"Jiang Fan……"

Payne stood in Jiang Fan's room, looking at the floor that seemed to be crushed by something heavy, his face looked a little heavy. Before, he had to rely on others to help him walk, but now he is completely fine, and his recovery speed is surprisingly fast. And the unusual marks on the floor, could it be done by the weak Jiang Fan?

In the trading street of Yuyin Village, the sky was covered with dark clouds and the drizzle continued. The villagers were accustomed to such horrible weather. On the street, people were either wearing raincoats or wearing bamboo hats, each busy purchasing the items they needed. At this time, a handsome man, wearing wooden clogs and holding an oil-paper umbrella, strolled on the not-too-busy street, attracting many young women to look at him secretly.

Before Jiang Fan left, Nagato gave him a lot of activity funds, and specifically told him that he could give up the task at any time. Jiang Fan knew very well that this was Nagato's care for him. Although the two did not talk for a long time, he could deeply feel the deep affection. It was friendship, but in fact it was more like family affection.

"I never thought that the cold-blooded Payne in the eyes of the outside world actually has such a gentle side."Jiang Fan smiled slightly and kept all this in mind. Then, he walked into a clothing store, intending to enhance his role-playing fit by changing his image. However, he didn't realize that in a dark corner of the street, a woman wearing a wind chime hat was watching him silently.

Inside the store, the sales lady saw the handsome Jiang Fan and hurriedly stepped forward to ask if he needed help choosing.

Jiang Fan waved his hand, indicating that he would choose.

"Fujitora smiled.

He usually wore a lavender kimono with a black and purple belt.

……"Jiang Fan recalled carefully in his mind.

He shuttled through clothing stores one after another, looking for suitable clothes.

This confused Xiaonan, who was hiding in the dark: Buying clothes? Didn't we agree to find a shadow-level partner? Do we need to dress up specially to find a partner? Her beautiful eyes were full of questions.

Jiang Fan, who had just regained his ability to move, made Nagato and Xiaonan worried, so Xiaonan took the initiative to offer to protect Jiang Fan secretly, and Nagato naturally had no objection. Even if Xiaonan didn't say it, he planned to let Xiaonan follow him. After all, Jiang Fan was one of the few people he regarded as family! No matter what, he had to ensure his safety.

Not long after, Jiang Fan walked out of a clothing store, and his whole outfit was completely new.

He changed into a lavender kimono, with a purple scarf wrapped around his neck, a purple cloak under the scarf, white hand guards on his hands, and his arms were wrapped in bandages.

Then, he bought a cane knife in a weapons store.

In terms of appearance and attire, he has recovered a lot.

Xiaonan, who was following behind, felt more and more confused: cane knife? Can a ninja use a staff sword? What on earth is Jiang Fan doing?

What she didn't know was that Jiang Fan's role-playing degree had risen to thirty at this time! Every time he put on a piece of clothing that matched the role, Jiang Fan could feel the increase in strength. The huge energy nourished his body, and the blood seemed to be filled with joyful songs. Jiang Fan was very satisfied with this.

"Next Steps……"

"It's time to seal my vision."

The original owner was well-known in the Akatsuki organization for his expertise in sealing techniques. For Jiang Fan, sealing his vision was just a piece of cake.

With a snap! Light blue chakra condensed between his hands, and then suddenly clapped it and poured into his eyes. From this moment on, Jiang Fan's vision fell into darkness!

But after sealing his eyes, the level of his performance suddenly soared!

The value soared until it reached 50%.

Jiang Fan's various abilities have been greatly improved.

Observation Haki, Armament Haki, gravity control, blind sword techniques...

He understood all of these at a deeper level.

Jiang Fan was overjoyed.

Is this the fruit of"hard" work?

The power of Observation Haki has become stronger, making his facial features more sensitive. He can easily capture the position and quantity of surrounding objects and the next actions of others.

Even if he can't see, he can"see through" everything around him.

Suddenly, Xiaonan, who was hiding in the dark, jumped into his perception.

"Are you worried about me?"

Jiang Fan's mouth curled up a smile.

At this time, Xiaonan's heart was full of doubts, and there was also a lot of shock.

Jiang Fan... deliberately changed his clothes and sealed his eyes. What exactly does he want to do?

What is the intention behind these actions?

Jiang Fan's series of strange actions made Xiaonan confused and more curious.

But Jiang Fan himself didn't care, and still continued to move forward with his sword and stick.

Suddenly, Jiang Fan paused, took out two dice and a small wooden cup from his arms, threw the dice into the cup, and shook it.……

"Let's take a gamble"

"Will it be big or small this time?"

"If you are young, just follow the original story and go find Kakuzu of Takigakure first."

"If it is big, then I will find the character who should be transformed the most - the lady……"

Ta-ta-ta... the dice kept colliding in the wooden cup.


A few seconds later,

Jiang Fan slammed the wooden cup shut.

After the dice in the cup stopped, he opened the cup and reached out to touch the points on the two dice. His fingertips clearly felt the two points.

The corners of his mouth rose, and he whispered to himself:"It seems that fate has chosen that side."

At this moment, the drizzle stopped, and the heavy dark clouds quietly dispersed.

In this village where the sun is rarely seen, the light began to shine on everyone's face.

So, in Xiaonan's suspicious and watchful eyes, the tall figure, with his back to the rare sunshine in the Hidden Rain Village, walked towards the distance...

What she didn't know was that the fate of the Akatsuki organization would change because of this!!*...

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