What he saw was a prosperous country.

A scene where humans and mechanical creatures coexisted.

Countless mechanical creatures were in operation.

As a former player, Jiang Xun recognized some of the creatures.

Relic heavy machines, relic guards, etc.

But there were also many mechanical creatures that he had never seen before.

And they were carrying something at this moment.

Jiang Xun discovered that their destinations seemed to be the same.

Then, his eyes turned.

What caught his eye was an oversized robot.

Just by looking at it, an inexplicable sense of oppression had already arisen.

Jiang Xun then also noticed that there were several giant conduits connected to the back of the robot.

The conduits came from underground and transported energy to it.

Jiang Xun recognized that the energy was the power of the earth veins.

Is this the thing that draws on the power of the earth veins?

Jiang Xun was a little curious for a moment.

Just as he was about to get closer, he saw a laser shooting over.

The next second, the creature's vision was lost.

" was discovered"

Jiang Xun felt a little pity.

He was almost there.

But���Although there was no close contact, Jiang Xun knew that the thing must have great power.

It could even kill gods.

Is this the strength of Kanreya?

There is no doubt that the country with countless mechanical creations is Kanreya.

Jiang Xun now understood why the law of nature would let the seven gods go to destroy Kanreya.

Without relying on the power of the demon god, they can resist the gods with technology. If they are allowed to develop, to what extent they will develop at that time is still unknown.

But no matter what, one thing can be confirmed.

When the creature trapped in the cage has enough strength, it will inevitably try to threaten the owner itself.

Presumably, this is also unacceptable to the law of nature as the"master" of Teyvat.

However, this is not what Jiang Xun has to consider, and his mission is not to save Kanreya.

What does it have to do with him?

However, after seeing the strength of Kanreya, Jiang Xun felt that this mission was indeed difficult.

Kanreya's strength must not be as simple as he saw.

Otherwise, the big robot alone could not have almost wiped out the team of the seven gods.

There must be other things hidden in that kingdom.

If he was alone, it would be fine, and it would not be difficult to escape unscathed.

But Lei Dianzhen was different.

According to him, the opponent was not good at fighting, and the artifact Meng Xiang Yi Xin on him was even an unsharpened knife.

With just these, entering a hell dungeon like Kan Ruiya would undoubtedly be a gift.

Although Jiang Xun was confident in his own strength, it was a bit difficult to protect her without knowing what trump card the opponent had.

Perhaps, would it be better to change the method?......

" Ying, has that demon god done anything strange recently?"

On the table, Miss Zhen, who had just finished her work, stretched herself.

Her gentle tone was a little lazy, which made people feel a little itchy.

However, the person who heard it was her sister.

" No, it's still the same. I usually go out to taste food and study things."

Ying answered calmly. But there was some disappointment in her tone.

She wanted to see if she could find the opponent's weakness and then fight with him in the open sea.

But the opponent did not give her a chance. He behaved very honestly.

What he did every day was no different from ordinary people.

If it were not for the oppression she felt from him before,

Ying would have almost thought that this guy was just an ordinary person.

" Really? Then relax yourself appropriately."

After hearing this, Zhen thought for a while and then smiled and said

" Well, I have less time to practice martial arts after watching him every day."

Ying thought about it carefully and felt that the more he thought about it, the more he lost.

Not only did he fail to learn from her, but he also wasted his time pursuing the ultimate in martial arts.......

" Good morning, Lord Ogosho!"

Walking down the street, many people looked at the friendly purple-haired god with excitement. They kept greeting him.

Shinya responded one by one.

With a warm smile on his face

" Lord Ogosho, long time no see"


Zhen was a little stunned when he heard this, but he still responded

" Well, long time no see,....."

" Just call me Jiang Xun"

Jiang Xun behind the mask answered.

There was a smile in his tone. He didn't expect to meet her this time.

Moreover, he didn't feel Lei Dianying's gaze this time.

He thought she was not there.

Combined with the fact that she had been monitoring him less and less recently, Jiang Xun felt that the two of them should be a little relieved about him.

At least they were not so vigilant.

This was why Jiang Xun chose to come forward and talk to her.

"Okay, Jiang Xun"

Zhen said with a smile.

The other party has indeed not shown any intention towards Inazuma these days.

So there is no need for her to be wary of him all the time.

"By the way, Mr. Jiang, why have you been telling stories recently?";

"Yes, the story about the substitute last time has not been finished yet"

Jiang Xun's appearance undoubtedly made everyone else stand up.

Especially those who often come to listen.

Last time, the story was suddenly interrupted halfway through.

And the most annoying thing is that this guy didn't come again.

They were in a dilemma. It was very uncomfortable.

Today, they finally caught the real person.

Jiang Xun:?

I'm not really a storyteller, you are too excited, right?!

Jiang Xun was a little speechless

" I also want to listen, can you tell me about it?"

Zhen suddenly interrupted.

She had heard of Jiang Xun's reputation as a street storyteller and had always wanted to find an opportunity to go there.

But a series of things happened afterwards and she never had the chance.

Unexpectedly, she had the chance today.

With her words, the atmosphere in the field became a little excited.

Everyone in the field responded���

With no other choice, Jiang Xun finally went back to his old job.

After these wonderful stories, everyone present applauded and cheered.

Jiang Xun saw this, and his heart was not disturbed. These stories are very popular in his world.

Even if they were placed in the original timeline, they would be a big hit, let alone this period.

Off the stage, Zhen's beautiful purple pupils revealed a touch of satisfaction.

She likes all kinds of stories. Although she likes humanistic stories, it is also very good to listen to other things occasionally.

Not to mention that even she thinks what the other party said is very exciting. She couldn't help but believe Jiang Xun's words a little more.

Only a demon god who likes to travel everywhere can tell such a wonderful story?

She thought so, and she couldn't help but yearn for it in her heart.

She wanted to see more beautiful things in the world, even if it would be short-lived.

But her identity prevented her from leaving Inazuma.

Maybe in the future when humans no longer need gods, it may be possible, but........Not now.

She knew that the current Ina people were not ready yet, and she couldn't do without them at this time.

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