The sudden appearance of the talisman in front of him really surprised Ying.

However, he was not surprised that the other party could resist his attack.

He was surprised that he had never noticed that there was a third person in Yixin Pure Land.

You know, this is the spiritual space he created, and he has almost perfect control over the space.

Unless it is.....Son of God?

The pink fox suddenly appeared in Lei Yingying's mind. In her impression, it seemed that only he could do this.

However, this idea was quickly forgotten.

Because a masked man slowly appeared in front of the traveler.

Although she didn't know his face, she was sure that he was definitely not the Son of God.

After all, his temperament was not like what she remembered.

"Who are you?!"

Ying asked the person who suddenly appeared in front of her coldly.

To her, the masked man in front of her was likely a threat, a stumbling block on her path to eternity.

The purple thunder rioted around her body, as if reflecting her mood.

" I am just a kind person passing by"

Jiang Xun answered casually.

As soon as he finished speaking, a knife surrounded by lightning appeared in front of Jiang Xun.

The knife light attacked Jiang Xun like thunder and lightning.

It was so fast that Ying could only see a flash of lightning.

Ying waved the Dream One Heart in her hand with a cold face.

She wanted to feel the bottom.

But the other party's answer without sincerity made her give up communicating with words.

Instead, she turned to the way of warriors.

Facing this violent attack, Jiang Xun did not choose to dodge, but chose to fight hard.

Alchemical creation. Thunder knife.

Jiang Xun grabbed a handful of black soil from the storage space and spread his palm.

Then the thunder element in this space rushed into it crazily.

Black soil is the embryo, and thunder is the material.

Almost in an instant, a knife composed of violent thunder was instantly formed.

Lian Ying also felt only a flash of lightning in front of his eyes, and then a thunder blade appeared in the other party's hand.

Alchemy communicates the elemental power in the earth veins, although there are no earth veins here.

But Jiang Xun also has a lot of experience in how to control thunder.

Seeing this, Ying quickly controlled the thunder element in the space.

He stopped Jiang Xun from drawing it.

Jiang Xun also felt that he could no longer control the thunder in the space, but he didn't care.

At least he already had a weapon in his hand.

Waving the knife in his hand, he focused on resisting Meng Xiang.

The next moment, the two fought together.

This is Ying's spiritual world, and the war between the two naturally cannot affect the outside world.

So neither Jiang Xun nor Lei Ying deliberately lowered their strength.

The whole space was shaking constantly during the fight between the two.

The scene was extremely chaotic.

Poor Ying could only hide in the corner and watch the two fight.

" Jiang Xun, this guy, is really problematic. He still says he is an ordinary person? I am so pissed off!"

She has recognized that the guy in the mask is Jiang Xun.

While watching the fight, she did not forget to criticize Jiang.

If she had known that this guy was so fierce, why did she worry about him last time?

However, although she was unhappy, she was still grateful for the other party's rescue. Otherwise, if the knife had been chopped hard just now, she would have ended up in a coma.

While Ying was thinking, the fight between the two seemed to be coming to an end.

Jiang Xun chopped hard with the knife, and his powerful body wielded violent thunder and rushed forward.

Faced with this attack, Ying could only swing the knife to defend in a hurry.

But he was still repelled by this powerful force.

" The weapon is broken, I will leave first, we will see you next time."

Jiang Xun threw away the tattered alchemical weapon after he finished speaking.

He flashed to the side of Ying who was still confused.

He picked her up and then used magic.

This kind of spiritual world construction also exists in Liyue's magic.

And there are quite a lot of them. Jiang Xun can leave here easily.

As the magic was performed, mysterious golden lines appeared.

Wrapping the two of them.

Then Ying was surprised to find that the light and shadow around her changed again.

She returned to the real world again.


Suddenly, she fell to the ground.

Her butt hurt a little.

She was about to blame Jiang Xun for not being gentle.

But she found that there was no one behind her.

Everyone on the field was looking at her in surprise. Why did this person suddenly appear again?......A chic way

"Huh? She didn't even attack you?"

General Lei Dian frowned, somewhat puzzled.

The person in front of him was obviously an eternal enemy, how could Ying let her go?

" Never mind, I will ask her about this matter myself, but you, let me handle it."

After General Lei Dian finished speaking, a dazzling purple light burst out from his pupils.

Thunder roared in the sky.

Fortunately, Ying's IQ was online, and he knew that he could not beat the opponent for the time being.

He directly pulled Thomas and Paimon and ran away.

The general, who was preparing a big move, showed his disdain for this behavior of fleeing without fighting.

But there was no way.

In the end, he could only put the two on the wanted list of the Eye Hunting Order.

Jiang Xun watched all this in the dark.

Then he followed.

Although there were pursuers behind him.

But Jiang Xun thought he didn't need to take action himself.

Because the eldest lady of the Kamisato family would definitely find a way to pick them up.

Sure enough, after leaving the vicinity of the castle tower, the two followed a person who suddenly appeared and left.

I think it was the person sent by the other party to pick them up.

Jiang Xun took off his mask and reappeared on the street.

His next goal was to go to the Kamisato family to take back his favor.

But not now.

After all, the Kamisato family is now at the cusp of the storm, and many families must be secretly monitoring and observing their every move.

Approaching rashly will only cause trouble to yourself.

Let's wait until the storm dies down a bit before going.......

" Oh, sorry, traveler, it's all my negligence that has implicated you."

In the hidden secret room, Thomas said guiltily

"It's okay, we are friends, aren't we?"

Paimon said.

Ying also nodded, she also meant this

" Well, thank you, but no matter what, this matter was caused by me, so I owe you a favor this time."

" Hey, there's no need for favors, just treat us to a meal......"

"Actually, I also owe others favors"

Ying suddenly interrupted Paimeng's ordering plan.

Emergency Food was a little dissatisfied at first, but after listening, he also showed curiosity.

" Ying, what happened in there?"

As Paimon asked, Ying also told what happened in the Pure Land.

Of course, being unilaterally suppressed by Lei Movie was not as straightforward as it sounds.

After all, I, the traveler, also have to save face!

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