

About 50 meters away from Wu Lei'an.

Mingye walked towards Wu Lei'an while looking at Suzuki Nami behind him.

The environment of this abandoned dock was not dark today.

Wu Lei'an had already instructed his brothers to prepare the lights to celebrate his first kill after being released from confinement tonight!

It was also because of this that Mingye had just seen the dark color of Wu Lei'an's eyes.

"The Wu clan, it's them after all!"

Mingye breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Suzuki Nami behind Wu Lei'an was not hurt, but just tied up.

In fact, before he came here, he had already analyzed who kidnapped Suzuki Nami.

First of all, there are only three people who have grievances with him now!

One is Kono Akio.

After he lost the fighting game, he even drove away a powerful fighter like Haruo.

It is conceivable how angry he was about losing the game, so it is entirely possible that he hired a killer to kill him.

But when Suzuki Nami was kidnapped today, he But he didn't notice it at all, so it can be imagined that the killer's strength is extraordinary!

And in Mingye's impression, there is no such way for Kono Akio.

So he is ruled out!

The second one is Yoshitake Keirō, who just lost 20 billion after the fighting competition with him today!

But the time was too short.

It only took him and Suzuki Nami an hour to walk out of the venue.

It is impossible to arrange a killer in such a short time!

As for the remaining one, it is the Wu family who had a conflict with him in [Zhong] not long ago!

It is also the most likely one!

And the facts proved that his judgment was correct!

"But why did the Wu clan kidnap Suzuki and specifically ask me to come to a place like this?"

"If it was an assassination, shouldn't poisoning be used, or would stabbing be more convenient? What on earth does he want to do?" Mingye looked at the light-blonde-haired Wu Yizu in front of him, a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes.

And at this moment, the Wu Yizu who was sitting on the chair stood up and pointed his thumb at Suzuki Nami behind him and said,"Hey! Fujii Mingye, you must want to save the woman behind you!"

"But, it's a pity! I have some bad news for you!" Wu Lei'an pretended to look pity and said to Ming Ye.

"That means this woman has just been injected with a deadly poison by me!"

Speaking of this, Wu Lei'an finally couldn't help it, and a playful smile began to appear on his face.

He even walked to Wu Fengshui's side and moved her head up and down.

"Look, look! Her body is so stiff because of the poison that she can't even move!"

As he spoke, Wu Lei'an leaned over, squeezed Wu Fengshui's eyes with two fingers and said,"Look, she can't even move her eyes now!"

"Let me guess what she usually calls you?"

"Would she call you that?"

"Mr. Fujii!"Wu Lei'an said to Mingye with a mocking expression while fiddling with Wu Fengshui's eyes.

Mingye stopped 20 meters in front of Wu Lei'an. His face was still expressionless, but his eyes gradually became sharp and full of murderous intent under Wu Lei'an's actions.

Wu Fengshui looked at Mingye like this.

She wanted to move her stiff and numb tongue madly, but unfortunately, under the effect of the anesthetic, she couldn't move.

She didn't have the perverted Wu family bloodline like Wu Lei'an, so the anesthetic in her body couldn't eliminate its medicinal effect in a short time.

"Mingye, run away quickly! Run away quickly!"

"Don't fight this lunatic, you will die!" Wu Fengshui shouted anxiously in her heart while looking at Mingye in front of her.

Unfortunately, no matter how loud she shouted in her heart, Mingye could not hear it at all.

Moreover, her expression and eyes were unable to make corresponding movements due to the effect of anesthetics.

Wu Lei'an fiddled with Wu Fengshui's eyes for a while before getting up.

He looked at Mingye in front of him with a satisfied expression and said,"I didn't expect that there would be an unexpected surprise in this mission! Fujii Mingye, you really surprised me!"

"Such a strong murderous aura really scares me?"

Wu Lei'an spread his hands and pretended to show a frightened expression to Mingye.

But there was not a trace of fear in his eyes when he looked at Mingye, but full of disdain.

This characteristic combined with the way of speaking made Mingye think of someone while he was angry.

So Mingye tentatively said coldly to the person in front of him:"What do you want, Wu Lei'an?"

Mingye's words made Wu Lei'an's smile pause slightly.

He didn't expect Mingye to know his name.

This made him have a glimmer of interest in his eyes, and at the same time, he grinned and said to Mingye:

"I didn't expect you to know my name."

"In this case, I will give you a chance!"

"Fujii Meiye!"

Wu Lei'an took out a potion bottle from his pocket, shook it at Mingye and said,"This is the only antidote. There is only one hour left before the poison takes effect!"

"I'll put the potion bottle here. If you can beat me within an hour, she can survive!" Wu Lei'an placed the potion bottle next to Wu Fengshui.

He continued:"If you can't, then blame yourself for being useless!"

"Fujii Meiya!"

"The game begins now! I'm going to start, you must try hard to make me feel happy! Otherwise, I will slowly break each of your bones and let you know what pain is!"

Wu Lei'an walked towards Fujii Meiye step by step, and deliberately provoked him.

But what made him a little unhappy was that no matter how he provoked.

In Mingye's eyes, except for the increasingly strong murderous intent, there was no trace of expression fluctuation.

There was no expression of hope as he thought.

This made him feel very unhappy, because what he liked most was to break those people's self-righteous and ridiculous hopes.

"They never understand what they are really inferior to me!"

At this time, Wu Lei'an stepped into his attack range, and with a grim smile, he swung his right leg towards Mingye's waist and abdomen like a whip.

"The real difference between you and me is that I am born the strongest in the world!"

"You are just a bunch of weaklings!"


Wu Lei'an's right leg hit Mingye's waist and abdomen without any fancy moves, making a loud noise, which made the grim smile on Wu Lei'an's face even stronger.

As an outlier in the Wu clan since he was a child, he is definitely the special one even in the Wu clan with many talents.

Both his physical ability and learning ability are at the top level. The clan leader Hui Liyang even said that he is definitely a person who can leave his name in the history of the Wu clan!

But gradually he discovered one thing.

He was not satisfied with the praise and compliments from the people around him. What really satisfied him was fighting! It was the kind of violent fighting that was completely crushing!

That was what he discovered after performing his first mission!

From then on, he went further and further towards a road of no return, and the people of the Wu clan gradually had opinions about him.

At the same time, they unconsciously stayed away from him and gave him the title of demon! The man who accidentally destroyed everything. (The last descendant of the taboo is another name for the Wu clan)

But he didn't care about all this!

In his opinion, this was just a group of weak people, hugging each other for warmth!

He firmly believed that the path he was pursuing was right! Because he was the strongest!



Just when Wu Lei'an was about to continue his attack, a fist hit him.

Although he could dodge this fist with his speed, Wu Lei'an didn't plan to dodge it at all.

Even though he had heard Hui Liyang say before that the man in front of him had severely injured and nearly killed the King Kong Ghost Wu Lianyi, he still didn't care.

Because in his opinion, Wu Lianyi was just a pitiful weakling, and he had the same opinion of Ming Ye who defeated Wu Lianyi. Just a slightly stronger ant!

Is there any need to dodge his attack?

In Wu Lei'an's opinion, this was too troublesome. It would be better to let the weakling hit him and then stand up unscathed to see what his expression was!

That would be more interesting!

"Fujii Meiye, let me see your expression when you doubt your own strength! Wu Lei'an laughed wildly in his heart as he watched the fist approaching slowly.


But the moment he was hit by this fist, Wu Lei'an's memory was broken.





"What happened?"

Lying on a pile of cement and scrap metal at an abandoned dock, Wu Lei'an, with a slightly crooked nose, was a little drowsy.

Just after being hit, he seemed to have a white light in front of his eyes, and he had no memory of what happened afterwards.

He climbed out of the cement bag and looked at his current position.

"I was just hit by that punch and flew five meters away?"Wu Lei'an was judging his current position.

Feeling the pain on his cheek, he looked towards where Ming Ye was before, but he didn't see anyone.

Turning around, he saw Ming Ye feeding Wu Fengshui the fake antidote he had taken out before.

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