

"Could he be the opponent this time?"Mingye and Wu Fengshui both looked at Li Ren, who was standing next to Yiwu Qilang with a relaxed look.

Their eyes couldn't help but look a little strange.

But in the noisy atmosphere of the venue, no one noticed this scene.

They all turned their eyes to Mingye's opponent, Nakata Ichiro, also known as Li Ren.

"Boss, don't worry! I will let the arrogant president of Feilong Enterprise know that there are some things that cannot be said casually!"

Liren patted his chest and assured Yoshitake Keirō.

Seeing Liren's confident look, Yoshitake Keirō's face looked a little better.

But he still reminded him:"Remember, make good use of your secret weapon! Have you watched the game video of this guy? He is very strong, don't get caught by him!"

"Don't worry! President, I have already studied it!"

After taking off his shirt, Li Ren made a victory gesture to Yiwu Qilang.

This made Yiwu Qilang feel more at ease.

In his opinion, although Li Ren is a new fighter, his talent is really outstanding. In the first game, he even defeated his opponent with his physical ability alone!

Even his special moves were useless!

And this is why Yiwu Qilang sent Li Ren, because no one else knows Li Ren's identity and background.

So only he knows his special move, Razor's Edge!

And in this game, Mingye uses one hand, which is why he decided to use Li Ren!

In his opinion, although Li Ren does not have much combat experience, from the previous games, Mingye is also a fighter who relies purely on physical ability!

As long as Li Ren can find a way to control one of his hands, then this is the time for Razor's Edge to exert its power!

At that time, Li Ren only needs to add more wounds to Mingye's body, and then this battle will be stable!

"Fujii Meiye, just wait to pay the price for your arrogance!"

Yiwu Qilang looked at Fujii Meiye, who was standing in the middle of the field, waiting for his opponent, with a cold look.

In his opinion, this game may have some twists and turns, but he will be the final winner!


But as the enemy of the battle, Feilong Enterprise.

Wu Fengshui was originally feeling a little heavy, worried about what to do if Mingye only used one hand and encountered a strong enemy.

When he saw that today's opponent was Li Ren, all his worries were gone.

"If the opponent is him, Ming Ye should not get hurt as long as he is careful!"Wu Fengshui said silently in his heart


When Rito finished warming up and walked to the sidelines, he looked at his opponent, Fujii Meiye.

What he said to Yoshitake Keirō before was a lie. He had never watched the previous match videos of Meiye.

Because in his opinion, he was an absolute genius!

There was no reason for him to lose! Not to mention that the opponent only used one hand!

In this case, his victory was a foregone conclusion!

""Let me see which unfortunate guy is going to lose to me, the superman Li Ren again!" Li Ren looked towards Ming Ye and saw that Ming Ye was looking at him with an indescribable strange look.

There was surprise, helplessness, and even a little pity in his eyes.

"Is this guy Fujii Meiye? Why is he looking at me like that?"Li Ren scratched his head in confusion.

Because of the strong concussion in his head, he had completely forgotten about the previous battle with Meiye.

Even when he saw Meiye's face, he still didn't remember what happened before.

"Forget it, don't think about it, he must have been scared by me! I am indeed the strongest!"Thinking of this, Li Ren showed a sinister smile to Ming Ye, trying to shock Ming Ye.

But he found that not only did he fail to shock Ming Ye, but Ming Ye's eyes became even weirder.

"What on earth is wrong with this guy?"Mingye's appearance made Li Ren completely confused.

At this moment, the referee shouted:

"Please ask the fighter Nakata Ichiro (real name of Rito) from Yoshitake Real Estate to take his place first!"

Upon hearing this, Rito walked towards the center of the venue.

As he walked, he looked at Mingye with a provocative look.

However, as he looked at him, his eyes unconsciously glanced behind Mingye.

Because he found that there seemed to be a beautiful woman there!

"After the game, I must ask this lady for her contact information!"Li Ren thought to himself as he looked at Wu Fengshui standing not far behind Ming Ye.

But as he slowly approached, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Why does this beauty look familiar to me?"

The manager looked Wu Fengshui up and down and felt that she looked familiar.

"Have I met her before?"Li Ren stood in the middle of the field and began to recall. The referee beside him shouted:"Next, please invite the fighters from Feilong Enterprise to come on stage!"

Hearing this, Li Ren threw away the thoughts in his mind, raised his head and looked at his opponent.

Whether he had seen this beauty before or not, it didn't matter in this game!

As long as he won this game, Yiwu Qilang would always give him generous rewards.

"As long as you have money, you can find any kind of beauty!"Li Ren knew this truth very well.

So he raised his head and began to look at his opponent today, Fujii Meiye, seriously.

But this time when he looked at it carefully, his impression was very different from before.

"This guy, have I seen him before?" Li Ren looked at Ming Ye in front of him and suddenly felt that he looked familiar.

And every time Ming Ye took a step closer to him, this feeling became stronger.

Until Ming Ye walked in front of him, he looked at Ming Ye's face closely, looking at Ming Ye's indifferent eyes.

A fist inexplicably emerged in his mind, which made him unconsciously glance at Ming Ye's hand.

When he saw Ming Ye's hand, he remembered everything.

That tough body.

The fist like a hammer, and his own powerless struggle at that time!

And the scene when Ming Ye wiped the blood off his hand slowly in the end!

All of this came to his mind!

It also made his heart cool down instantly.

Even his whole body cooled down.

But at this time, the referee on the side suddenly waved and shouted:"The game begins!"

Hearing this sudden start sound.

Li Ren's heart twitched suddenly, and he began to step back involuntarily.


Li Ren's performance made Ming Ye, who was about to punch, slightly stunned.

He looked at

Li Ren who was retreating madly with cold sweat on his body. Li Ren, who stopped only when he retreated to the edge of the arena, could not help but frowned.

He didn't understand why Li Ren did this. Since he was already in the arena, he should have some awareness, and this time he was challenging Yiwu Real Estate.

Yiwu Real Estate knew from the beginning that they would be the fighter this time.

There was no reason for Li Ren not to know!

So the moment he saw Li Ren, he instinctively thought that Li Ren was here to take revenge on him!

But looking at Li Ren's current performance, it doesn't look like he's here for revenge at all.

"Doesn't he know that I'm the one who's going to compete with him today?"

Ming Ye couldn't help but have such a strange thought in his mind.

The audience was also very unhappy watching Li Ren's performance, so they shouted:

"That guy named Ichiro Nakata, come on!"

"We're not here to watch you play hide-and-seek!"

"If you don't dare to fight, don't go to the battlefield! What's the point of retreating from the battlefield?"


Li Ren couldn't hear the shouting of the people around him at this moment. He looked at Ming Ye with fear in his eyes.

Although his injuries had healed, he suddenly felt pain for no reason.

Listening to the shouting of the people around him, Li Ren only wanted to say one thing:

"You haven't fought this monster before! You don't know how terrifying this monster is!"

At this time, the manager looked at Ming Ye in front of him, who was covered in sweat.

This performance made Guan Linchun frown and said,"It seems that this game is not worth watching. The opponent's psychological defense has collapsed. He is bound to lose!" Menghu heard this

, although he didn't answer, but he looked at the manager in the field and there was a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

It was obvious that his opinion was the same as Guan Linchun's.


Meanwhile, Yoshitake Keirō, who was standing outside the court, looked at Liren's disappointing performance and shouted to him in anger,"Hey! Liren, hurry up! Use your best move!"

After listening to his boss' words, Liren gritted his teeth and took a deep breath. He tried his best to calm his trembling body, then spread his ten fingers and made a razor-edge stance.

He was ready to rush towards Mingye.

But when he saw Mingye clenching his right fist and slowly walking towards him, his original desire to rush forward disappeared.

His mind reappeared the scene of himself being knocked down by Mingye's punch when he was fighting with him that day.

This made him dare not get close to Mingye at all!

But at this moment, Yoshitake Keirō's voice came from the side again.

"I am warning you, if you lose this game!"

"I will fire you! You will never be able to survive in Tokyo again!"

Hearing this, Li Ren's body stiffened. Recently, he has begun to experience the benefits of being a fighter! He can make a lot of money by fighting a game, and he can also enjoy the praise of others and win the admiring eyes of beautiful women.

This kind of life is perfect for him!

"No! I can't give up this game. If I lose, I'll have nothing!" Li Ren thought about the money and the beauty that were going away from him. He rushed towards Ming Ye with his head held high!

This made Yiwu Qilang outside the field's eyes light up, and he tiptoed to Li Ren and shouted:"Yes, Li Ren, even so! Go!"

Yiwu Qilang was convinced that as long as Li Ren could hit Ming Ye with the razor's edge, the game would be won!

But just as he saw Li Ren about to rush to Ming Ye's side, Li Ren suddenly stopped.

This made him anxiously shout:"Hey! Li Ren, what are you doing! Don't stop!"

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