Heulia and her people were stunned by this sudden scene.

Especially Heulia, she could clearly feel that each of these puppets had the aura of a demon god.

And they were all stronger than her.

\"They will be responsible for guarding this place. Come with me.\"

Jiang Xun didn't explain too much to her.

He walked out as soon as he finished speaking.

Seeing this, Heulia hurriedly calmed the people down, explained the situation, and followed Jiang Xun.

The two of them came to the territory of an unknown demon god.

\"Look down."

Hearing this, Heulia looked down.

Her confused face turned into surprise.

She saw that the people below were building an extremely luxurious palace.

Everyone was very thin, and they were shackled and carrying heavy building materials.

From time to time, someone fell down, and then was beaten and forced to stand up and continue working.

Until they died.

This hellish scene was deeply imprinted in Heulia's mind.

���Although she knew that enslaved humans would not have an easy life, she did not expect it to be so miserable.

Her weakness made her think that such a scene would not happen.

But this scene actually appeared in front of her.

This visual impact was quite large.

\"You said you didn't want your people to be hurt, but if this is the result, can you still accept it?

Jiang Xun's calm voice was like a spell that penetrated deeply into Heulia's brain.

It made her start to really think about whether the approach she had been insisting on was correct.

Can her approach give her people a good ending?

After a while, Heulia came back to her senses and seemed to have made up her mind.

She said to Jiang Xun: I will try to change myself.\"

She is not a stubborn person. She will not go on even if she knows the result is wrong.

Jiang Xun also knew that the first step had been successful.

He nodded.

He killed the demon god and his subordinates, and then walked back.

In the next few months,

Jiang Xun has been teaching Heulia to dare to resist.

But it turns out that this is not easy.

Although Heulia is very serious in her studies, when she really decides whether to start a war, her natural kindness and gentleness will make her hesitate for a long time.

This is not a good sign.

The situation on the battlefield changes rapidly, and many things can happen in a second.

If everyone hesitates like her, then by the time she decides to fight back, the enemy will have arrived at her doorstep.

\"Since you know that you must resist to truly protect the people, why are you still hesitating? \"

Jiang Xun didn't understand what she was thinking

\"I know, but every time I make a decision, I seem to see the faces of those who died in the war in my mind.\"

\"How sad would their families be when they find out?\"

\"Will they blame me? \"

Heulia held her head, her emotions seemed to collapse.

Every time she thought of the people who lost their families, she would hesitate.

This was the reason why she could not make a decision.

Jiang Xun looked at the girl in front of him.

He knew that her personality was not suitable for being a leader.

Her innate weakness and accommodating personality would inevitably hinder her

\"In that case, why don't you go and ask them what they think?"

Jiang Xun said softly.

The other party's situation is somewhat similar to that of Diekarapian.

Neither of them knows the true thoughts of the people.

\"What do they think?\"

\"That’s right, not as a god, but as a human being.\"

Jiang Xun explained.

The next day, two tightly wrapped people appeared on the streets of the territory.

However, their clothes did not attract the attention of others.

After all, in this era of war, who has the heart to care about what others think? Just take care of yourself first.

Jiang Xun and his companions walked all the way down, and then asked several people about their views on the war.

\"I don't like war, it's because of war that we live in fear all the time\"

\"However, sometimes I feel I have to go to war even if I don't like it. For my family, I am willing to go to war.\"

\"I hope Lord Salt will not cede any more land, otherwise we may not even have a place to live in the end.\"

Heulia heard all these thoughts from the grassroots people.

They don't like war, but they don't want to lose their living land because of avoiding war.

Back in the palace,

Heulia also understood something.

People have long been dissatisfied with her constant concessions. She used to think that she was protecting her people.

But in their eyes, this was just a way to constantly shrink the living space.

\"Do you have an answer in your mind now? \"

Jiang Xun looked at Heulia sitting on the chair and asked.....

After a moment of silence, the girl replied

\"Yeah, I understand. Thank you, Master.\"

The girl smiled and her eyes were firm.

Seeing this, Jiang Xun breathed a sigh of relief.

At least all his efforts for so long were not in vain.

If his personality did not change, the original ending might just be postponed....... etc......

\"When did I say I would accept you as my disciple? Jiang

Xun then realized that the other party had just said the word"Master".

\"Eh, can't I call him Master? \"

Heulia was a little disappointed.

He had taught her so many things, so it seemed okay to call him Master?

Or did he not want to have anything to do with her?

Thinking of this, Heulia felt inexplicably sad.


Jiang Xun said.

He didn't care about the name.

After hearing Jiang Xun's words, Heulia's face was smiling again.

This change of expression was faster than turning a book.

After that, a few days later, a demon god came to ask for territory.

Generally speaking, the war between demon gods is to defeat the other demon god, and then you can get everything he has.

But this process often requires a lot of cost.

Generally, demon gods will not start a war at will without a backhand.

But this rule does not apply here.

The weakness of the God of Salt is well-known.

As a demon god, not only does he not take the initiative to seize land, but he is also unwilling to start a war.

This kind of soft persimmon is too rare.

Everyone wants to bully it.

But this time, the other party may be disappointed.

The imagined Salt God did not come forward to ask for peace.

What greeted him was a huge puppet and a warrior ready to go.

? ?

What are these?

Just when he was confused.

The puppet's giant fist blasted directly at his forehead.

The powerful punch blew up the air, and there were explosions in the air.

He was knocked dizzy in an instant.

He was not a powerful demon god, otherwise he would not come here to bully people.

Several pairs of huge fists hit him.

He was completely unable to move.

Finally, he died on the spot after being hit by a few small punches.

The people were all excited when they saw this.

They finally didn't have to give up their land.

Heulia also felt the power of faith from the people.

She was excited.

She hugged Jiang Xun who was watching the show on the side.

Jiang Xun: A sneak attack?

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