ocean, it formed a powerful naval fortress.


The United States posted the posture of the combined fleet on the global website, which immediately caused an uproar around the world.

“O my God! Let’s take a look at what military power is: what happened to the 4 aircraft carriers of the Dragon Kingdom? Compared with my rice country, it is not an order of magnitude at all. ”

“The United States is worthy of being the world hegemon for many consecutive years, and this is the strength of the first big country on the blue star: it is the existence that other countries cannot reach.”

“Unexpectedly provoked the unstoppable existence of the United States, I feel that the Dragon Kingdom is about to suffer.”

“Huh… Come and sigh, there is a kind of movement to try, that year is not unfought, we Oriental Dragon does not recommend another trampling. ”

Mi Guo did not enter the Dragon Kingdom Nan Min Min Domain.

It formed a direct conflict with the Dragon State aircraft carrier battle group stationed there.

Instead, in the outer areas, the encirclement without fighting is adopted.

In contrast to the rough waves on the surface of the ocean,

The attitude of the two parties seems to have reached a tacit agreement, and they have maintained a state of silence.

The day passed quickly and peacefully. But where is the country of the United States is a soft-hearted person.

Day 2.

A cargo merchant ship departing from Mozhou for the Dragon Kingdom was seized by the United States.

The reason for the seizure was that the ship carried internationally prohibited goods and that the States were obliged to conduct a search.

At last

The merchant ship was after two days of ‘responsible’ searches in the United States.

Cleared of suspicion of transporting prohibited goods.

This was released.

However, after so many days of delay, the cost of merchant shipping and freight has increased greatly, causing serious economic losses.

The diplomatic institutions of the Dragon Kingdom first made a stern rebuke to this kind of behavior of the United States.

However, the United States has thoroughly exerted his rogue nature, and he is not ashamed at all, but is proud of it.

Weapons R&D Center of the Dragon Naval Department.

This is a hot scene.

Based on the drawings, experts are step-by-step building some of the laboratories and large assembly platforms needed to manufacture engines and space motherships.

For manufactured equipment, the R&D center does not have immediate secondment and purchase

The commander of the White Army walked up and reported on the work: “Chief Designer Lin, all the matters listed in the list have begun to be carried out, and it is expected that it will not be long before the two major projects can officially begin.” ”

Lin Xueming nodded, “To supervise the quality of the project everywhere, it must be completed quickly and with quality and quantity!” ”

“Rest assured, quality inspectors have been arranged everywhere to ensure that there will be no mistakes.”

Captain White was in a good mood.

Chief Designer Lin built an experimental site for the experimental center this time, and purchased advanced equipment.

Directly upgraded the weapons research and development center of the military department by several levels.

In the future, all kinds of advanced weapons and equipment will be easier to build.

At this moment,

The big screen of the R&D center is playing what the US fleet has done in the Pacific Ocean.

All the experts stopped what they were doing and looked at the screen.

Lin Xueming and a group of experts all saw the arrogance of the United States, and made a group of experts grit their teeth in anger.

I can’t wait to rush out at this moment and punch and kick the United States.

But Lin Xuemingming maintained his sanity and reminded him at the first time: “Dear experts, I hope that you will transform your anger against the United States into your work, strive for the successful development of controllable nuclear fusion engines as soon as possible, and let the space carrier fly into the sky as soon as possible.” Think about it, if our country’s space carrier has been developed and driven to the front of the aircraft carrier fleet of the United States, how dare they do such an arrogant act?! ”

After listening to the reminder of Lin Zong’s designer.

Deeply agree.

“Right, right, I listen to the designer Lin Zong.”

“Indeed… If we do a good job in the work at hand, it will be the biggest blow to the United States…”

“Come and get it up quickly, work overtime, let the space mothership be built as soon as possible, I see how the United States will still be able to do it when the time comes!”

Time passed slowly, and more than a month passed.

The United States is still mad on the sea, and it is difficult for ships to go to the Dragon Kingdom.

However, these have not affected the experts in the R&D center.


With the efforts of all the staff, all the equipment has been put in place.

All platforms, laboratories are built.

The conditions required for the project are ripe.

Under the leadership of Lin Xueming, all the experts immediately threw themselves into the study of controlled nuclear fusion engines.

In the laboratory,

Lin Xueming is explaining knowledge to the experts.

“The engine is divided into several parts:”

Electronic protective cover, plasma generator, shock absorber, propellant generator electromagnetic reaction chamber, magnetic vent.

“When the engine is running, a plasma structure is created that is confined by a magnetic field.”

Lin Xueming’s explanation is extremely simple and easy to understand.

However, due to the fact that the engine knowledge involves too much esotericism, some experts ask questions about the incomprehensible place: “Chief Designer Lin, I don’t understand this very well, can I explain it in detail?” ”

“You can think of it as a magnetic soap bubble,”

When the engine is operating, a smaller bubble is separated from this large magnetic bubble by controlling the change in the magnetic field.

This small bubble contains the elemental fuel needed for nuclear fusion.

Under the constraints of the magnetic field generated by the electromagnet,

This small plasma bubble came to a reaction chamber

The plasma undergoes a fusion reaction under high pressure, and then releases a large amount of energy to burst out in the magnetic field.

After a detailed explanation of engine knowledge to all the experts.

The team of experts immediately took action.


Lin Xueming delegated management authority and let the expert group cooperate with each other to build a controlled nuclear fusion engine.

And he, the chief designer, only controls the overall progress and solves the main problems encountered.

That’s it

After more than 20 days.

Lin Xueming was sitting in his office handling things.

The person in charge broke straight into his office.

He was excited and couldn’t help himself: “Chief Designer Lin! ”

“The controlled fusion engine is built!”

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