

"Do you want to continue?"

"Do you want to continue?"

"continue or not?"


In the hospital ward, Xiao Yuzhou woke up from the bed.

He gasped violently, his mind full of what Mingye said and the extremely powerful blow.

After gasping for a long time, he came back to his senses and began to look around.

"This arrangement, am I in the hospital? Did I lose?"Xiao Yuzhou looked around blankly, and turned around to see a familiar figure.

""Mr. Mu... Mr. Mushi." At this time, a man with long golden ponytail was sitting next to Xiao Yuzhou's bed. He was the former fighting fighter Mushi Guangshi. He was also Xiao Yuzhou's guide to becoming a fighting fighter.

""Teacher, did I lose?" Xiao Yuzhou asked with a slightly gloomy look.

"Yes, Xiao Yuzhou, you lost, and you lost miserably. The kind nurse told me that the person who carried you here was a tall man covered in blood. He should be your opponent."Mushi said leisurely, not caring about Xiao Yuzhou's mood at all.

"Being carried to the hospital by your opponent, Xiao Yuzhou, you really met a gentle opponent this time."

""Wuwuwu, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, teacher, I lost." After hearing what Mushi said, Xiao Yuzhou finally couldn't bear the pain in his heart and began to sob softly in front of his closest person. His words were full of pain.

Seeing his disciple like this, Mushi couldn't continue to attack Xiao Yuzhou. He gently stroked his head and asked,

"Tell me! Xiao Yuzhou, who is your opponent this time?"



On the other side.

After changing into suitable clothes, Mingye, accompanied by Sanbashi and Ito, prepared to handle some daily affairs.

After taking off his school uniform, he changed into a classic Hanayama suit, a white suit with a purple inner shirt and a pair of snakeskin shoes.

The whole person looked domineering, coupled with his strong physique and tall stature, no one would believe that he was just an 18-year-old senior high school student.

"Boss, these people are some bikers here. They have been occupying the warehouse we like and refuse to give it up."

"Even though we negotiated with them many times, they still refused to compromise."

"They also injured many of us, Boss, you must be careful!" Sanqiao introduced the information of the targets to be eliminated today to Mingye.

"Are they the bikers that even you and Ito can't handle?"

Mingye asked with a little interest.

At this time, under his training, Sanbashi and Ito were even stronger than the famous Ghost Bomb Duo in Shonan at that time.

"The others are not a problem, but their leader is too strong, Sanqiao and I are not sure, so……"Looking at the silly Ito who interrupted a little shyly,

Mingye understood and believed what Ito said.

Compared with Sanqiao who wanted to usurp the throne, Ito was much more credible.

"It seems that today I might be able to raise the unlocking degree to the maximum value. Tokyo is such a great place!"Ming Ye said sincerely in his heart.

After he came to Tokyo, his unlocking degree increased much faster than in other places. On the one hand, it was because the people of Suzuran often came to give him experience babies.

On the other hand, the stronger the person he defeated, the more rewards the system would give him.

Just like defeating Xiao Yuzhou, his unlocking degree was directly +5%. With some of the gains today, his unlocking degree is now 92.95.

He only needs the last 7% to unlock the template of Kaoru Hanayama.

By then, he should have become a member of Kengan. He received the task reward given by the system.

After using the 100% unlocking key directly, he will enter the next stage!

Ending this five-year unlocking process!

"I hope to meet a strong person who won't let me down!"

Mingye's eyes flashed with anticipation.

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