

In the hospital.

Wu Fengshui sat beside Mingye's bed, looking at the sleeping Mingye.

Yesterday, Mingye woke up for a short while.

He specifically told them to take him to the venue for the fighting competition tomorrow.

Then he fell asleep and hasn't woken up yet.

Wu Fengshui looked at Mingye in front of her, who was tightly bound with bandages.

Even his face was scarred by Wu Lei'an.

Although the doctor said that skin grafting and laser surgery would not leave any scars.

But she still felt a little distressed.

Thinking of what Mingye said to her that day.

"Wu Fengshui is a nice name, isn't it?

She couldn't help but reach out and grab Mingye's big hand.

Holding it gently, she felt like she had done something bad secretly. Her face turned red.

But looking at Mingye's beautiful eyelashes, she smiled lightly and held her hand tighter.

But at this moment, a voice came from the corridor.

""Miss Wu! Is the boss awake?" That was Ito's voice.

Next to her was the voice of Sanqiao, whom she particularly disliked.

"Ito, don't worry! Since the boss asked us to take him there, there will be no problem!"

Wu Fengshui turned around and looked at Mingye reluctantly. He quietly let go of his hand.

Then Sanqiao and the others opened the door of the ward at this time.

When they saw Mingye still unconscious on the bed, their expressions were a little disappointed.

Ito walked to Mingye.

He was holding several kinds of wine that Mingye liked to drink the most.

Among them were whiskey, tequila, and water of life.……

He put all of them in a basket beside Mingye's bed.

Then he said to Mingye lovingly,"Boss, I brought all the wines you like to drink. You can drink them as soon as you wake up!"

"As long as you drink this wine, you will definitely get better immediately!"

Looking at Ito's affectionate look,

Wu Fengshui inexplicably felt that there seemed to be some different colors on his head.


Wu Fengshui turned his head and looked at the side. The wine that Ito brought yesterday and the wine that Ito bought when he was hospitalized the day before yesterday were almost piled up into a mountain.

But he still bought wine today.

Wu Fengshui didn't want to say anything.

Let him be! But……

""Mr. Ito, could you please not pile the wine around Mr. Fujii? That would affect the doctor and the nurse who are examining Mr. Fujii!"

Listening to Wu Fengshui's gentle voice behind him, Ito felt a chill down his spine for some reason.

Turning his head, he saw Wu Fengshui looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Why do I feel like... No! Miss Wu is so scary!"

"Does she want to kill me?"

"No, it must be my illusion!"

Ito comforted himself in his heart, and then obediently put the wine on the other side.

Seeing this, Wu Fengshui's eyes moved away from Ito and looked back at Mingye who was sleeping soundly.

"The competition is tomorrow. Is Mingye really okay?"


The next day,

1 hour before the fighting competition started, in Katanamoto Metsudo's private fighting arena.

This fighting arena is located below Katanamoto Metsudo's mansion.

It is usually the place where the members of the guard team train.

Today, Katanamoto Metsudo used it as a competition venue.

As for the audience of this game, there are not many this time, except for the parties involved.

There are some fighters related to it, and some business owners who are interested in this game.

Of course, there will be members of Katanamoto Metsudo's guard team.

At this time, Katanamoto Metsudo and a group of spectators are sitting at the highest point of the competition field.

The referee stands in the center waiting for the game time to come.

Katanamoto Metsudo is surrounded by a group of guards and the guard of Metsudo's tooth Gana.

There are also several fighters, namely Xiao Yuzhou, Wakata Samurai, and Mushi.

As for the bosses of the companies, in addition to Shikano Gen of Gangdai Company, who was invited by Katanamoto Metsudo to be the opponent of Meiye in this game, there are also Furumi Heihachi of Furumi Pharmaceutical and Nishijin Zhiming of Nishijin Security and Security Company.

Katanagen Miedang is now chatting and laughing with Xiao Yuzhou.

Judging from the laughter that comes out from time to time, the old man is quite happy.

As for Xipin Zhiming and Furumi Heihachi, because the two fighters have a good relationship, they are having a cautious conversation.

At this time, they all shifted their focus to a woman standing on the sidelines. The woman was wearing a white button-up shirt and a pair of jeans.

Her hair was a little messy, and she wore black-framed glasses. She was looking at the field with a creepy smile on her face.

She is Togo Tomo, the president of the current powerful enterprise, Iwami Heavy Industries. She is also the most feared crazy woman in Kengankai.

"President Gu Hai, why is that woman here?" Xipin Zhiming quietly pointed at Dongxiang Zhi and asked Gu Haiping, who was standing next to Dongxiang Zhi.

Gu Haiping also stared at Dongxiang Zhi, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

But he still replied in a low voice:

"I heard that she didn't know where she got the news about the competition today, so she forced her way in!"

"President Katanagen didn't want to get entangled with her, so he let her in."

Hearing this, Xipin Zhiming didn't ask any more questions.

Both of them didn't want to get into trouble.

Because in the current Kengan Society, if there is anyone who wants to be the president the most, it must be Togo Tomo!

And she is the kind who hardly hides it!

If she thinks she has a chance to fight Katanagen Mettang on equal terms, she will definitely turn into a tiger without hesitation and bite Katanagen Mettang's throat!

It's a pity that Katanagen Mettang has never given her such an opportunity, nor does he want to give her such an opportunity, because Togo Tomo is too crazy. Kengan Society may become the dominant one in her hands!

But it is also possible that it will be destroyed on the spot in an instant!

So under the deliberate suppression of Katanagen Mettang, although Togo Tomo is arrogant, she can only act within the rules.

As for the purpose of her coming here this time, it was because she watched the game video of Fujii Meiya a few days ago.

So she had an idea!

"Fujii Meiye! Let me see if you are a man worthy of my cooperation!" Dongxiang Zhi looked at the empty venue with a gleam in his eyes.


About half an hour later, there was finally movement in the field.

The movement came from Mingye's lounge.



Hearing this sound, everyone looked into the lounge.

They saw Ito pushing Mingye, who was sitting in a wheelchair and was still sleeping with bandages on his body, into the field.

This made everyone's eyes flash with surprise.

Although they heard the news that Mingye was injured before coming, they didn't expect that he would appear in a wheelchair, and he looked like he was sleeping or in a coma?

"This way of entering the arena is the first in Kengan's history, right?"Everyone present thought the same thing.

The referee in the arena felt a little overwhelmed when he looked at Mingye.

He had never encountered such a situation before!

So he simply said to Katagawa Metō through the headset:"President, does this match still need to go on?"

"Baka! Of course it has to go on! Didn’t you see my big brother is here?" The doubt in the referee's words made Ito furious, and he couldn't help but yell at the referee.

But the referee ignored him and still looked at Katanagen Mettang. This matter was too big and he couldn't make the decision.

Seeing this, Katanagen Mettang cast an inquiring look at Shikano Gen who was sitting next to him.

Shikano Gen nodded to indicate that there was no problem.

Seeing this, Katanagen Mettang said to the intercom:"It doesn't matter, let's do it!"

"The game is going on as normal!"

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