




In the dining room of Mietang's house, everyone else had stopped eating.

Only Mingye was still swallowing food in big mouthfuls.

Although he ate very elegantly, the sound of swallowing food was very obvious in the dining room because he ate too fast.

But Mingye didn't care at all and continued to eat seriously.

Because as he ate, he felt that the wound under his bandage had gradually stopped bleeding.

Even some shallow wounds seemed to have a tingling sensation that was unique to healing.

But even so, when he finished the 35th steak, Mingye still stopped eating.

He had a feeling that the current intake was just right.

If he continued to eat, it would exceed the maximum calories that his current body could accommodate.

That would have a counterproductive effect, so he did not choose to continue eating.

Instead, he gently wiped his lips and stopped eating this time.

However, when he looked up, he found that everyone in the dining room was looking at him.

For ordinary people, it would be embarrassing to be stared at by so many pairs of eyes at the same time.

Fortunately, Ming Ye had been through a lot and could handle all kinds of situations without showing his emotions.

So he didn't react.

Instead, when other people saw Ming Ye's calm eyes, they all consciously looked away.


At this time,

Pianyuanmietang saw that everyone had finished their meal, so he began to order them to leave.

"Sorry for the poor hospitality."

"I'm going to ask you to leave in advance."

"I have something I want to discuss with Shikano-kun, Furumi-kun, Nishihiro-kun, and Fujii-kun."

"Please go back first!"

Hearing what Pianyuan Mietang said, the others present naturally had no objection.

Among the remaining people present, except Dongxiang Zhi and the three men under Mingye, all were fighters.

Naturally, they had no objection. Although they were not completely ignorant of business matters, they were definitely not interested in them.

Their purpose was very pure, which was to fight to become stronger.

And the three men under Mingye, under the signal of Mingye's eyes, left voluntarily without any objection.

The only person who had an objection was Dongxiang Zhi.


"Hello! Mr.…President of the Film Source Association!"

"Why can't I stay!"

Tougou Zhi slammed the table and said while standing in front of Pianyuan Mitetang.

Seeing her rude behavior, Kanaga, who was standing next to Pianyuan Mitetang, had a cold light flashing in his eyes.

Just when he wanted to teach Tougou Zhi a lesson,

Pianyuan Mitetang raised his hand to stop him. Pianyuan

Mitetang looked at the furious Tougou Zhi in front of him, but he was not angry. He said calmly and kindly:"Hey! Tougou, don't be so angry!"

"That wouldn't be cute!"

"When you were little, I held you in my arms. You were much cuter then than you are now."

Speaking of this, Pianyuan Mietang shook his head with a look of regret, and then continued:

"I still remember you as a baby,……"

""Enough! Old man, I'm leaving! If you dare to say it out loud, I'll kill you!" Dongxiang Zhi roared madly in front of Pianyuan Mietang.

The sound was so loud that it was like a raging wind, blowing up Pianyuan Mietang's beard.

But Pianyuan Mietang still had a calm expression, but combined with his just words, he looked a bit shameless.

Dongxiang Zhi was so angry when he saw Pianyuan Mietang like this.

But he could only stomp his feet hard as a protest, and then left without looking back.

Watching Dongxiang Zhi leave.

Pianyuan Mietang turned to everyone with a kind smile as if nothing had happened and said,"Everyone, let's talk now!"


An hour later.

The negotiation was over, and everyone left.

Gana Kaguya, who was standing next to Katanamoto Mitsudo, finally couldn't help but ask,"Sir, why don't you let me kill Togo Tsutomu? How dare she be so disrespectful to you!"

"It should be eradicated!"

Hearing this, Pianyuan Mietang shook his head and said to Gana:"Gao, you still don't understand! In fact, I don't hate Zhi. If her personality wasn't too crazy, I would even be willing to help her."

"Come challenge me and make my boring life more fun!"

"What a pity!"Speaking of this, Pianyuanmietang was somewhat bored.

"After all, Zhi still can't meet my expectations, but it doesn't matter. Kengan needs people like her to exist! Only in this way can it be more vibrant."

"Otherwise, the situation will only get worse."

"Besides, I do have some personal relationship with her father, and I watched her grow up."

"So don't say this kind of thing anymore, understand?"

Pianyuan Mietang said to Gana seriously.

""I understand, sir!" Upon hearing this, Gana Ge nodded seriously.

But from his eyes, Pianyuan Mietang knew that Gana Ge did not really understand what he meant.

So he could only shake his head helplessly and said silently in his heart:"Ge! You are strong enough, but also weak enough. It's time for you to experience something else!"

"From what I just discussed with those four people, they should have already realized what I meant, right?"

"I don’t know who will be my challenger in the end!"

"You must not let me down!"

Pianyuan Mietang turned his head and said silently to the people walking towards the exit outside the window.


Outside the mansion of Katanamoto Mitsudo, the fighters under several people were waiting for their boss.

After saying goodbye to them politely, Mingye walked towards his car. Sanqiao and the other two were waiting for him there.

But when he got there, he found that in addition to Sanqiao and the others, there was another person who was unexpected but reasonable.


"Fujii Meiye, nice to meet you. My name is Togo Tomo, and I’m the president of Iwami Heavy Industries. I’ve come to discuss a cooperation plan with you that could overturn the entire Kengankai!"

""Let's talk alone!"

Looking at the woman in front of him with a wild smile.

Ming Ye frowned slightly. He actually didn't want to discuss cooperation with others now.

The funds accumulated from three consecutive fighting competitions are enough for Feilong Enterprise to spend some time on integration.

In addition, under continuous high-intensity battles, the second template was finally successfully unlocked.

At this stage, he doesn't want to develop so ostentatiously, otherwise he will feel quite tired mentally.

Both Feilong Enterprise and he need to take advantage of this time to digest what they have gained. Even if we take a step back, he will never talk to Dongxiang Zhi about cooperation.

This woman's desire to dominate is too strong, and Ming Ye doesn't like to be dominated by others!

This is also the reason why he wants to start his own company and become a member of Kengankai.

If you choose to cooperate with Dongxiang Zhi now, it will undoubtedly be putting the cart before the horse.

So after Dongxiang Zhi made the request, Ming Ye pretended to ponder for a while, and then replied:"Miss Dongxiang, I'm sorry, Feilong Enterprise does not have enough strength to carry out such a plan now!"

"I personally don’t have such an intention, so let’s forget about this cooperation!"

"We will cooperate again if there is a chance in the future!"

Perhaps he heard the refusal hidden in Mingye's words.

Although Dongxiang Zhi still had an arrogant smile on his face, he did not continue to press, but took out a business card and handed it to Mingye, saying:"Since President Fujii is so ~ cautious~!"

"Then if President Fujii changes his mind in the future, he can contact me through the contact information above!"

After saying that, he left with a meaningful smile to Mingye.

Mingye looked at Togo Toshi's back and frowned even tighter. He had a hunch that this woman would not let it go so easily!

"It looks like there will be some troubles later!"

Ming Ye looked down at the business card in his hand, and then remembered what Pianyuan Mietang had talked about with them. He couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed.

But even so, he didn't show it. Instead, he put away the business card, called Sanqiao and others to get in the car, and then set off on the return journey.

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