The next morning

, when the sun shone into Liyue Harbor, the warm light seemed to inject energy into this huge machine.

The originally silent Liyue Harbor started moving again.

Especially the market.

The flow of people was quite large.

Many Liyue people were already selling things here early in the morning.

Jiang Xun's figure also appeared here.

But this time, there was a blue-haired woman beside him.

It was Fanan.

At this moment, she was looking at the prosperity around her with curiosity.

These were lively scenes she had never seen before.

After all, Yaksha never appeared in front of mortals too often, nor did he communicate too much with mortals.

It was only because of the karma that could not be eliminated.

But fortunately, there was Jiang Xun.

Last night, he and Fanan stayed together all night.

Jiang Xun remembered that the moon was very round last night and the night was very beautiful.

The two of them sat on the bed.

Looking at the bright moon, Jiang Xun had something in mind.

In this situation, how could he do nothing?

Then.....He sat on the bed and chatted with Fanan for the whole night.

Jiang Xun felt very happy about this.

Whether it was the reunion of old friends or the free speech, it made him happy.

But for some reason, Fanan seemed a little nervous last night.

His face turned red from time to time.

I don’t know what he was thinking.

Jiang Xun thought that the other party was entangled by karma.

As a result, he found that it was true!

Although he had helped him solve this problem before.

But it had been more than two thousand years.

Two thousand years of continuous killing was enough to make her full of the resentment of the demon god again.

When Jiang Xun proposed to solve her resentment.

At first, she was firmly opposed.

Because the last time Jiang Xun died was because of the resentment of the demon god entering his body.

But after Jiang Xun killed first and asked later, he finally succeeded in swallowing it.

Fanan was very panicked at first.

But later, when he saw that Jiang Xun seemed to be fine, he was relieved.

But what Jiang Xun was surprised about was.

Obviously the karma had disappeared, why did her face become redder?......

After finishing the memories of last night,

Jiang Xun began to carefully select the vegetables he was going to buy.

Through the conversation last night, he also knew that it was not just Fa Nan.

The other four Yakshas would also miss him from time to time.

Therefore, Jiang Xun did not plan to delay any longer.

Sooner or later, they would meet, so there was no need to hesitate.

But before that, he needed to prepare a gift for meeting.

This is the scene of Jiang Xun coming to the market in the morning.

\"Jiang Xun, is this the market in Liyue? \"

Fanan looked at the residents walking around and the dazzling array of goods.

His eyes sparkled.

Just like a child seeing a new toy.

Full of yearning and curiosity.

Jiang Xun looked at the child-like Fanan calmly.

He felt a little sympathetic.

The Yaksha clan was born to kill.

If it followed the original plot, they would only die one after another in battle.

Falling on the first page of this prosperous era.

The people would not remember that they were also one of the important craftsmen who created this prosperous era......

But fortunately, now we have him

\"Yes, it's very lively, right?

Jiang Xun put away his heavy heart and asked with a smile.

\"Well, this is my first time seeing it! \"

Fanan looked very excited.

Although she had the opportunity to experience it two thousand years ago, the war was still going on at that time, so she finally gave up the idea.

The fireworks of the world unexpectedly did not disgust this immortal who was used to loneliness.

Instead, she developed a liking for it.

Just as Fanan was enjoying everything around her, she suddenly felt her hand being grabbed by another hand.

The warmth from the palm of the hand made her look over. She saw Jiang Xun's hand holding hers.

\"Jiang Xun, you.....\"

Fanan's face turned red in an instant.

Her heartbeat speeded up a little.

She had always had a good impression of Jiang Xun and did not mind his close behavior.

However, she did not know how to deal with it because she lacked experience in this area.

But Jiang Xun did not think too much.

He just smiled softly.

\"Let's go, hold on to me, don't lose me\"

Jiang Xun was really afraid that this girl who knew nothing except fighting would get lost.

By then, with her ability of negative communication level, it would probably be very troublesome.


Fanan replied softly. If Jiang's hearing was not very good, he might not have heard it.......

Along the way, Jiang Xun bought a lot of gifts.

However, Fanan didn't say a word during this period. She just followed Jiang Xun obediently.

Every time Jiang Xun asked her what she wanted, she would answer:"You decide."\"

This made him a little troubled.

You know, this situation is similar to"eat whatever you want".

In desperation, he could only pick out a few gifts that he thought were pretty good.

After everything was purchased, Jiang Xun followed Fanan to the place two thousand years ago.

Jiang Xun used fairy magic to create a storage space.

Then put all the purchased gifts in it.

Since the two of them were flying.

So the speed was naturally quite fast.

Soon, Jiang Xun and the other person arrived at the familiar place.

But to his surprise, the four of them did not seem to be here.

It seemed that they were busy with something.

Jiang Xun did not care, and then began to prepare food.

Just like more than two thousand years ago.

Jiang Xun did not feel strange.

Instead, he felt very familiar.

Fanan was quietly watching the other person cooking outside.

A smile unconsciously appeared on her pretty face......

After a while, Fanan felt four familiar auras approaching.

Then, several figures appeared in front of her.

They were the four guardian Yakshas.

\""Fanan, did you run into trouble last night?"

Yingda asked curiously after seeing Fanan. Since he didn't reply last night, he naturally thought he was in trouble.

Fanan just smiled and shook his head, and didn't answer.

\"Hmm? How come your karma.....\"

Xiao suddenly sounded surprised.

After he reminded them, the other three Yakshas finally reacted.

They all showed shocked expressions on their faces.

\"Yes, little sister, why can't I feel the karma in you?.....Emperor?"

Fushe asked curiously.

Although Mi Nu didn't say anything, he also had a curious expression.

\"No, I went to see someone last night and he helped me solve it.\"

Fanan replied with a smile.

A few people wanted to ask more questions, but Mi Nu's voice suddenly sounded.

\"What a nice smell! \"

Just as everyone was looking for the source of the smell, a voice came into their ears.

\"Good morning, everyone. Have you eaten yet? \"

Listening to the voice, the four of them felt familiar yet strange.

Turning around, they saw a young man leaning against the kitchen, looking at them with a smile on his face.

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