

"Fujii-kun, actually, just two days ago, I went to your school gate with Xiao Yuzhou to observe you!"Wasuji said to Mingye in front of him word by word.

Mingye did not speak, still looking at Menghu indifferently, wanting to hear what he had to say.

"When I saw you that day, I was actually very disapproving. Although Xiaoyu had told me about your deeds, it was really hard for me to identify with you when I saw the way you fought that day!"

"Although your own talent is indeed quite outstanding, but you are going in the wrong way!"

"You are abusing your talent! Do you know that?"At this point, the warrior Ruoji seemed to remember the past when he did not know and did not know how to control his power, and was therefore regarded as a monster by the people around him!

There was a hint of blame in his words.

"You don't know how to make good use of such a good talent, and control your talent better through training! Instead, you rely on your talent to fight blindly. This will not only harm you! It will also bring harm to the people around you. Do you understand?"

Ruoji warrior looked at Mingye with burning eyes and shouted.

Hearing this, Mingye replied indifferently:

"Mr. Ruoqi, why do you think people need to exercise?"

"Why do you need to exercise?"

Warrior Ruoqi was slightly stunned when he heard this, but soon he answered without hesitation:"Because exercise can better control your own strength, and you will become stronger!"

Hearing what Warrior Ruoqi said, Mingye showed a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

This smile is clear and thorough, and it is difficult for people to feel disgusted when looking at it.

But for some reason, Ruoqi felt a trace of pity from this smile.

Mingye continued to speak lightly:"Mr. Ruoqi, your idea is correct. In order to become stronger, you have to exercise!"

"But……"At this point, Mingye's eyes swept over the people around him and continued,"Should beings like us really exercise?"

This sentence made the Ruoqi warrior stunned for a moment. He didn't understand what Mingye meant.

"It’s like you have a stronger foundation than others since birth. Even if you don’t learn skills or exercise, you will never be a weak person!"

"But you choose to keep practicing, use your talents, and keep moving forward! But is this really the right thing to do?"

"Mr. Ruoqi, don’t you think this is too despicable?"

"Despicable?"Hearing Mingye say this, Ruoji warrior frowned.

He didn't understand Mingye's thoughts, and the people around him didn't understand either.

"Is there anything despicable about training to become stronger?"Warrior Ruoqi asked this question on behalf of everyone present, which none of them could figure out.

Hearing this, Mingye shook his head lightly and said to Warrior Ruoqi:"Mr. Ruoqi, think about it carefully."

"A child born in a wealthy family has resources that ordinary people cannot imagine since birth. After entering society, the child of a wealthy family relies on the resources of his family, although he starts from the same place as ordinary people of the same age."

"But one year later, the rich child with vast resources will be far ahead of the poor child! But at this time, he told others that all this was obtained through his own efforts, and completely ignored the vast resources behind him!"

"Don’t you think this is despicable for ordinary people?"

After hearing what Ming Ye said, there was a silence in the room, and it became so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

"Is this a despicable act?"

Everyone was thinking about this question.

Even the tiger who had been so confident in his path before felt a little shaken.

"Is this really a mean thing?"Menghu thought about it in his heart. Although he felt that there were many loopholes in Mingye's words, the meanness in them really hurt his heart, and he didn't know how to refute.

At this time, Mingye continued to say lightly:"Of course, I just gave an example just now. Mr. Ruoqi, you don't have to care about it. This is just my personal opinion."

"I just want the person who fights me to be in a fair position when fighting me, that's all!"

After saying that, Mingye turned and continued to walk towards the door.·

"Are you in a fair position?"The warrior looked at Mingye's back as he left.

He pondered the meaning of this sentence in his heart, and then, just as Mingye was about to open the door of the warehouse, he called him again.

"Fujii-kun, do you think your fairness is still valid when fighting me?" The warrior said to Meiye confidently.

"You think you are born strong, so in order to make the people fighting with you fair, you voluntarily give up your skills!"

"But if that person was me, would you still be able to carry out this behavior?"


Listening to the words of the warrior, Meiye turned around and said to him indifferently:

"Of course!"

After hearing this, everyone in the field looked at the warrior Ruoqi. Through Ruoqi's words just now, everyone had understood what Mingye meant just now.

But it was precisely because of this understanding that they knew what consequences Mingye's words just now would cause!

The words just now were simply equivalent to saying directly to the tiger.

In my eyes, you are a pitiful weakling!

"What kind of arrogance is this! How dare you say such words to the uncrowned king of Kengankai!"

Looking at Meiye confronting the Wakatsuki warrior, all the Kengan members present couldn't help but get excited.

They felt that they might see an extra exciting duel next!

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