Chapter 106 The Aerospace Aircraft Carrier Demonstration Passed! And Lin Zong designer can’t do it!!

The experts in the conference room,

After a cursory reading of these drawings taken out by Mr. Lin, professional judgment and communication were conducted.

Now they have a consensus in their hearts: this design drawing of the controlled nuclear fusion engine and the space mothership is most likely true!

So after Lin Zong’s designer proposed to conduct expert arguments. The White Commander began to order people to make one phone call after another.

The Navy cooperates with many universities and institutions.

After the phone call,

For the next hour or so,

Experts in the field of engines at various universities and research institutes.

And they came.

Lin Xueming took a general look.

The arrival of experts, although not as large as the scale of a few hundred people of controlled nuclear fusion.

But it also reached the level of nearly a hundred people.

Experts were seated.

Some of them were experts who had participated in controlled nuclear fusion projects, and they were surprised to see the chief designer Lin on the stage.

It’s almost time for people to come,

After the experts signed the confidentiality agreement,

The White Commander ordered that some important drawings be printed and distributed.

The White Commander said solemnly, “10 guys! ”

“Hard work you have come from afar.”

“It’s urgent!”

“These drawings sent to the hands of the experts, please take a closer look at how feasible they are!”

One by one, the experts immediately began to review the drawings.

“Controlled nuclear fusion motor!”

Experts in the field of electric motors look at these drawings in front of them and their eyes are shining.

At the time of the breakthrough in controlled nuclear fusion, these experts could not sleep excitedly.

The first time in the field of controlled nuclear fusion engines was established, and they have a lot of design ideas in the past few days.

But at this moment, they found that their design ideas were compared with the engine design ideas in front of them.

It was simply incomprehensible.

The engine in front of us uses the simplest design concept to achieve maximum optimization of controlled nuclear fusion power.

There is no physical drill in specific actual combat.

But from the perspective of drawing construction and data description, this is so!

The atmosphere on one side is even more exaggerated.

“Space Mothership!”

One by one, the experts in the field of aircraft carriers are already dancing with excitement at this time! Half a million tons class space carrier!

The drawings, constructions and materials of each place are clearly written.

A more prestigious academician assigned the experts the task of making arguments.

After some time,

After the demonstration, the report was made: “The proportion of the volume occupied by each cabin is reasonably designed!” ”

“Exterior aerodynamic design is reasonable!”

“The controlled nuclear fusion power engine is well designed!”

The experts of the division of labor make professional judgments on the corresponding plates! As a reasonable natural sound came into the ears of a group of experts.

The experts in the conference room are boiling!

“Cow cow cow! Mrs…. It’s awesome! ”

“Oh my God! Space Mothership! This is an air mothership! ”

“Made! An airborne mothership that can fly into the sky! I can see it in my lifetime! ”

The sci-fi military equipment of this level of the space mothership is too surprising that many experts have such a scene in their minds:

The Dragon Kingdom silently built this legendary space aircraft carrier! Then it was announced to the world that it would broadcast the new ‘aircraft carrier’ of Dragon Kingdom to sea globally.

Conduct the same cruising mission as a normal ‘aircraft carrier’.

en route

Encountered the dominant sea, the invincible U.S. voltaic aircraft carrier.


At this time, the U.S. volt-class aircraft carrier was like a child in front of the ‘aircraft carrier’ of the Dragon Kingdom.

But not only! At a time when the whole world is silent in this contrast of sizes.

This ‘aircraft carrier’ floating on the ocean of Dragon Kingdom is at full power, in front of the audiences of the whole world, in front of the pride of the United States… Volta-class aircraft carriers slowly take to the air!

Become a real space mothership!

How much of a shadow and shock did that scene have to cause to the people of the United States and the whole world!

Just thinking about every expert is almost excited!

The experts asked excitedly, “Commander White, where did these drawings come from?” ”


Some experts looked at the dancing teenager on the stage.

Many of them subconsciously think that these drawings should also be the work of Lin Zong’s designer.

Commander Bai pointed at Lin Xueming and said, “Everyone! ”

“The drawings of the controllable nuclear fusion engine, as well as the drawings of the space mothership, were brought by Mr. Lin Xueming, the chief designer of controlled nuclear fusion!”

Those experts who had long guessed that this was the case nodded, with a look that was indeed so.

And those experts who have not participated in the controlled nuclear fusion project and do not know Lin Xueming’s true identity are double shocked!

They had seen the young man on the stage earlier and hadn’t paid much attention.

But at this moment,

They were all dumbfounded, this young man,

It’s the legendary Controlled Nuclear Fusion Chief Engineer!

Moreover, this time, the drawings of the controlled nuclear fusion engine and the space mothership were also brought out.

The White Army Commander did not care about everyone’s shock, but eagerly asked: “Guys, how feasible are controllable nuclear fusion engines and space carriers?” ”

An expert replied excitedly: “I think the engine is very feasible!” ”

“Basically true!”

“The space carrier has also passed various arguments!”

“The drawings, the theoretical part is basically true, can enter the actual production!”

Listen to the experts’ categorical answers,

The White Commander’s heart jumped out excitedly.

He hurried outside to a quiet place.

He took out the phone and called the Ministry of Science and Technology to report to Minister Ding.

Phone connection.

“Hey, Minister Ding, the aircraft carrier has progressed!”

Minister Ding over there smiled, “Hahaha……… I knew that Mr. Lin was right to come forward, look, this time the nuclear powerization of aircraft carriers is solved. ”

The White Commander suppressed his voice, “No… No! ”

Minister Ding frowned, “What do you mean, is it that Mr. Lin is also helpless about the controlled nuclear fusion of aircraft carriers?” ”

The white army commander took a deep breath and said slowly: “It is true that Chief Designer Lin did not solve the controllable nuclear fusion power of the aircraft carrier, but came up with another solution.” ”

Minister Ding: “What plan?” ”

The White Army Commander said word for word: “Empty! Sky! Mother! Warship! ”

“Chief Designer Lin took out all the design drawings and materials of the space mothership.”

“And after many expert arguments! Basically true! ”


On the other end of the phone came the sound of items falling to the ground and shattering.

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