The sage said: A gentleman is not powerful if he is not severe.

Jiang Xun thought that if a gentleman does not strike hard, he cannot establish prestige.

Although he thought that he was not a gentleman and did not need to establish any prestige.

But the most basic force in exchange for peace is still necessary.

However, it seems that the girl holding the naginata on the opposite side does not seem to have this awareness.

If she wants to resolve the situation peacefully, Jiang Xun will just eat Tianheng Mountain.

" As the guardian of Inazuma, I thank you for your willingness to move the battlefield to the open sea"

" But I won't forgive you for what you did to my sister."

Ying said to herself, not giving Jiang Xun a chance to explain.


What did I do?

Is storytelling still a taboo in Inazuma?

That kind of thing is still popular now,......

Oh, it's five hundred years ago.

He was just wondering why this violent maniac suddenly drew his sword towards him.

She was indeed a bit straightforward, but she would not attack for no reason.

Hearing her say this, Jiang Xun felt that this fool probably misunderstood something.

However, the other party did not give him a chance to explain. He exerted all his strength at the first moment. In an instant, the lightning around him surged.

The endless thunder domain descended instantly, turning into a series of divine rings covering his body.

The lightning raged in the air.

The whole sky seemed to have become the home of thunder.

Jiang Xun's figure seemed extremely small in front of this thunder that seemed like a natural disaster.

But even so, he still had no expression on his face.

The lightning could not scare him.

Teyvat is a world built on elements.

Controlling the power of elements will have an absolute advantage to a certain extent.

But even so, he still had no fear.

Although he was not as good as the other party in controlling the elemental power of thunder attributes.

However, alchemy can drive other elements.

Jiang Xun waved his hand, and the calm sea water below suddenly became turbulent.

He then sprinkled a handful of black soil.

Under the power of alchemy, gravity seemed to be reversed.

The sea water surged up crazily.

Gradually, huge water phantoms were formed.

Jiang Xun landed beside the water phantom and pointed at Lei Dianying who was surrounded by ten directions of thunder in the sky.

The phantoms were endowed with wisdom by Jiang Xun, so they naturally knew what he meant.

The next moment, they roared and rushed into the sky.

Looking at the countless phantoms rushing towards him.

Lei Dianying had a blank expression on his face.

He waved the naginata in his hand.

A huge sword energy composed of thunder appeared out of thin air.

Wherever the sword energy passed, countless phantoms were shattered.

" No need to play such tricks, come up and fight me!"

Ying looked at the phantom that was chopped off by her sword.

For a moment, she said with some pride.

These things can't stand a sword in front of her, there is no point

"Are you sure it's useless?"

Jiang Xun's teasing voice reached her ears.

Ying then noticed that the phantoms that were shattered by her were now condensed again.

Not only that, but on its originally azure body surface, arcs of lightning jumped from time to time.

It seemed that it had the power of thunder and lightning.

Seeing this scene, Ying was also very surprised for a while.

I thought these things were just porcelain pieces that would break with a knife.

But I didn't expect them to be made of plasticine?

Not only can it stick back, but it can also absorb elemental power.

She didn't believe it and chopped again.

The phantom shattered again, but soon condensed again.

However, the thunder and lightning power carried by the re-condensed phantom this time was even more violent.

Seeing this scene, she dared not despise it anymore.

If this thing can be resurrected all the time, then no matter how many times she chopped it, it would be useless.

In the end, it would even become their power.

But during the battle, she would not have too much time to think.

Because in the moment when she was stunned just now, The phantom had also rushed in.

In a hurry, she could only chop out another blow.

The thunder in the sky followed the guidance of the god who held power and kept bombarding the phantom.

But it was useless.

All this could only increase their strength.

Looking at Ying constantly dodging inside, Jiang Xun showed a smile on his face behind the mask.

This guy must suffer a little, so that she won't always cause trouble for herself.


Where are the people?

Just when Jiang was feeling proud, he found that the figure of Lei Dianying, who was supposed to be chased by the phantom, suddenly disappeared.

And the next second, he heard the sound of thunder passing through the air behind him.

A sneak attack?!

The second time, no martial ethics!

Jiang Xun reacted instantly and the other party once again went around behind her. She leaned back to avoid the horizontal knife.

Then her figure disappeared again. She went around behind him again.

Another knife carrying endless lightning.

Smart and violent

" The knife skills are great, but you were fooled"

The"Jiang Xun" in front of her did not dodge or evade, and took her knife directly.

Then he turned into black soil and scattered from the sky.

The real Jiang Xun waved at her not far away.

This mocking action made Ying frown slightly.

How abominable!

Just when she wanted to continue to rush to the other party.

But she ran directly into an invisible barrier.

She subconsciously looked at Jiang Xun and found that the other party's right index finger and middle finger were together in front of his chest. She didn't need to think about it to know that this thing was done by the other party.

But, when?

She didn't see when the other party set up the formation just now.

Then, she raised the knife, accumulated strength, and thousands of thunders gathered to break the barrier.

But at this time, the phantom had already arrived.

In the end, she could only pause the fight against the enemy.

"Teyvat is the world of elements"

" So much water and such violent thunder collided together, what would this level of electric shock be like?"

Jiang Xun looked at the thunder movie with interest, who was struggling to deal with the water shapeshifting.

It was obvious that she was affected at this time.

She controlled the thunder, but she could not be completely immune to it.

There was no such thing in the world that was completely immune to the elements.

Slime was just playing the game for fun. In this world, it was naturally impossible for him to have such a perverted ability.

Otherwise���What does Rhea need those god-killing weapons for?

Just capture slimes of seven attributes, and use them to block the seven gods as long as they use elemental power.

Just throw away the most powerful means, what's the point of fighting?

Is it really the body becoming holy?......

Miss Ying felt very uncomfortable at this moment.

She knew that these phantoms could not be cut off completely, and the only way to deal with them was to capture the leader first.

But now she was trapped in this formation.

The solidity of this formation was stronger than she thought.

Even if she wanted to break it, she would need a period of time to accumulate strength.

But these phantoms would naturally not give her a chance. They attacked her continuously.

With the continuous use of thunder, even she herself was affected.

This time, it became a dead loop.

The most annoying thing was that the guy outside kept making gestures.

It made her feel that she was always being ridiculed.

She gritted her teeth in anger.

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