Chapter 0170 Prepare to make the Nine-Tails the Ten-Tails!!

It’s a new day in the Hokage’s office.

Tsunade, Jiraiya, Kakashi and others all appeared here.

Tsunade took the lead as an example and said:”Naruto, thank you, once again the ninja world has escaped crisis!!”

The same is true for others!

“You don’t have to do this. These are what I should do. After all, I am also the Sixth Hokage.”

Naruto smiled and looked at Hui Yi.

Jiraiya said happily:”Now, the ninja world can finally be at peace. There have been too many twists and turns.”

“Again, without you, Naruto, our ninja world doesn’t know what would be like!!”

“Mr. Jiraiya, things are far from that simple!”

At this time, Naruto reminded the public of such a sentence.

In an instant, everyone present became alert, because this was coming from Uzumaki Naruto’s mouth. It must be of great significance and not a simple matter!!

Kakashi hurriedly Asked:”Naruto, what is going on? Haven’t you already defeated the invading Otsutsuki clan??”

Everyone present is waiting for Uzumaki Naruto’s answer. There is no way!

Their nerves are too sensitive now, and there will be a battle between immortals at every turn. How can they withstand it!!

If it weren’t for the existence of Uzumaki Naruto, There is a question mark as to whether they can still have a meeting here.

It is precisely because of this! All of them appear to be extremely nervous!!

For fear of something else happening, they will have to rely on Naruto.

Naruto means a lot. Said:”The threat from the Otsutsuki clan is not over yet!!”

“The Otsutsuki who invaded our ninja world this time can only be regarded as a few members of their clan!!”

“Just like the Hyuga clan, they can be regarded as belonging to a group.”


Jiraiya couldn’t believe it and said in shock:”If that’s the case, wouldn’t the Otsutsuki clan be like immortals?”

“If that’s the case, how can we in the ninja world fight against each other?”

“The only person who can fight against them is probably you, Naruto, in our ninja world.”

Although Jiraiya said this, he was a bit deceiving himself, but it has to be said that it is a fact.

Let alone their Konoha Village, all the ninjas in the entire ninja world may not be able to defeat a sage.

Let alone Speaking of a group of immortals, they are nothing more than delivering food!!

The only person who can fight against the Otsutsuki clan is Uzumaki Naruto in front of him, but Naruto is only one person. The opponent is a whole clan, and it is impossible to compare

“Lord Jiraiya is right! We must come up with a solution as soon as possible!”

“Nara Shikaku on the side echoed and replied 130.”

Thinking about this kind of thing makes people’s scalp numb.

Naruto smiled and said:”Everyone is too worried. Not everyone in the Otsutsuki clan is so powerful.”

“The Otsutsuki clan that invaded our ninja world this time is considered an elite among their Otsutsuki clan, so! We don’t need to worry too much”

“What we really need to worry about is that such a powerful figure among their Otsutsuki clan”

“I think what Naruto said makes sense.”

Tsunade nodded and said, from the current point of view, the situation does not seem to be very favorable to them!!

But they do not have no bargaining chip, and this bargaining chip is Naruto, because Naruto is strong enough. Strong enough to be the Otsutsuki clan. Elite invasion can make them unable to come back, which is enough to show how powerful Naruto is.

So Tsunade continued:”We should fully support Naruto’s actions and decisions”

“If we let people like us handle it, it might end up being a disservice, but it’s not impossible.”

Everyone nodded in agreement with what Tsunade said, even if one of them really dared to make the decision!!

What if things go wrong?

In fact, since Naruto became the sixth generation Hokage, even if The voice of the Daimyos of the Land of Fire is declining significantly.

And it will continue to decline as time goes by.

The same is true for other countries!

Today’s Naruto’s prestige is too huge, huge It can be said that it is shrouded in the entire ninja world.

Who dares to jump out and speak openly? He is afraid that he will not see the sun tomorrow, so he dares to say that.

No one with a little brain dares to do that, and can only continue to be forced to accept being Arrangement.

In this way, at least one life can be saved!!

Everyone looked at Naruto, waiting for Naruto’s final answer.

Naruto stood up calmly and said:”Don’t worry too much, you should do whatever you need to do.” What”

“The Otsutsuki clan will not be able to come to our ninja world for a while. Even if they come at full speed, it will take a while.”

At the same time, the moment Naruto Uzumaki finished speaking, he disappeared in front of everyone.

Nara Shikaku said in shock:”Why did Naruto leave so suddenly?? Haven’t we finished discussing it yet??”

“Naruto must be busy with something, he is becoming more and more elusive now.”

Jiraiya shook his head helplessly and said.

Now as a member of the elders, Tsunade said:”Okay, we also have our own work, let’s all go about our work!!”

“As for Naruto, let’s not worry about it anymore. That’s not what we should worry about.”

“That’s what Tsunade-sama said.”

Kakashi agreed with what Tsunade-sama said, the fight between immortals is not something they, mortals, can deal with.

So it is more practical to work honestly and avoid so much trouble!!

Everyone present is People who understand, as long as it is arranged by Naruto, they can implement it honestly.

After all, if the time comes and they are not helping, it will be really troublesome.

Soon everyone in the Hokage’s office began to leave one after another, and in the end only Jiraiya and Tsunade.

After Uzumaki Naruto became Hokage, Tsunade and Jiraiya were assigned to the position of the elders to cooperate with Naruto in carrying out work.

As for the transfer of Koharu and Mito Kadoen Personally, Naruto has dismissed him from his position.

In Naruto’s opinion, there is no need for Mito Katoyan and Koharu to occupy the toilet. Orochimaru, a newly established research laboratory somewhere in the Land of Fire, He was busy studying the body cells of two Otsutsuki.

A figure appeared behind Orochimaru.

“Naruto-kun, you are here!”

“The bodies of the Otsutsuki clan are indeed extraordinary! It is even more in-depth than what I have studied before.”

“Therefore, it is not easy for me to make a breakthrough in a short period of time!!”

Orochimaru slowly reported to Naruto-kun about his work situation in the past few days!!

“Um! Don’t worry about this, make sure there aren’t too many mistakes in the process.”

Naruto is not in a hurry about this. After exploring the memories of Otsutsuki Ishiki and Otsutsuki Urashi.

Naruto knows that even if the Otsutsuki clan wants to come to the ninja world, it will take several years or more than ten years.

In Naruto When passing by Otsutsuki Ishiki and Otsutsuki Ura-shiki, Otsutsuki Ura-shiki bared his teeth and roared:”Damn Uzumaki Naruto, just wait for me.”

“If you dare to treat our noble Otsutsuki clan like this, our Otsutsuki clan will not let you go, and the ninja world will also be destroyed.”

“Again, you have no idea what a powerful enemy you are about to face.”

“oh! You mean the God of Otsutsuki!”

Naruto responded casually, as if he didn’t care.

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki frowned, and Otsutsuki Ishiki next to him said:”Since you already know the existence of our God Otsutsuki”

“You dare to be so bold, you are really awesome! But you don’t understand the power of the leader of our Otsutsuki clan, the God of Otsutsuki.”

“Uzumaki Naruto, you are like an ant in front of our God Otsutsuki.”

“Ha ha! Otsutsuki Isshiki is right! Just wait to die! Uzumaki Naruto, your good days are over.”

Otsutsuki Ura Shi laughed crazily, as if Uzumaki Naruto would die in front of him in the next second.


Uzumaki Naruto gave a cold sound and said:”Isn’t it just a realm above the Blood Continuation Snare realm??”

“I’ll improve my strength, and then it won’t be certain who will win and who will lose.”

“Arrogant boy.”

Otsutsuki Ishiki dismissed this, thinking that Uzumaki Naruto was exaggerating.

Only one of their entire Otsutsuki clan has reached the realm of God, and none of the remaining Otsutsuki clan has reached it.

Otsutsuki Ishiki said with a sneer.:”hehe!”

“You, a person from the barren land, still want to challenge the God of Otsutsuki?? ignorance.”

In the eyes of Otsutsuki Ishiki, Uzumaki Naruto is seeking death, which happens to be what he wants. If it weren’t for Uzumaki Naruto

, his Otsutsuki Ishiki wouldn’t be in such a miserable state. Originally,

Otsutsuki Ishiki Iski is still very ambitious, doesn’t Otsutsuki Ishikki not want to go further?

The answer is, of course, very much. As long as there is an idea of Otsutsuki Ishiki, no one does not want to hit that level.

Of course, being able to reach the Blood Continuation Snare level is already considered The Otsutsuki clan is the elite among the elite.

Naruto said with a half-smile:”Haha!!”

“Otsutsuki Ishiki, you must be very unwilling! But if you lose, you lose.”

“You two blind people, Otsutsuki, are waiting to be slaughtered by An Xin!”

“Uzumaki Naruto……”

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki and Otsutsuki Ishiki roared Uzumaki Naruto’s name at the same time.

But Uzumaki Naruto had already left, leaving only Ōtsutsuki Ura Shiki and Ōtsutsuki Ishiki continuing to roar incompetently.

Uzumaki Naruto came to another different space.

Uchiha Obito was here to take care of the whole process. At this time, Naruto appeared next to him and asked:”Is the situation of the little Ten-Tails stable??”

“Because your seal is strong enough, everything works fine.”

Uchiha Obito responded.


Naruto nodded, and his body began to float slowly, and came to the position directly opposite the seal of the Ten-Tails.

His palm slowly rested on the giant Earth Explosion Star sealing ball.

Naruto felt that the Ten-Tails were sealed at this time. He was trembling at the moment.

The Ten-Tails is a technological product manufactured by the Otsutsuki clan.

At present, the sealed little Ten-Tails and the Ten-Tails sealed in Naruto have the same origin.

It’s just that the Ten-Tails in Naruto’s body are the same. The tail is a complete body, and the little ten-tails sealed in front of him is still in the growth stage.

To be honest, if Naruto wants to evolve his other body, the nine-tailed Naruto, he can only develop in the direction of the ten-tails.

Previously, Naruto had transformed the nine-tailed body. Ninety-nine point nine percent of Naruto’s original yin-yang escape power is transmitted to the Ten-Tails.

The Ten-Tails benefits from being able to return to its peak state!!

But because the Nine-Tails and the Ten-Tails in Naruto are exactly the same Due to the relationship with the source, it is somewhat difficult to turn against the guest.

But the small ten-tails of Otsutsuki’s style gave Naruto a new opportunity, that is, he can start with this small ten-tails.

As Naruto formed a seal with his hands:”open.”

The Seal of the Earth Explosion Star slowly began to break, with more and more cracks.

Finally, the Little Ten-Tails was finally freed. The Little Ten-Tails who had just come out immediately let out a shocking roar:”Hohohoho!!”

As if venting the grievances of being imprisoned for this period of time!!

Uchiha Obito in the distance whispered:”What are you planning to do, Naruto? Do you also want to seal the Ten-Tails into your body? Or”

Although I don’t know what Uzumaki Naruto wants to do, it doesn’t stop Uchiha Obito from guessing!!

Uchiha Obito had already used all the Yin-Yang Escape power that Naruto had given him before when dealing with Otsutsuki Ura Shiki. It’s over.

Now Uchiha Obito’s realm has dropped back to the super shadow level. The reason why he can���Maintained at super shadow level.

It’s completely because the left eye has been replaced with the Uchiha class’s samsara eye, otherwise the Uchiha brought out the estimated Kage level!!

After the Little Ten-Tails landed heavily on the ground, he wanted to escape, but was locked by the look of the Nine Magatama Rinne Sharingan on Naruto’s forehead and could not move.

I can only lie down on the ground obediently!!

At this time, only the nine-tailed Naruto, who was about the size of a lion, ran over, because Naruto was about to start the plan.

Seeing this, Uchiha Obito could probably guess what Naruto wanted to do.

“What a crazy idea, but it’s really exciting to think about”

“At this moment, Uchiha Obito was also full of excitement.”

Looking forward to the scene that is about to happen next.

In the field.

Naruto placed a hand on the six magatama reincarnation eyes of the little Ten-Tails, and a huge pupil power was continuously injected into it.

“Ho ho ho!!”

Little Ten-Tails let out a painful cry. The pain of having his consciousness shattered so strongly that even the Ten-Tails without much thought would feel deep fear!!

Why the fear? Because Little Ten-Tails also knows that one But his consciousness was destroyed!!

Then it means that there is no existence of his little Ten-Tails in this world.

So won’t Little Ten-Tails feel deep fear? The answer is definitely not.

At the same time Naruto controlled the Nine-Tailed Naruto, who was only the size of a lion, to slowly float up.

As Naruto continued to operate, the Ten-Tails in Naruto also felt scared.

Although it was not operated on him, the actions were all The Ten-Tails is also afraid.

Therefore, it can only continue to be extremely docile in Naruto’s body, for fear of making its master unhappy.

As time goes by, the consciousness of the little Ten-Tails becomes weaker and weaker!!

This is After Naruto planned to destroy the consciousness of the Little Ten-Tails, he would infiltrate the Nine-Tails Naruto’s consciousness and body into the Little Ten-Tails’ body in one breath.

Let the Nine-Tails Naruto completely control the Little Ten-Tails’ body.

It is equivalent to a disguised form. Sexually, the Nine-Tails Naruto became the Little Ten-Tails and was physically upgraded.

This step is very critical, because there are essential differences between the Nine-Tails and the Ten-Tails!!

The Nine-Tails did not take away chakra to grow, because it was once in When it was created by the Six Paths Sage, it was already fixed.

There was no chance to continue to grow upwards, but the Ten-Tails was different.

It was used as a carrier to seize the planet’s energy, so the Ten-Tails could grow.

So this is what Naruto Uzumaki values…

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