Now that Mora's problem has been solved, the others can naturally embark on a journey of investigation (fishing).

With Wendy, the"local god", leading the way, they feel very comfortable on this journey.

Accordingly, the atmosphere among the four people has become harmonious.

At least Diekarapian can chat with Wendy from time to time.

However, Jiang Xun feels that the harmony between the two sometimes seems too harmonious......Not a good thing either.

" Come, Jiang Xun, open your mouth"

Diekarapian put the food in his hand into Jiang Xun's mouth and said softly

"Wait, I have my own hands...Well"

Jiang felt awkward being fed like this.

But the other party didn't seem to want to give him a chance to refuse.

While he was talking, he stuffed the food directly into his mouth.

Seeing Jiang Xun's mouth full of food,

Diekarapian showed a satisfied smile.

How could he be so gentle but not as good as those"old friends"?

During the tour, Diekarapian heard a lot of information from the conversation between Jiang Xun and Zhongli.

In addition to learning a lot about the customs and practices of Liyue, what she cared about more were Jiang Xun's so-called friends.

As a demon god who could compete with the North Wind Wolf for the position of the God of Wind at that time,

Diekarapian's IQ was naturally online.

Many different things can be heard from it.

For example, among Jiang Xun's friends, there are many female demon gods like her.

And they have a good relationship.

This news inexplicably made her feel a sense of crisis. This is why she now thinks she is a plague.

Wendy and Zhongli looked at Jiang Xun's miserable condition.

Discussed in a low voice

"My friend, was this Fierce Wind Demon God like this before?";

" No, she was normal once"

Although they felt that Jiang Xun was in trouble, they did not step forward to stop him. After all, this was a matter between the two of them......The scene would have become a bit heated.......

After about ten days, this trip was over.

Zhongli was ready to return to Liyue.

Although Mondstadt was beautiful, he still felt that the atmosphere of Liyue would make him more comfortable.

" Jiang Xiaoyou, I am ready to go back. I wonder what your next plan is."

Jiang Xun thought about it after hearing this.

Then he said:"Well, I will go back with you."

Jiang Xun also planned to go back to Liyue.

He had already achieved the purpose of coming to Mondstadt this time, and now he was enjoying the beautiful scenery, so there was naturally no reason to stay any longer.

Moreover, according to the time, Qiqi should be out of retreat soon.

Her situation now seemed to be inseparable from him.

"Hey, I wish you a safe journey, and remember to come and play again next time!"

Wendy did not try to persuade them to stay.

After all, with the strength of the people present, if they really wanted to go to a place, there were really few places in Teyvat that could stop them.

"By the way, Diekarapian, how about you?"

Jiang Xun suddenly asked the girl next to him

" I've heard you guys talking about the scenery of Liyue, and I want to go see it with my own eyes"

Diekarapian answered.

Hearing this, Jiang Xun nodded.

Since the other party wanted to see the scenery of Liyue, let's go back together.

After finalizing their respective itineraries.

Jiang Xun and the other two walked towards Liyue.

Wendy still picked up his harp and did his job.

But this time, the stories he told were full of joy.......

The three of them walked very quickly, and soon Jiang Xun returned to Liyue Harbor.

Zhongli seemed to have his own retirement plan, and was not on the same route as Jiang Xun. He separated from the two on the way back.

Zhongli's departure was exactly what Deacarra had intended, and now only she and Jiang Xun were left together.

There was a sweet feeling in her heart.

But contrasting with it was the curiosity about new things.

Everything in Liyue looked so different in her eyes.

It was a picture that was completely different from Mondstadt.

Simple and heavy, these were the first impressions that the land of Liyue gave her.

The former Fierce Wind Demon God was now looking at everything new around him like a little girl.

It was precisely because of this that Jiang Xun never stopped talking on the way back.

The reason, of course, was that this old lady kept sticking to him, asking him to introduce everything.

"Is this the story of Liyue? It's much better than spicy duck neck!"


Ah this.

Jiang Xun was a little embarrassed when he heard it.

He didn't expect that the other party still remembered his made-up story.

Back to Liyue Port.

It was already night.

When there was no big festival, Liyue Port had already gone to bed at this time.

So Jiang Xun and his companions didn't need to hide their return.

They could just come down from the sky.

However, before Jiang Xun could enjoy the joy of returning home.

He saw a heartbreaking scene.

Qiqi was sitting alone at the door of his house, with her head down, not knowing what she was thinking.

Dikarapian beside him also noticed the white-haired girl.

He couldn't help but feel a little curious.

" Qiqi?"

Jiang Xun stepped forward and called out.

Qiqi looked up and saw that it was Jiang Xun.

A smile appeared on her cold face unconsciously.

" You're back, I thought you were tired of me....."

Qiqi's cold voice seemed to carry a hint of grievance.

Like an abandoned kitten

" Sorry, it’s my problem. Please go in first."

Jiang Xun then apologized to Qiqi.

This was indeed his own fault.

He did not expect that the other party would finish his training earlier than he expected.

After entering the house,

Jiang Xun explained to her what he had been doing these days.

After Qiqi understood, she felt better for some reason.

The loneliness that had arisen in her heart also disappeared.

This feeling arose inexplicably when she found that Jiang Xun had not come back for a long time.

She originally thought that she was no longer afraid of loneliness.

But when this feeling of loneliness came again, Qiqi would still feel very panic.

He seemed to be very afraid of the loneliness brought about by this loss.

Seeing that Qiqi's emotions were gradually stabilizing, Jiang Xun was relieved.

Fortunately, the explanation was made, otherwise if Qiqi continued to be in the state just now, it would really give him a headache.

"By the way, who is she?"

Qiqi, who had calmed down, also noticed that there was an unfamiliar woman standing behind Jiang Xun.

She was very beautiful, with azure hair and pupils that would attract people at first sight.

Qiqi subconsciously compared herself with her.

The final result was that she seemed to have no advantage compared to her.

This made her subconsciously alert.

Beware of this woman of unknown origin.

Before Jiang Xun could answer, Diecarpian took the lead and answered:"Hello, my name is Diecarpian, and I'm a very good friend of Jiang Xun."

Dikarapian had a bright smile on his face at this time.

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