"Really, Ying? But with so many treasure-stealing groups, are you sure you can win?"

Paimeng heard this and looked at the treasure-stealing groups in the direction of the ruins.

She hesitated.

She knew Ying was good at fighting, but the situation in front of her was not as simple as one against a dozen.

There were at least hundreds of these treasure-stealing groups in front of her.

Even if Ying could win, she would consume a lot of energy.

" Gentlemen, maybe, we don't need to do anything?"

Jiang Xun interrupted their conversation with an inappropriate voice.

They were about to ask, but they heard a restless sound coming from the direction of the ruins.

They turned around and saw that several figures appeared one after another at the open door of the ruins.

They looked very embarrassed.

One of them went out and shouted

"Hurry up, something happened at the house of the great thief! There is a monster inside!"

The man was obviously still in shock. After shouting this, he ran out desperately.

It seemed that there was some prehistoric beast chasing him.

The members of the treasure-stealing group present were confused for a while.���brain, but what happened next left them with an unforgettable experience.

A tall humanoid creature with a dark blue hue appeared from behind the door.

It was the Apostle of the Abyss.

" The secrets of the abyss cannot be explored"

" You come here, you look straight, then you should bear the price that is equal to it!"

Like an angel reciting the words of judgment before the trial.

But this time, the judge comes from the abyss......

As soon as he finished speaking, he attacked the people present.

The dark power instantly enveloped the bodies of some people.

In just a moment, their bodies disappeared. As if they had never existed.

This horrifying scene frightened the members of the treasure-hunting group present to death.

When had they ever seen such a horrifying scene?

Usually when exploring the ruins, they basically encountered hillbillies.

The strongest was only the Hillil King.

Although they were defeated, at least they could still escape.

But the monster they faced now made their legs tremble.

The dark power was like an abyss.

It swallowed up their courage to escape.

Most people also missed the best time to escape because of this.

Only a few members of the treasure-hunting group seized the opportunity and successfully escaped.

But basically they paid a painful price.

Presumably, today's scene will become a shadow in their lives, buried in their hearts.

They will never mention it easily.


Paimon was also frightened by the strange scene in front of him.

Fortunately, Ying covered his mouth in time.

This prevented him from exposing the whereabouts of himself and others.

After observing the surroundings again, the Abyss Apostle found that there was no other abnormality.

Then he slowly returned to the depths of the ruins.


With the sound of the door of the ruins closing,

Ying also released the hand on Paimon's mouth.

The latter was still a little frightened at this time.

It took a long time to recover.

"What kind of monster is that? So scary!"

Paimeng said with lingering fear.

Ying also frowned, she had never seen such a monster.

Jiang Xun on the side glanced at them.

So they haven't encountered the Apostle of the Abyss yet?

"So, do you two still want to go in?"

After a while, Jiang Xun asked with a smile

"Hey, why are you still laughing? You were so scary just now!"

Paimeng couldn't help but complain when he saw the smile on Jiang Xun's face.

" I want to go in"

Paimeng wanted to continue talking, but Ying's sudden words scared her so much that she turned her head away immediately.

" Ying, are you serious?!"

Ying nodded.

Although she was also scared just now

, she still wanted to go and see

"You are so brave. In this case, I will go with you."

"Huh, really?;

" Of course, after all, I am here to assist you, so I cannot leave you alone."

Jiang Xun answered with reason.

Although he said so on the surface, he didn't think so in his heart.

He had just seen the abyss, which made him curious about this new power.

He also wanted to learn more about the secrets contained in it.

It was a good opportunity for him to go there with the two of them.

"Okay, okay, let's go together"

Paimon answered happily.

After all, one more person means more peace of mind.

Three people are better than two.

Ying looked at Jiang Xun deeply.

She didn't understand what Jiang Xun's purpose was, but she didn't refuse.

After finalizing the plan.

The three of them walked cautiously towards the ruins.

Pushing open the door.

As soon as he stepped into the door, a chill spread throughout his body.

Paimon couldn't help but shudder.

As he went deeper, Jiang Xun found that the color inside was getting weirder and weirder.

From the original pitch black to the weird purple.

This change made the other two people except Jiang Xun alert to their surroundings.

It seemed that there was a monster hidden in the darkness.

The three of them walked slowly into the depths of the ruins.

Finally, they came to an extremely strange place.

I saw a statue in front of them.

But it was different from the statue standing on the ground.

At this time, the statue was hung upside down by an iron chain.

Jiang Xun saw at a glance that the statue was Wendy's wind statue.

However, what the statue held in his hand was not a gem, but something that could not be seen.

In front of the statue, there was a person kneeling and worshipping.

He was already lifeless.

This scene looked like some kind of cult ritual.

"Wow, isn't this the statue of Mondstadt? How did it appear here?"

Paimon was frightened by the scene in front of him again.

He hid behind Ying.

" Unclear"

" I feel so depressed, let's leave first"


Ying nodded. She also felt that she should not stay here any longer. She should figure out the matter of the statue now.

But at this moment, a dark door suddenly opened in front of them.

Then a hand stretched out from it.

" Oh no, it's that monster from before!"

Paimon obviously recognized the identity of the person coming.

Ying was also ready for a fight.

" Go back!"

Jiang Xun suddenly said something nonsensical.

As soon as he finished speaking, the hands slowly retracted, and then the portal disappeared.


Ying: Bubbles are coming?

Abyss Apostle: What the hell?

" Never mind, let's go"

Paimon urged.

Then he and Ying ran towards the exit.

They breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the sunlight.

" Reunion...It's earlier than I thought."

The familiar voice made the two look up

"Ah, it's Dain!";

"Long time no see, what have you two been through?"

Daiinsleib asked

" Not two, but three, and a new friend Jiang.....Searching?";

" Oh no, where is Jiang Xunren?!"

Looking at the empty space behind him, Paimeng was confused.

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