Jiang Xun's pupils trembled.

This familiar voice, which had not been heard for a thousand years, made Jiang Xun imagine the owner of the voice in his mind.



Diakarapian replied softly.

Jiang Xun was a little surprised to get the other party's recognition.

He didn't expect that Diakarapian had woken up from his deep sleep and would appear here.

Although shocked, he didn't move around.

He let the person behind him hold him.

Fortunately, there were many people in the tavern and no one noticed their behavior.

Jiang Xun didn't know what Diakarapian's mood was now, but judging from the strength of his hand that almost strangled him to death, he must be very restless.

Jiang Xun was happy but also worried at this time.

He was happy because he could meet him again after a thousand years.

But he was worried about how he would explain to him.

He thought he knew this Fierce Wind Demon God better.

He was lonely, arrogant, and domineering.

Unless you see it with your own eyes, it is difficult to believe what others say.

Jiang Xun was also worried about whether to explain to her after the other party's emotions stabilized.

Many arguments appeared in Jiang Xun's mind in an instant.

After constantly eliminating wrong options, Jiang Xun also found an argument with a higher degree of convincingness.


An unknown amount of time passed.

Perhaps because his emotions had calmed down, Jiang Xun felt that the force around him gradually became gentler.

The huge robe that had covered his eyes also left his eyes.

The light returned to reflect on his pupils.

The scene of the tavern reappeared in his sight.

There were still many people, and the smell of alcohol was strong.

The only difference was that a royal sister with long sky-blue hair was standing in front of Jiang Xun.

It was Dicarapian.

At this time, she had taken off the huge hood that covered her face.

A beautiful face was revealed.

She looked at him with a gentle smile on her face.

And looking at the other person's smile.

Jiang Xun had a strange feeling for a moment.

Dicarapian gave her a very gentle visual sense at this time.

It's not that Jiang Xun has any serious illness and doesn't like gentleness.

Jiang Xun would not find this feeling weird if it appeared on anyone.

But when it appeared on this former tyrant, he felt a sense of disobedience.

Because during the time he spent with the other person, Jiang Xun had never seen such a smile on the other person's face.

She.....Could it be that he was confused from sleeping?

" Bold, what does that expression of yours mean?!"

The smile on Diecarpian's face changed in an instant, and the gentle feeling just now disappeared instantly.

And it turned back to the tone that he was familiar with just now.

Yeah, it's right.

Hearing the sudden change in the other party's tone, Jiang Xun nodded.

Diecarpian was a little angry at this time.

She finally met her long-lost friend and wanted to leave a gentle impression on the other party.

But she didn't expect this guy to show such an expression.

It's so irritating!

Diecarpian was a little angry.

Looking at the little emotions revealed by the other party, Jiang Xun smiled.

This is the Diecarpian he knows.

The gentleness just now made him feel a little flustered.

But I don't know if it's an illusion, Jiang Xun feels that she seems to have become much calmer.

Although her attitude is still tough, she is not as arrogant and unreasonable as on the high tower.

I don't know if she guessed Jiang Xun's thoughts.

Diecarpian smiled.

She stood on tiptoe and whispered something in Jiang Xun's ear......

At night, the cold moonlight shines on the abandoned castle.

The castle seems to be sleeping in the ocean of moonlight.

But tonight, the deserted castle welcomes two familiar people.

" My memory of you ends here"

Diakarabian's voice echoed softly in the empty space

" I thought I would never see you again, but maybe it was God's will that we could meet again"

" Then, let the memories between us start again from here"

Diekarapian said while smiling.

The moonlight shone on her beautiful face.

Jiang Xun felt as if he had returned to a night thousands of years ago.

However, she was no longer the king that everyone hated in the tower.

Instead, she was his friend.

" Haha, let me look forward to it"

Jiang Xun smiled and replied

" Hey, is it hard for you to stay with me?;

" Or do you think someone is better than me?!"

Diakarapian was a little dissatisfied with Jiang Xun's answer.

Then he asked angrily:

"Haha, I didn't say that!"

Jiang Xun spread his hands and replied.

However, this perfunctory answer obviously did not satisfy her. She immediately pestered him, wanting him to explain clearly.

Jiang Xun looked at Diekarapian who kept pestering him.

He smiled.

" The Fierce Wind Devil had died beside the throne thousands of years ago. Now the one in front of you is just an old man who wants to adapt to the new era."

This is what Decarabian said to him in the morning.

Jiang Xun was a little skeptical at first.

After all, personality is not something that can be easily changed.

However, it seems that the other party is not just talking casually......

The next morning, Jiang Xun returned to Mondstadt again.

Following him was Diekarapian in a huge robe.

Last night, she took him all the way back to Mondstadt from the ruins. They witnessed many scenes along the way.

Some scenery would be boring if seen alone.

But when you are with a special person, you can taste a different flavor.

Diekarapian thought and glanced in the direction of Jiang Xun.

But the other party did not notice her gaze.

He still walked straight towards Mondstadt.

Humph, he was in such a hurry to return to Mondstadt, there must be someone waiting for him.

I want to see who Jiang Xun is thinking about.

Diekarapian felt a little indignant.

She felt as if her things were taken away by others.

This feeling was very novel.

Because in her country, no one dared to compete with her for her belongings.

She had never had this feeling before.

Although it was novel.

But she hated it.

"What's wrong with you?"

Jiang Xun looked to the side and found that Diekarapian seemed to be in a bad mood.

He asked in confusion:

"Nothing, I'm just a little curious why you're so anxious to meet Mond?"

Diekarapian replied with a fake smile.

Her tone didn't seem as sweet as her expression.

" Well, since I have an old friend still in Mondstadt, I don't think it's a good idea to leave him alone."

Jiang Xun did not hear the difference in the other party's tone.

He answered seriously.

However, this answer made Dekarapian alert.

"Humph, I knew it!"

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