""Brother Meiye, your curry rice is here!"

Just as Fujii Meiye was thinking about the future, a gentle call came from the side.

This made Meiye come back to his senses. He saw the girl Hanama Keiko with a sweet smile on her face, walking towards him with a plate in her hand, and then neatly placed the five servings of curry rice on the plate on the table.

""Thank you."

Mingye turned to her and said lightly.

But this simple polite act made the girl with a sweet smile blush.

She quickly put the plate in front of her and held it with her arms, hesitating to say something to Mingye, but only babbling sounds came out of her mouth.

This embarrassing situation made the girl's face redder, and then she didn't care about what to say, and hurriedly ran to the warehouse.


After slamming the door shut.

Huizi leaned against the door with a blushing face, although she tried her best to calm herself down.

But thinking of Mingye's handsome face and charming eyes like scimitars, Huizi couldn't calm down at all.

"Useless guy! Didn't I tell you yesterday that you must not do this in front of Brother Mingye today? Why did you make the same mistake again? You are really useless, useless, useless, useless.……"

In the hall.

Mingye saw the girl slip away without any extra movements.

He just picked up another bottle of beer and opened it in the same way.

Then he picked up the spoon and ate the curry rice.

In the situation just now, he, who had lived two lives and had normal emotional intelligence, certainly knew the girl's little thoughts about him.

Or he knew it a long time ago, but the reality made it impossible for this matter to develop.

On the one hand, he has no time to fall in love.

On the other hand, even if he wants to fall in love, it is impossible.

This is because he now has nearly 90% of Hanayama Kaoru's strength.

What does this mean? Hanayama Kaoru's strength alone will cause a lot of inconvenience in daily life, such as accidentally crushing a coin. He can easily crush a piece of waste paper into a paper ball as hard as a stone.

This level of power is destructive for ordinary people, and close contact with him is likely to cause serious injury or even death.

So he must never fall in love with ordinary people!

""I'm sorry, Keiko. For your safety, I can only pretend that I don't know." After silently apologizing to Keiko in his heart,

Meiye began the most relaxing moment of the day, that is, eating.

The food in this restaurant is his favorite since he came to Tokyo. Only at this time can he completely relax.




As Mingye began to eat with big mouthfuls, the restaurant was filled with the sound of swallowing food. Although Mingye's eating manners were extremely elegant, his eating speed was still eye-catching. When he finished eating, most of the diners around him had already left, except for a few who were still eating nervously, fearing that the loud noises would attract Mingye's attention."

Boss, no need for change."

Mingye said as he casually took out two large 10,000 yuan bills from his pocket and placed them on the table.

Then he picked up the bottleneck of the last beer bottle and put it on the joint with the bottle body. After squeezing it hard, he placed it on the table and left.

Seeing Mingye leave, everyone else in the restaurant, except the restaurant owner and his granddaughter Huizi, breathed a sigh of relief.

"That monster is so scary."

"Every time I see him, I get scared. Why would a guy like this come here to eat?"

"I can't believe this guy is just a high school student"


""Hey! Big brother, look at that bottle!" Just as everyone was complaining, the younger brother who saw Ming Ye for the first time suddenly pointed at the bottle on the table and shouted.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that the beer bottles that Ming Ye had just broken were all intact on the table, as if nothing had happened.

The younger brother walked over curiously, picked up a beer bottle and looked at it carefully, and even shook it, but the bottle was still fine, as if the previous broken surface did not exist.

"This... is this magic?" The younger brother exclaimed to the older brother beside him, a little confused about the situation.

The ignorant look made the people who were still in the restaurant look at the two of them in a teasing manner.

The older brother felt a little embarrassed and couldn't help but scold him:"Idiot, don't embarrass yourself here. This is a normal phenomenon. Scientists have done experiments before. The molecules of matter will overlap under tremendous pressure. This is science, not magic!"

"Science? But can a normal person do such a thing as what big brother said? How much pressure will make the molecules overlap?"

The younger brother looked at the beer bottle in his hand that seemed to have shrunk a circle and asked the older brother again in a daze.

But this time the older brother did not answer. Instead, he lit a cigarette and then looked up and said to the younger brother seriously:"Kid, this is not something you should know. Don't tell anyone about what you saw today. Mingye hates people spreading things about him. There is only one thing you need to remember, never provoke Fujii Meiye, do you understand?"

Seeing his older brother's solemn expression for the first time, the younger brother subconsciously swallowed and nodded vigorously to show that he understood



After leaving the restaurant, Mingye did not walk towards his residence.

Instead, he took several detours until he entered a quiet and deserted alley and stopped.

He turned around and said to the seemingly empty alley behind him:

"You have been following me since I left school. It has been so long. It is time to come out!"

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