Zhen spoke to herself.

Her voice was very low, like a mosquito buzzing in the ear, so that one could only hear the whispers but could not hear the specific content clearly.

Then, she put away the loneliness in her eyes, and her face regained her usual gentle smile.

Jiang Xun took a deep look at the other person's face, and then looked away.

With his observation skills, how could he not see the other person's brief emotional change just now. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. This gentle god wanted to take everything on himself from beginning to end.

If he hadn't come, the final outcome would have been separation of life and death.

However, fortunately, there was this variable of his own this time.......

Although they knew it was getting late, they both tacitly agreed not to mention leaving.

" Are you worried?"

Zhen's gentle voice brushed past Jiang Xun's ears like a breeze.

Jiang Xun looked up at the other party. Zhen was also looking at him at this time, with a hint of curiosity in her gorgeous purple pupils.

" I'm thinking.....How do you save a fool who doesn't know how to cherish himself?"

After a moment of silence,

Jiang Xun raised the corners of his mouth slightly and answered lightly.

His casual tone made people feel that he just said it casually, more like a perfunctory answer than an answer.

But Zhen didn't think so. She was sensitive and careful and felt that the idiot mentioned by the other party must exist.

She subconsciously thought that the other party knew something, but then she changed her mind and immediately gave up the idea.

She didn't tell him about Kanreya, and Tianli and the other six rulers would never spread this matter.


Zhen breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't want to drag Jiang Xun into this matter.

However, she was sad while being grateful.

The days they spent together subconsciously emerged in her mind. When she thought that she might not have the chance to see each other again in the future, she couldn't help but feel sad.

But the sadness was soon buried deep in her heart.

How could she not want to continue this kind of life? It's just that as a ruler, she always reminds herself that this is her mission.

If she doesn't go, as a demon god, she can still protect herself, but the people of Inazuma will have to suffer.

This makes her unacceptable

" Then, do you need my help to give you some advice?"

Putting away the messy thoughts, I really asked

" No need, that idiot is very stubborn, let me find a solution"

Jiang Xun glanced at her and waved his hand.

This is not something you can talk about.

If I tell you, then my next plan will be ruined.

Facing Jiang Xun's rejection, Zhen didn't insist.

In his heart, he was only curious and envious of the fool Jiang Xun mentioned.

After all....The person that Jiang Xun cares about so much must be very outstanding........

" I'll go with you"

" No, this trip will not be short, and Inazuma needs someone to protect her"

Inside the castle tower, a quarrel echoed.

If you look closely, you can see two identical ladies quarreling.

" Then I will go this time, and you stay in Inazuma!"

Ying said seriously.

His purple eyes were full of determination.

However, Shin still shook his head.

" Why?!"

Ying seemed to be unable to control her emotions.

It was because the place she was going to was a place she had never been to.


That mysterious country was now ordered to be killed by the law of nature.

Although there were six other gods traveling with them, this also showed the risk of this trip.

" This is my duty as one of the Seven Gods, just like protecting Inazuma is the duty of a Kagemusha."

There was an air of unquestionable in her words.

She was rarely so strong, and usually she would discuss many things with her sister.

But now, she couldn't discuss this matter.

"But, but...."

Ying was a little speechless for a moment. She was not good at speaking and couldn't find any words to refute.

Just as Zhen said, protecting Inazuma was her responsibility as a shadow warrior.

But the current situation made her not want to fulfill this responsibility.

How could she feel at ease knowing that her sister, who was not good at fighting, was going to Kanreya alone?

But she couldn't find any reason to refute.

Ying bit her lips tightly, her eyes full of unwillingness and anxiety.

She wanted to summarize the rebuttal from her few communication experiences.

But it was useless after all.

In the end, facing Zhen's firm eyes, Ying could only helplessly lose.

She thought she was not weaker than anyone in terms of martial arts, but when it came to reasoning with others, it was the opposite.

After a long time, Ying nodded.

"Okay, I will fulfill my duties, but there is one thing I hope you will promise me."

" Otherwise, I will never let you go alone"

Ying said firmly. She was really surprised at the change in her sister.

She didn't expect that Ying, who used to only fight, could bargain now.

But she was not angry, but felt happy.

At least, this showed that Ying had gradually become more tactful.

" Well, you tell me"

Zhen nodded and then answered.

Ying paused and said what he thought.

" I know I can't stop you, but I hope you will run away if you are in danger"

" Promise me, Zhen!"

While speaking, Ying's eyes were fixed on the woman in front of him who looked like him.

She was the ruler of Inazuma, but she was also his own relative.

As twin demons who had been together since birth, the feelings between Baal and Baalzebub could not be measured in words.

It was precisely because of this that Ying became so excited out of character.

Zhen subconsciously wanted to tell the other party that she could not escape, but she saw her sister's lips trembling uncontrollably.

Finally, she nodded.

"I promise you"

After receiving the other party's promise, Ying slowly withdrew her gaze.

She knew that she couldn't control Zhen's thoughts.

But she hoped that at least the other party would remember their promise when they were in danger.

Maybe....It can save my sister's life......

The quarrel between the two fell into the eyes of Jiang Xun, who had been crouching on the top of the castle tower.

He was a little surprised.

He had never seen such an expression on the violent silly face. She looked like she was about to cry.

She was not like this in the past. She would always chop him.

Although she has been much more honest since she was punished last time, she can't hide the look of wanting to kill someone.

Jiang Xun could feel the hostility from the other party from time to time, just like a little girl looking at the bad guy who stole her doll with angry eyes.

In this regard, Jiang said that he was innocent.

At least, he hasn't started yet.

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