In the Jueyunjian, a fairy-like white-haired lady was following the fairy method.

At this moment, her heart was filled with anger.

One day a hundred years ago, she changed from a mortal in the secular world to a fairy who was beyond the mortal world.

But she forgot a lot of things that day.

But the only thing she remembered was that everything she had now was exchanged for the life of a person who was very important to her.

She could not forget this, and she dared not forget it.

Even though there was a mysterious force that was domineeringly sealing her memory of him at that time.

In the face of her strong resistance.

The power was exhausted but could not erase this last bit of memory.

After that, she would recall the memory of that day every day.

For fear of forgetting it again.

Although she remembered some things again.

But now she still can't remember who he is, what his name is, and what he looks like.

She only knows that the person sleeping in the mound is her brother.....

After becoming an immortal, her emotions as a human began to fade, except when her parents died.

There was nothing that could cause her such big emotional fluctuations on weekdays.

But now, the emotions that had been sealed under her calm state of mind were triggered again.

Because his resting place was destroyed and his body was missing.

She absolutely could not accept this!

Qiqi looked cold. Although she was angry, she remained calm. In a hundred years of life, she had experienced a lot and grown a lot. She would not act on impulse again.

She arranged a fairy magic barrier in front of the tomb. Except for walking out from the inside, the barrier would not be triggered.

If you want to approach from the outside, you can't get around the barrier.

But she didn't feel the barrier being triggered at all.

Just based on this point, Qiqi thought that the other party must be no ordinary person.

It's impossible that her brother resurrected and walked out by himself?

Qiqi herself was amused by this stupid idea that suddenly popped up.

The cycle of life and death is the highest rule of the world.

If you want to reverse it, you will inevitably pay an unimaginable price!......

Qiqi came to a place under the guidance of the magic.

But she saw nothing here. She only saw tents stationed around.

Just when she was confused

, the magic suddenly pointed out a direction.

Qiqi turned around and looked.

\"That is, Liyue Harbor? \"

She looked in the direction of Liyue Harbor, her face a little cold.

Could it be those immortals?

Qiqi guessed, but the more she thought about it, the more she felt it made sense.

In today's Liyue land, large monsters are almost extinct.

It seems that only that group of immortals can do this.

But she didn't like the immortals in Liyue, not because of the conflict.

It was because she knew that the cause of all that happened to her was the struggle between the immortals and the demons.

Although they also gave her a lot of help.

Later, she knew that the Yaksha didn't do it on purpose, but she still couldn't like him.

Gratitude and liking are two different things.

Qiqi thought about it, and then flew towards the direction of Liyue Harbor.

She wanted to see which immortal would do such a thing.......

\"Brother Xun, thanks.\"

Seeing that his truckload of goods had arrived, the young man quickly thanked Jiang Xun.

This way, he would have business again.

Although half of the profit had to be shared with Jiang Xun, it was still better than making no money at all.

\"It's okay, remember to work harder\"

Jiang Xun waved his hand

\"Well, I'll try my best\"

\"But, Brother Xun, why are you so dirty? \"

The young man looked at Jiang Xun with some confusion.

Jiang Xun then noticed that he was still covered in mud......

\"Actually, these are all left when I was fighting against the treasure thieves.\"

Jiang Xun thought of a reason.....

\"Woohoo, Brother Xun, I am so touched. I didn't expect you to value our agreement so much!"

After a moment of silence, the young man said with emotion

\"That, no.....\"

Jiang Xun felt that the other party had misunderstood something and was about to explain.

But before he could finish his words, he was interrupted.

\"Thank you, Brother Xun. I didn't expect you to suffer so much for me. I've decided that this time the profit will be 30% for me and 70% for you!

Jiang Xun was a little confused as he watched this guy talking to himself.

Jiang Xun wanted to explain, but the other party didn't seem to want to give him a chance to speak.

\"No need to refuse, it's settled! \"

After the young man finished speaking, he took the goods and left.

Jiang Xun was left at a loss.

Dihua is so scary!

Jiang Xun ignored the weird young man and prepared to go home to change his clothes.

He looked like a beggar in this outfit. He only needed a bowl to start making money.

However, on the way home, Jiang Xun suddenly felt a breath approaching.

This breath has transcended mortals and reached the level of demons.

But among the demons, it is of a low level.

\"Is it an immortal?

Jiang Xun's expression did not change, thinking about the possibility in his mind.

He thought he was just passing by, but he didn't expect that the other party seemed to be coming for him.

Feeling this, Jiang Xun was a little surprised.

He didn't understand why such a being would come to him.

He had always shown the image of an ordinary person during this period of time, and he didn't cause any big trouble.

How could he attract someone at the level of a demon god?

However, this breath was so familiar......

To be on the safe side, Jiang Xun turned around and walked out of Liyue Harbor.

There were too many people here, and it was not suitable to deal with them.

Qiqi, who had rushed over, also noticed Jiang Xun underground. She was about to use her magic to check.

However, when she saw his back, she suddenly felt a strong sense of familiarity.

This feeling came without any basis.

It was as if it had happened many times before.

Qiqi was startled by this situation, and she hurriedly checked whether she was entangled by karma.

However, no matter how she checked, she still found no problem.

Only then did she realize that the other party had gone far away, so she hurried to catch up.

Jiang Xun came to a sparsely populated mountain.

He was now more certain that the other party was looking for him specifically. He kept a proper distance from him all the way.

It must be said that he was well hidden, but he was still too naive in front of him.

The other party's breath could not escape the perception of the top demon god.

Qiqi followed Jiang Xun all the way, and she was a little curious about where the other party was going.

But at this moment, she found that the other party suddenly stopped.

Then he turned around and looked straight at the direction where he was hiding.

Qiqi knew that she was discovered.

She stopped dodging and appeared in front of Jiang Xun.

However, the appearance of the other party made Jiang Xun, who was originally a little proud, dumbfounded.


Although Qiqi has grown up, he has been with her for a year after all.

He can still recognize her.

The appearance of the other party was indeed beyond his expectations, and the idea of threatening Sanlian that he had originally thought of disappeared.

Looking at his grown-up sister, he really couldn't do it.......

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