Chapter 0073 Naruto revealed Nagato’s Rinnegan information in advance!!

After Naruto replaced his left eye, he continued to repair the wound using healing techniques.

He slowly opened his eyes and said with a smile:”Haha! My eyes are still comfortable!!”

“However, the period of using the Mangekyou Sharingan also allowed me to feel in advance what the true power of the universe is.”

“It can be considered a good harvest.”

After a brief repair, Naruto set off to find Yu Jiuban and Kaiban to join them!

As a super high-end intelligence officer, Bai Zetsu also discovered the news that Konoha dispatched personnel to find Shimura Danzo.

The Kingdom of Rain Base.

Bai Zetsu appeared in front of Shimura Danzo.

Shimura Danzo was sitting on a chair with his eyes closed and concentrating. He opened his eyes and asked:”Bai Zetsu, what can I do for you?”

“hey-hey! I heard something interesting. Mutu has sent many troops to track you down!”

Bai Jue said with a playful smile.


Shimura Danzo snorted. Hearing that Konoha was sending people to chase him made Shimura Danzo feel very unhappy. Damn it, it’s all because of Konoha’s bastards that he is in this state now.

Shimura Danzo was unhappy. He said:”I know, you can leave.”

Bai Zetsu didn’t say anything to Shimura Danzo! He just came to inform Shimura Danzo!!

If Shimura Danzo is captured like this, then he can only blame Shimura Danzo for his bad luck!!

Shimura Danzo Although he is unhappy, he is not really stupid. During this period of time, he can only temporarily avoid the limelight. After experiencing several death experiences, Shimura Danzo now cherishes his own life very much!!

Jiraiya, Konoha Village, Land of Fire Returning through the Konoha gate, two gate registration personnel greeted politely:”Jiraiya-sama, you are back!”

“Um! Thanks for your hard work.”

Jiraiya responded politely to them and walked towards the Hokage Building.

Tong Zi Teji sent Lord Jiraiya away and sighed,”Our Lord Jiraiya is so awesome!”

“Not only did he teach great ninjas like the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato,”

“And the current disciple, Uzumaki Naruto, also vaguely holds the title of Konoha’s number one combat power.”

“I think back then, Uzumaki Naruto was still a weakling, but his current strength is far beyond our reach!!”

“So Jiraiya-sama definitely has a very unique place in guiding his apprentices01”

“This is indeed the case!”

Izuku Kamizuki on the side also echoed and said:”It would be great if I could become a disciple of Lord Jiraiya.”

“Maybe now I am no longer a Chunin, but at least a Jonin.”

“Then my future will definitely be bright!”

When Shenyue Izumo said this, he looked at the sky with expectant eyes.


Shenyue Izumo was hit on the head by Tong Zi Tie, and asked:”Why did you hit me??”

“I’m trying to wake you up so that you don’t fall into daydreaming, you know??”

Tong Zi Tie looked at Shenyue Izumo like an idiot, it’s best to wake up.


Shenyue Izumo made a sound and said:”Don’t say you don’t have it, I don’t believe it.”

“You have ideas, but you won’t express them unrealistically, as that would look like an idiot.”

Tong Zi Tie also thought about it! But he didn’t say it like Kamizuki Izumo.

Jiraiya came all the way to the Hokage Building, walked all the way to the second floor, and knocked on the door.

Dong Dong Dong……

“Come in.”

Tsunade’s voice came out.

Jiraiya opened the door and walked in.

Shizune greeted politely:”Jiraiya-sama”

“Um! Shizune, you have become more beautiful!”

Jiraiya said with praise.

Shizune responded sheepishly:”Jiraiya-sama, please stop joking.”

Tsunade looked up and saw that it was Jiraiya. She went straight to the point without any nonsense and said:”Jiraiya, you are back! Have you gained anything in these few months?”

“Some information about the Akatsuki organization has been discovered.”

Jiraiya came and sat down on a chair nearby.

Tsunade continued to wait for Jiraiya to continue speaking. Shizune also put aside her silence and listened. After sitting down, Jiraiya told all the information about Akatsuki that he had found out in the past few months. All information about the organization was told to Tsunade.

After Tsunade heard this, she did not expect that the existence of this Akatsuki organization would definitely be a great hidden danger to the stability of the ninja world!!

Collecting tailed beasts secretly, it doesn’t take much thinking to know that it is definitely a threat to wood. It is a very dangerous thing for Ye and the entire ninja world!!

However, the Akatsuki organization is hidden too deeply, making it impossible for many intelligence personnel to start. Jiraiya broke the deadlock and smiled:”Tsunade, I heard that Naruto has behaved in the past few months. Very good!!”

“It seems that my master has guided me very well.”

“You are also quite narcissistic. That’s because Naruto himself is excellent. What does that have to do with you?”

Tsunade will not coddle Jiraiya, she must give him a beating.

“Ha ha!”

Jiraiya laughed, and then said seriously:”I plan to go to the Land of Rain.”

“Jiraiya, I tell you it’s best not to mess around. It’s very dangerous for you to go deep into the enemy camp like this.”

Tsunade immediately stopped Jiraiya’s idea.

It was desperate. Even if Jiraiya was very strong, it was very undesirable to go deep into the enemy camp alone.

Jiraiya said firmly:”I have decided Yes, Tsunade”

“Then wait until Naruto comes back from the mission, otherwise I won’t agree to anything he says.”

Tsunade doesn’t want Jiraiya to do anything. Although it is important to detect information, there is really no need to go deep into the enemy camp alone.

Tsunade has said so, and there is no need for Jiraiya to continue talking. Go down, so as not to cause a quarrel later, and responded:”I understand.”

Shizune on the side breathed a sigh of relief. She was really afraid that Tsunade-sama and Jiraiya would just quarrel like this.

Then it would be very embarrassing for her to be caught in the middle.

This result is the best now.

This At the door of the Hokage’s office, there was another knock on the door!!

“Come in.”

Tsunade let the person who knocked on the door come in.

Anko came in and saw Master Jiraiya on the side, and greeted them together:”Sir Hokage, Master Jiraiya”

“Hongdou, what’s wrong?”

Tsunade is still very satisfied with Anko. Although she was once a subordinate of Orochimaru, she has always performed very well.

So Anko told the story about her being taken away from her home by a stranger and taken to Orochimaru’s base.

At the same time, her chakra was sealed, and she didn’t know what happened in the meantime, but the curse mark on her body disappeared.

After that, she didn’t know when she was sent back to Konoha Village.

Tsunade and Jiraiya listened to Anko’s words After the description, the two looked at each other.

Although the information Anko said was not comprehensive, the secrets contained in it were indeed frightening.

Tsunade and Jiraiya said in unison:”The Flying Thunder God’s Jutsu!!

Jiraiya continued:”Even if it is not the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, it is a time and space ninjutsu that is quite compatible with the Flying Thunder God Jutsu.””

“Konoha has been invaded before, but it was still unknowingly.”

Tsunade realized the seriousness of the problem!!

There is no way to know how much Konoha has been penetrated.

“This, Tsunade-sama, what should we do?”

Shizune is also very nervous. This is too scary! Hongdou was secretly taken away by strangers in her own home.

Does this mean that she may also be secretly taken away?”

Thinking of this, Shizune started to get goosebumps all over her body. Pimple.

Tsunade made a decisive decision and said:”Shizune, immediately notify all the ANBU in place and conduct a secret investigation into Konoha’s interior. You must not miss any suspicious places.””

“Yes, Tsunade-sama.”

Shizune ran out immediately, she had to hurry!

Tsunade then said:”Anko, you don’t have to worry about this anymore, I will take care of it, go down and rest!”

“Okay, Hokage-sama, I will go back first.”

Now Anko can only choose to believe that Master Tsunade will handle this matter.

Tsunade looked at Jiraiya with a serious expression and said:”Now, you are not thinking about going to the Country of Rain to find out the news, are you??”

“How can it be? There is something like this happening within Konoha. I won’t be able to sleep unless I find out more about it, and it’s still about Orochimaru.”

Jiraiya thought of all the things about Orochimaru.

Jiraiya asked:”Tsunade, you said that there was news some time ago about Orochimaru being killed by Sasuke Chiha.”

“Now it involves Orochimaru, what do you think??”

Tsunade pushed her chair back and looked at the scene of Konoha outside and responded:”Although Anko didn’t say she saw Orochimaru just now.”

“But I have a strong feeling that Orochimaru is not dead yet, and that Orochimaru guy can’t die just like that!!”

“Um! I think so too. Now we should first check inside Konoha to see if there are any informants left by the enemy.”

Jiraiya said and stood up to leave.

Tsunade watched Jiraiya leave the office. She also had to get busy. Not only did she have to mobilize the ANBU to investigate, but she also had to mobilize the Jonin class.

There were also Shimura Danzo and others. The former subordinates should also be cleaned in more detail.

Naruto did not know yet that Jiraiya had returned to Konoha Village.

Now Naruto has contacted Yuhi Ben and Kai Ban and informed them to rendezvous.

So, Naruto They were informed to gather at an abandoned ruins on the border of the Land of Fire. After Naruto arrived, Kai, Neji, Tenten, and Rock Lee also arrived not long after. Because

Yuhi Kurenai and the others were farther away, it was probably Two hours later, they also arrived.

Naruto looked at everyone and said:”Everyone is here. I have discovered the location of the Akatsuki organization base, in the Kingdom of Rain.”

“Now it depends on everyone’s opinions. Should we go to the Land of Rain or go back and report to Grandma Tsunade? We all decide together.”

“Another point is that the opponent’s leader is the owner of the Samsara Eye.”

“The base of the Akatsuki organization turns out to be in the Country of Rain!”

Tiantian responded with a surprised expression. As for the Rinnegan, Tenten doesn’t understand it very well. Including everyone else! He doesn’t know exactly what the Rinnegan is.

But since Naruto said it so seriously, it must not be simple. Eye technique.

Yuhi Hong suggested:”Although we have many people, we cannot make decisions on this matter without authorization. We should go back and report to the Hokage.””

“It’s always a good idea to err on the side of caution.”

Everyone also nodded. There is nothing wrong with being cautious.

As a user of the Byakugan, Neji curiously asked:”Naruto, how much do you know about the Rinnegan??”

When Ningji asked this question, everyone became curious. After all, they only knew about the Rinnegan.

It is one of the three major pupil techniques spread in the ninja world, but they didn’t know the specific situation. They only knew about the Byakugan and Writing Eyes. They know the most about the Rinnegan.

Because the Byakugan and the Sharingan are both abundant in Konoha, they will of course know it.

Naruto said meaningfully:”In short, the Rinnegan is a very terrifying pupil technique.”

“Countless times more powerful than the Byakugan and Sharingan, even the Mangekyō Sharingan will be overshadowed by the Rinnegan.”

“It has been passed down from the ninja world that the Sage of Six Paths was the owner of the Samsara Eye. So, you should understand the horror of the Samsara Eye!!”

When Ya heard this, he was instantly dumbfounded:”The Sage of Six Paths is also the owner of the Samsara Eye, so isn’t the leader of the Akatsuki organization as powerful as the Sage of Six Paths? Then how can we fight?”

“It shouldn’t be possible to reach the same height as the Sage of Six Paths, but it’s not easy either.”

“Shino responded more pertinently.

At this time, Kai gave a thumbs up and said,”Don’t be discouraged. As long as we keep working hard, we will definitely be able to create miracles.””

“Teacher Kai is right! No matter who the enemy is, as long as our faith remains undefeated, the enemy cannot defeat us.”

Rock Lee also became enthusiastic.

Naruto shook his head and chuckled.

Hinata seemed to be a little transparent the whole time, but Naruto could see the concern for him in Hinata’s eyes.

After 740 made the decision, everyone felt that they should go back to Konoha first, and then let the Hokage make the decision.

Because they were just at the border of the Land of Fire! It only took half a day to get back to Konoha.

After coming back, they reported to the Hokage’s office first. When Laiya heard that Naruto was back, he went over to Tsunade and immediately prepared to leave.

Kakashi, who was with Jiraiya, said:”Jiraiya-sama, let me go too!”

“When they came back from their mission, they went over to the Hokage together. Things were definitely not that simple.”

“Um! Okay, Kakashi, come with us!”

Jiraiya heard that Kakashi was going to go with him, and of course he was very happy. Kakashi is now one of the pillars of Konoha.

Tsunade hasn’t slept well recently. There are really too many things.

Let Tsunade The hands are very tired, but it is related to the safety of Konoha. Even if you are tired, you have to persist.

Only when Konoha is completely settled can Tsunade be able to relax a little.

Otherwise, how can it be possible to relax even a little bit!!

Tsunade It’s also very simple. Since the matter is very important, then notify more people to come for the meeting. Do it in one step, saving you from having to notify again when it comes.

Let Naruto and the others report on the spot and make judgments and decisions!!

At this time, Jiraiya He and Kakashi walked into the Hokage’s office. Naruto and the other nine people were waiting.

Kai smiled and said:”Kakashi, you’re here!””

“ah! I’m relieved that you can come back safely.”

Kakashi also responded with a bit of a dead eye.

Kai waved his hand and said:”The main reason is that Naruto found out the news. We didn’t gain anything. It’s like our trip was in vain. We still have to rely on Naruto!”

“Otherwise we will gain nothing.”

Kai is relatively outspoken.

Jiraiya came to Naruto, patted Naruto on the shoulder and said happily:”Naruto, you are getting better and better now. I am very happy. I believe you can be even better in the future.”

“Haha, good lustful fairy, you should also do a good job, and your books will be more popular in the future.”

Naruto responded with a smile showing two rows of teeth.

Jiraiya felt a very weird feeling when he heard this? Is Naruto praising him or hurting him??

Jiraiya doubted that Naruto was doing it on purpose. Damn him, this hateful kid is not cute at all.

The people present, those who knew Jiraiya’s books, all looked at Jiraiya with very strange expressions. Jiraiya was embarrassed for a while!! Nara Shikaku, Hinata Hizu and others also came to the Hokage’s office at this time.

After Tsunade asked everyone to come over, she asked Naruto to report on the work on the spot!!

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