Chapter 0146 Naruto shows extraordinary skills!!

In the divine space.

After Naruto checked the status of the Ten-Tails, Naruto casually ordered Uchiha Obito beside him:”You should find a way to reunite the surviving White Zetsu clones as soon as possible.”

Uchiha Obito asked:”Is it necessary? Deal with them? Okay, I’ll do it right away”

“Solve them?”

After a pause, Uzumaki Naruto smiled and said:”Why should we deal with them? If we deal with them, where can I find such a useful tool? Uchiha Obito was a little confused:”What do you mean?”

Uzumaki Naruto smiled and said:”Obito, continue your promising job as the leader of the Akatsuki organization!”


For a moment, Uchiha Obito was speechless by Uzumaki Naruto’s words. It was so embarrassing.

Also the leader of the organization? Do you want him to be eliminated and targeted again?

So Uchiha Obito still doesn’t quite understand, why did Naruto say that? Hope it’s just a joke!!

Seeing Uchiha Obito’s frightened expression!

Naruto said:”I need a White Zetsu clone to find a person in the ninja world. That person is hidden much deeper than the Six Paths Sage Otsutsuki Hagoromo.””

“I see! I understand, I’ll take care of it.”

Naruto has said this, and Uchiha Obito has placed this matter at the highest position in his heart.

Naruto patted Uchiha Obito’s shoulder and handed it to Uchiha Obito. Naruto was relieved.

Although Uchiha Obito Uchiha is very extreme, but he also has advantages.

After giving some instructions to Obito Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki once again entered the Hirazan space gate of Huangquan and returned to Konoha Village.

Naruto returned to Konoha Village and There is no need to attract attention!!

In a pavilion somewhere in the Hyuga clan.

Gently touching the two small raised horns on Uzumaki Naruto’s head, Hyuga Hinata asked carefully:”Does it hurt?”

“how could be!

Uzumaki Naruto smiled and shook his head. Hinata pinched it boldly again, with a look of curiosity on his face:”Why do you have horns?””

“This is complicated to explain.……”

After a pause, Uzumaki Naruto said:”To put it simply, it is the blood power hidden in my genetic sequence.”

“When I achieved the ‘Blood Succession Snare’, it was completely dug out, so I grew this pair of little horns.”

The long horn on the forehead is the dominant feature of the Otsutsuki clan.

Otsutsuki Kaguya, Otsutsuki Hagoromo, Otsutsuki Hamura, and Uchiha Madara, who became the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, and Uchiha Obito all have them. Compared with this feature, the horns on Uzumaki Naruto’s forehead are already small.

This is not to say that his strength is not as good as other Otsutsukis, but that the way he obtains power is the orthodox fusion of chakra properties..

He does not rely on external forces such as chakra fruits or the Ten-Tails, and he does not rely much on blood.

Therefore, his dominant characteristics are not as obvious as Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito in the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki state. Except for Except for the two small horns that protrude from his forehead, there is no obvious difference in his appearance, skin color, etc.

“So cute!”

Hyuga Hinata was stroking the little horn on Uzumaki Naruto’s head while being silly and happy.

Looking at Hinata Hinata’s shining eyes, Naruto was speechless:”I’m not a little pet, don’t stare at me like this.! Hinata

Hinata suddenly thought of something and asked,”I heard that”Six Paths Sage””

“There are also two small horns on his head. Are these the characteristics of an immortal?

Uzumaki Naruto replied casually:”Absolutely, but there are exceptions.””

The fact that horns can grow on the forehead shows that the blood of Otsutsuki in the body is very strong. This type of people are almost all ‘sixth level’.

In addition, if the Hyuga clan has the reincarnation eye, then after turning on the ‘reincarnation chakra mode’.Only a horn will grow on the forehead. Under normal circumstances, there is no horn on the forehead.

So it makes sense to say that horns are a characteristic of immortals. However, there are exceptions to everything. Yun who killed the second Hokage that year The Hidden Gold Horn and Silver Horn brothers have horns on their foreheads, but they don’t have the strength of the Six Paths level.

At this time, Hinata Hinata touched Naruto’s eyebrows again:”I heard that you have an eye between your eyebrows. Why is there no more?”


With a chuckle, Uzumaki Naruto opened the Eyes of the Moon between his eyebrows.

Suddenly, a thin vertical slit appeared between his eyebrows, and then, the one shone with a strange light.

The scarlet ‘Eye of the Moon’ covered with magatama appeared in front of Hinata Hinata’s eyes.


Hinata Hinata was startled and quickly retracted her hand.

Naruto said gently:”Don’t be afraid, it won’t hurt you.”

Hinata Hinata avoided the sight of the ‘Eye of the Moon’. Although she knew that the ‘Eye of the Moon’ between Hinata’s eyebrows would not hurt her.

But for some reason, when facing the ‘Eye of the Moon’, she He couldn’t help but feel frightened.

Uzumaki Naruto immediately closed the Eye of the Moon upon seeing this. After a moment, Hinata Hinata calmed down and whispered:”Naruto, I still can’t believe you. He actually became a sage.”

Naruto Uzumaki smiled and said,”That was all part of the plan. Hinata looked at Naruto and said,”Mirror, you don’t tell me anything, is it because I am a burden?””

“of course not!”

Touching Hinata’s head, Naruto comforted:”My plan is too dangerous and too crazy.”

“So I have to hide it from everyone before I succeed. I won’t tell you, just because I’m afraid you’ll worry.”

“So what do you want to tell me now?”

Hinata Hinata’s eyes were full of expectation.

Naruto smiled knowingly, took a deep breath, and said solemnly:”Hinata, marry me!”

Hyuga Hinata happily rushed forward, hugged Uzumaki Naruto, and said excitedly:”Naruto, our child will also grow horns, and he will also be a fairy.”

Naruto was stunned for a moment:”What?, this is not good!”

After reaching the realm of ‘Blood Successor Snare’, Uzumaki Naruto has been able to control chakra at will.

Whether and how much chakra should be given to his descendants can be controlled.

And when he thinks of Otsutsuki Hagoromo, Otsutsuki He felt guilty about the human tragedy of the Otsutsuki Kaguya brothers rebelling against Otsutsuki Kaguya.

Although from the perspective of the ninja world, he supported the brothers’ rebellion, because without Otsutsuki Hagoromo, Otsutsuki Hamura’s rebellion would not have happened now. It is impossible to imagine what the ninja world is like. It may even have been drained of natural energy by Kaguya Otsutsuki and turned into a death star floating in the universe.

But from the perspective of a parent, what it feels like to be rebelled by your children It was uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, Uzumaki Naruto secretly made up his mind:”I can’t repeat the same mistakes and raise white-eyed wolves like Otsutsuki Kaguya and her son!”

The education of Otsutsuki Kaguya, mother and son, is more and more failed.

I won’t talk about the sealed Otsutsuki Kaguya,”The education of Otsutsuki Hagoromo by the Sage of Six Paths is also a mess.”

The thousand-year struggle in the Ninja world, the fight between his eldest son Indra and his second son Asura, turned the Ninja world upside down and left no peace. Not to mention Otsutsuki Hamura, he split up his family and directly destroyed his family.

Then he was confused. Only one descendant of Otsutsuki Toneri was left dead, and almost all of them were wiped out. Of course, the clan is also wiped out now. All these lessons made Uzumaki Naruto have to pay more attention to the education of his children. Regardless of selfishness, even in the future If he wants to have children, Naruto will not choose to inject blood-continuing snare-level energy into his children. It is too high for his children to start at once, which is actually a bit bad.

It will be enough to make them have the same blood power as normal people. In the future It is not impossible to become a Kage level steadily, or to become a super Kage with a sudden burst of talent. Mainly, Naruto is now in the realm of blood net and has a long life. Naruto’s vision is to conquer the entire universe.

Only the sea of stars can It is Naruto’s highest pursuit!

Of course, while pursuing the stars and the sea, he cannot do without his companionship! After formally proposing to Hinata Hinata, Naruto was asked by Hinata Hinata, the head of the Hyuga clan, to move to the clan mansion.

Hinata Hinata Zu is eager to help Naruto to death, this is the immortal of the new era!!

Naruto has become the son-in-law of the Hyuga clan, his Hyuga and Hyuzu, who dares to look down on him, Hyuuga and Hyuzu??

Give them 10,000 I didn’t dare, so! Hinata and Hinata didn’t hesitate, and directly asked Naruto to move to the old clan.

Besides, the house of the Hyuga clan is also more beautiful!!

Anyway, use whatever method you can. What, Hinata and Hinata can’t wait to use all the methods.

In addition, Naruto does not need to worry about the wedding preparations personally. Almost everyone in the clan and village is busy with Naruto’s wedding.

And with Naruto’s current status as a sage, his wedding is not even just a matter for the Konoha family.

The other ninja villages, and even the daimyo of major countries, did not wait for Konoha to officially send out invitations, and rushed to send people to send congratulatory gifts.

And In this festive and busy atmosphere, Naruto quietly came to Konoha Hospital.

The Fourth Ninja World War had just ended, and many of the wounded had not recovered, and many were disabled due to injuries.

Among them were people like Rock Lee is such a close friend to Naruto.

“Under Tsunade’s treatment, although Rock Lee’s life was not in danger, the explosion of”

Himon Escape Formation” caused many wounds to his body that cannot be cured by current medical ninjutsu.

Therefore, Tsunade diagnosed Rock Lee personally and confirmed that Rock Lee wanted to Recovery takes a long, long time


Before he entered the ward, Naruto heard Locke Lee’s hearty laughter from a distance in the hospital corridor.

He seemed to be chatting about something happy with his injured colleagues in the ward.

“This guy……”

With a chuckle, Uzumaki Naruto walked into the ward.

Seeing Uzumaki Naruto come in, the Konoha ninjas who were recovering in the ward were all surprised and quickly stood up and saluted.

“Everyone lie down, this is a hospital, there is no need to salute me. After pressing his hands

, Naruto looked at Locke Li:”Xiao Li, I’m here to see you. How is your health?” Locke

Li, who was sitting in a wheelchair, laughed and said,”I didn’t expect that I could save my life. It’s all thanks to Tsunade-sama!””

Naruto opened his reincarnation eye at this time and took a brief look at Locke Li’s body. He found that the bones, meridians, and ligaments at each joint in Kai’s body had all suffered severe trauma. It indeed exceeded the limit of what current medical ninjutsu can treat..

However, Locke Li’s mental state was quite good, and he was not too depressed, as if he was not the one who was injured and disabled.

At this time, Tsunade, who learned that Uzumaki Naruto had come to the hospital, led a group of medical ninjas and appeared at Locke Li’s Ward.

Seeing Naruto Uzumaki examining Rock Lee.

Tsunade said from the side:”Rock Lee’s condition is very bad. I have tried several treatment options, but the results are not satisfactory. Locke

Li, on the other hand, didn’t care much:”I know very well what the cost of opening the ‘Eight Doors of Dunjia’ is. I’m lucky to be alive.””

Uzumaki Naruto nodded slightly.

For ordinary ninjas, Eight Gate Dungeon is not a forbidden technique that can be easily tried.

But for people like Locke Li, after long-term training in physical arts, their foundation is already very solid..

That’s why he didn’t lose his life after forcibly opening the seventh door!

If Rock Li’s master Kai had come to open the seventh door, then there wouldn’t be such a serious problem.

Because people like Kai are better managers than Rock Li. He needs to exercise for a longer period of time. It can be said that his body has become so strong that it cannot be described in words…

But Rock Li is different. It may be okay if he opens the sixth door, but the seventh door is too reluctant.

For treatment, Tsunade can definitely be treated, but it will take a long time.

Tsunade stared at Uzumaki Naruto and asked:”Naruto, do you have any idea?”


Uzumaki Naruto smiled. For him who has now mastered all the changes in the nature of chakra.

Not to mention treating injuries, even resurrecting a person is not difficult. As he said this, he pressed his hand on On Locke Lee’s shoulders.

Tsunade quickly signaled to the medical ninjas around her, asking everyone to carefully watch Uzumaki Naruto’s treatment process.

She brought a group of medical ninjas here this time just to learn from Uzumaki Naruto, the sage. treatment method.

However, before anyone could see what was going on, Uzumaki Naruto had already withdrawn his hand, Tsunade looked confused:”It’s over?”

Without waiting for Uzumaki Naruto to answer, Rock Lee, who had been confirmed to be disabled, stood up from the wheelchair with a look of surprise on his face:”I feel that my body has completely recovered, no, it is even better than before!

Uzumaki Naruto smiled and said,”I just helped you treat the hidden wounds you accumulated during previous exercises.””

Seeing that Rock Li’s whole person seemed to have taken on a new look, Tsunade marveled:”You are indeed an immortal!”

“I was also called a medical expert, and now I feel like it’s really a slap in the face.”

“The title of Medical Master should be given to Naruto, but I am not suitable at all.”

Tsunade sighed.

Feeling the expectant looks from the other wounded in the ward, Uzumaki Naruto turned to Tsunade and said:”Gather all the wounded who cannot be cured by medical ninjutsu!

Tsunade’s eyes lit up:”Okay, I’ll make arrangements right away!””

Soon, the medical ninjas in the hospital got busy and summoned all the injured and disabled people into an empty hall.

Uzumaki Naruto did not waste any time and began to treat them.

Uzumaki Naruto would not go. It is easy to resurrect the dead who have died in battle, because this will directly destroy the social structure.

Once this is started, everyone wants to be resurrected, and it will be chaos. And no matter how much chakra Uzumaki Naruto has, it is impossible to guarantee all People live forever.

But if you just treat the disabled in this war, it is a piece of cake.

Uzumaki Naruto himself is proficient in human body structure, coupled with the assistance of the reincarnation eye, and the realm of ‘Blood Successor Snare’.

Injury The disabled person was like a misplaced building block in his hands. He could easily straighten it out with just a slight movement of his hand.

“Is this an immortal?”

“With Naruto-sama here, do we medical ninjas still have a purpose??”

“Yes, our busyness before was not as good as Naruto-sama’s casual wave.”

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