Under the expectations of Lin Xueming and Wen Qingxuan, the time seems to have accelerated a lot

Five days passed quickly.

Twist about the international airport.

Wen Qingxuan only brought a suitcase, she is not the kind of girl who likes a bunch of big bags and small bags, so she is light and simple.

At this moment, she was standing in the airport, her heart could not suppress her excitement, and she called her sweetheart.

“Hey, I’m at the airport now, I’ll be on the plane soon, you look at the time to pick me up at Kyoto airport, I want to see you the first time I get off the plane.”

“Well, I’m sure I’ll go and wait early to make sure you’ll see me the first time you come out.”

“Hmmm… This time, when you come back, you have to make up for everything that my boyfriend owes me. Wen Qingxuan pursed his mouth, looking angry, completely without the seriousness of the doctor.

“Ahh… Tell me, what do I owe you? Lin Xueming was in a good mood and pretended not to know.

“Hee-hee, that’s a lot, first of all you have to take me to milk tea, you have to take me to the movies, and… Well…” Wen Qingxuan tilted his head and thought, “Hmm… Anyway, I can’t remember for a moment, wait for me to come back, take me the same. ”

“Well, go, take you all!” Lin Xueming’s face was spoiled.

“Okay, I’m boarding, Kyoto Airport is waiting for me.”

The phone hangs up.

Lin Xueming couldn’t stop being happy.

He smirked happily for a while

Only then did he pull out the phone and inform Minister Ding of his plans to go out.

After a while,

Minister Ding rushed in

His first sentence was a serious question: “Are you going to Kyoto Airport?”

Lin Xueming nodded, “Yes, go pick up my girlfriend, she came back from abroad.” ”

Minister Ding looked embarrassed and worried: “Eh, your safety is a problem, or I will send a regiment to escort you.”

Lin Xueming smiled bitterly, “Minister Ding, I am going to pick up my girlfriend, not to negotiate with terrorists, and to take a well-equipped regiment of soldiers with me, that will cause panic.” ”

Minister Ding was also overly worried and distraught.

Lin Xueming reassured Minister Ding

“Not many people know my identity, and the chance of leaking secrets is not great.”

“Just let the 10 people of the Wyvern Squad protect me.”

Hearing this, Minister Ding could only nod his head in agreement.

He called over a few people from the Wyvern Squad.

Explained the task to the resolute soldier

Minister Ding asked sharply:

“Do you understand the task?” No matter how much it costs, even sacrifices, we must first ensure the safety of Lin Zonggong! ”


The warriors answered in a neat and forceful manner.


“Swear to die to protect the safety of Chief Engineer Lin!”


Controlled Fusion Project Base Gate,

Two cars were prepared

The car looks like an ordinary commercial vehicle from the outside.

But inside there is a dry kun,

The cars are all high-grade bulletproof vehicles specially made by the military, and not only can bullets not penetrate, but even ordinary shells cannot be blown through.

The car in the back is equipped with a variety of guns and ammunition, advanced weapons, and is completely worthy of a small arsenal.

“I’m in trouble, take me to Kyoto Airport.”

Lin Xueming looked at these soldiers who were slightly older than him and opened his mouth politely.

It was said that this surprised several soldiers.

They have participated in so-called military exercises and counter-terrorism exercises

I saw the scene of Lin Zonggong being picked up from prison.

Naturally, he understood the value of this Lin Commander in front of him, that is, it was far from being able to tie up all of their Flying Dragon Squad

But Lin Zonggong, who was of such a high status, was so polite to them.

This is something that few people did not expect.

The object of protection is not a domineering person, which makes several people’s good feelings for Lin Zonggong improve a lot.

“Chief Engineer Lin, we will definitely deliver you safely.” The leader of the group gave a military salute.

Lin Xueming bent down and sat in a bulletproof car in front of him.

The two cars started and slowly drove away from the Three Gorges one after the other.

The trolley traveled smoothly all the way

During this period, after the three-tier examination circle of the group army stationed there, Lin Xueming did not expect that the state was now so strict in arming the Three Gorges.

Along the way, several soldiers in the car have maintained a high-intensity state of alert

There is no slackening at all.

Lin Xueming knew that these soldiers were strictly disciplined and it was impossible for them to relax, so he let them go.

He was so safe at the moment that he leaned back in his chair and took a nap.

The car follows the most reasonable route,

Sail into the international metropolis of Kyoto

Finally come to Kyoto International Airport.

The 10-man squad left 2 people to watch the car

The remaining 8 people followed Lin Xueming to the pick-up gate.

They wore plainclothes around Lin Xueming, always alert to possible dangers around them.

Lin Xueming waited for about half an hour.

A beautiful figure appeared in the airport passageway.

It was Wen Qingxuan.

The two saw each other the first time

Wen Qingxuan quickly dragged the suitcase over

Lin Xueming opened his arms

Wen Qingxuan plunged directly into his arms.

“I miss you.”

Wen Qingxuan’s head squirmed, rubbing like a kitten in Lin Xueming’s arms.

“I miss you too!” Lin Xueming stroked his girlfriend’s hair.

Wen Qingxuan, who was 1.72 meters, looked up at Lin Xueming, who was 1.83 meters.

The tenderness in the eyes is like water.

She tiptoed and kissed Lin Xueming’s left cheek.

Watch her retreat, a look of shame.

Lin Xueming laughed and said, “Eh, it’s not fair, you’re like this, my right cheek protested, hurry, the rain and dew are all wet, and the right side also comes.”

Wen Qingxuan’s cheeks became more and more rosy

Finally, he tiptoed over Lin Xueming’s right cheek and pecked at it.


The passengers next to them booed one after another, but Lin Xueming Wen Qingxuan’s appearance was too high.

“Throw away the dead, go fast…”

Wen Qingxuan blushed shyly and hurriedly urged Lin Xueming to go outside.

Lin Xueming dragged on the suitcase and let his girlfriend drag him outside.

“Sister Qingxuan!”

Suddenly, a shout made Wen Qingxuan stop.


Wen Qingxuan raised his head and looked at his cousin Xiao Ting in front of him doubtfully

And Wen Qingzhu standing next to her!

Wen Qingxuan furrowed his brows

“You… Why are you two here?”

Wen Qingzhu smiled, “Sister, of course we are here to pick you up!”

Pick me up?

Wen Qingxuan’s face cooled down, and it was estimated that the family had let him make trouble.

“I don’t need you to pick you up, I know the way myself.”

“Sister, it’s not that we’re going to pick you up

But uncles and aunts, they heard that you have returned to China, specially booked a restaurant, and then prepared a good meal for you to pick up the wind and wash the dust! ”

“Yes, Xiaoting.” Wen Qingzhu blinked his eyes.

“Right, right, Sister Qingxuan, my parents told us to pick you up and meet you at the hotel.”

Wen Qingxuan became more and more cold when he heard it.

Her aunt and uncle had no idea of her return.

It must have been Qingzhu who told them.

Once they met, they would inevitably not ask about Lin Xueming’s information, and then they would embarrass their boyfriends.

Wen Qingxuan resigned:

“Xiao Ting, you say to your aunts and uncles, thank you for their kindness, I will not go today, I am tired of doing the plane, I will go home to rest first.”

Wen Qingzhu’s eyes dripped, turned the breakthrough, and said:

“Brother-in-law, you take care of my sister, you see her like this, how do the elders in the family look at her?”

Lin Xueming naturally knew that this little sister-in-law was taking him as a breakthrough

However, for the sake of Wen Qingxuan, he also had to go, and he couldn’t let her become a senseless person in the eyes of his relatives.

Lin Xueming squeezed his girlfriend Wen Qingxuan’s hand and said:

“Since the elders of the family have invited you, let’s go.”

“I’ll be fine!”



It’s almost on the shelves


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