“To put it simply, in fact, you also want this thing, no one can refuse to become stronger.”

Antun shook the ancient sword, and under the sunlight, the entire knife was shining like iron.

The dragon’s gaze also rose and fell, and he could see that he was moved.

In fact, this is normal, in the face of ancient weapons, who can not be moved?

It is because the weapons of the Desolate Ancient series are too strong, Antun’s Desolate Ancient Treasure Book is sold in the Land of Wano!

With the current strength of the dragon, it is enough to compete with the combat power of the admiral or the four emperors.

If there is a Ancient Ancient Dao… The dragon’s eyes were fiery as furnace.

Holy Land Mary Joya, still not let him go around at will?


A strong killing intent erupted, the dragon’s body was cold and shaky, and the person also returned from YY.

Antun held the Desolate Ancient Tai Sword high, and the killing intent made his pupils freeze.

He lowered his body, his eyes full of vigilance.


Antune suddenly swooped in, an action that made the dragon stunned.

Isn’t it a chopper?

Just as he hesitated, Antun had already arrived, and the Desolate Ancient Dao cut a piercing arc in mid-air.

“Armed color… No, you can’t resist! ”

The dragon hurriedly retreated, dispelling the domineering resistance with armed colors.


A piercing cold light froze in mid-air, and even the space rippled slightly

The dragon quickly counterattacked, his arms animalized, dense scales covering it, nails stretched out to a full ten centimeters, and the front section was sharp as a knife.


With a sweep of his big hand, Antun’s chest was on fire.

His body was so hard that it left only a few scratches.

The next moment, the dragon leaped up in the air, and swept out its right leg entwined with flames and armed color domineering.

Antune raised his arm in defense.


Ferocious sparks exploded, and Antun’s entire right arm was engulfed in flames.

“It’s useless.”

Antune grinned, his body was like a black hole, and the flames on his arms were absorbed.

Seeing this, the dragon raised his two big hands high, “The wind comes!!” ”


In an instant, the wind swept the clouds, and a huge tornado fell from the sky, engulfing Antun’s body with unmistakable accuracy.

Poof, poof, poof!

The wind and waves that swept through the body were like a knife, and Antun’s clothes were cut and shattered.

“You boy… Not a pervert, right? ”

Antune pouted, his ass was cold, and his eyes came out.

“Give me death!”

Snap la la ~~~ Snap la la ~~

The dragon shouted, and the void once again landed the terrifying thunder dragon.

Antun’s mouth opened, and a flaming grenade was fired.

Bang bang!!

The sky was full of thunder and fire, and the sparse sparks were like fireworks.

Immediately afterwards, Antun swept the ancient sword in his hand, the cold light raged on, and the surrounding hurricanes cracked with a pop.

He firmly grasped the Desolate Ancient Tai Dao, even if there was no magic energy, there was still a 35% increase in strength, and he could still hold the dragon.


Antun walked like a fly, and instantly pounced in front of the dragon.

“Too fast!”

The dragon was shocked in his heart, and seeing that he was domineering, he could not sense Antun’s attack.

He moved his right foot back and was about to retreat, it was too late!

A stinging pain like a burning fire had spread from his chest.


Blood splattered everywhere, and some of it even hit Antun’s face.

He stuck out his tongue and licked it, and the corners of his mouth outlined a devil-like evil smile.

This moment… The dragon’s mentality was a little broken.

Is this guy a man or a ghost?

Brutal is a bit unspeakable!


Injured, the dragon suddenly retreated a hundred meters away.

He looked at the scar on his chest, which was fifty centimeters long.

Ordinary people with such injuries have long been hanging.

Instead of dying, the wound automatically stopped bleeding and slowly healed.

“This is…”

Antun’s eyes narrowed, and the beast claw just now, which was not possessed by a natural ability.

“Isn’t this guy supposed to be an animal ability?”

When he didn’t cross before, it was often speculated that the dragon was a natural powerhouse, because he could control high winds and summon torrential rain, and lightning also obeyed his orders.

All that is used is the power of nature.

However, the ability of the natural department does not have such a demon recovery ability.

Just like most people guessed that Kaido was a dragon fruit, in fact, people are fish fruit, phantom beast species, and green dragon form.

“This guy may also be from the Phantom Beast lineage.”

Antune muttered to himself.


The dragon’s body was widely beastized, and all four limbs turned into dragon claws, covered with black scales, glowing with a metal-like black light.

The same is true of the skull, which is full of scales, bony dragon horns, and fangs like steel.

Behind… A pair of black wings were also extended, and the sky darkened, like a fallen angel, bringing the world to hell.

The body was still covered with purple patterns, and an evil aura rushed to the face.

The form of a dragon… Like a villain boss.

“Animal line, phantom beast species, black dragon form?”

“It’s also a dragon, no wonder the skin is rough and thick.”

Antune pouted, his face still light.


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