After walking and stopping along the way for a few days, the group arrived at Liyue Harbor.

It was already dark when they arrived.

At this time, Liyue Harbor was already decorated with lights and people were coming and going, and the streets were quite lively.

There was a festive atmosphere everywhere.

Suddenly, Jiang Xun felt his hand being grabbed.

He looked down and found that it was Qiqi.

At this time, her little face showed a look of fear, and her eyes kept looking around.

Jiang Xun smiled and held Qiqi's little hand tightly.

He knew that this was a sign of Qiqi's shyness.

It is normal to have such a reaction when you come to a place with so many people for the first time.

"Don't be afraid, my brother is here"

Jiang Xun said softly to Qiqi.

Perhaps because of her admiration and trust for Jiang Xun, the uneasiness on Qiqi's face disappeared a lot after Jiang Xun finished speaking.

"Brother Jiang, this kid really likes you"

Qiqi's father saw this scene and smiled.

As her father, she certainly knew her daughter's character. Only when she really liked someone from the bottom of her heart would she subconsciously approach that person when she felt uneasy.

It was just that in the past, it was just the couple, but now there was also Jiang Xun.

"Hehe, Qiqi is so cute, I like her too"

Jiang Xun smiled and touched Qiqi's head.

During their long time together, Qiqi showed him her innocent

, lively and lovely side. She was completely different from the dull and emotionless state she had as a zombie.

Sometimes he really thought Qiqi was his own sister.

Feeling the warmth of Jiang Xun's palm, Qiqi felt relieved.

She knew that no matter what danger she encountered, brother Jiang Xun would definitely protect her!

"Brother Jiang, let's go and find a place to rent first. Can you take Qiqi for a walk?"

Qiqi's father said again

" No problem, you guys go ahead and do your work, Qiqi will be left to me."

Jiang Xun smiled and replied

" Let's go, Qiqi, I'll take you to see Liyue Harbor"

" Good"

Afterwards, Jiang Xun took Qiqi to play in Liyue Harbor.

Since there was not much difference in the roads between Liyue a hundred years ago and Liyue a hundred years later,

Jiang Xun was still very familiar with the route. He introduced a lot of things to Qiqi along the way.

The little girl also listened very carefully to Jiang Xun's introduction of these things she had never heard of before.

She looked at everything around her with curiosity.

But suddenly, Qiqi's eyes were attracted by one place.

Jiang Xun turned his head and found that there was a vendor selling candied haws over there.

Qiqi looked at the candied haws with longing in her big eyes, but she deliberately did not show it too obviously.

Jiang Xun was amused by her cute behavior. He went up and bought a string, and then shook it in front of her.

"Has Xiao Qiqi not gotten tired of eating yet?"

Jiang Xun asked jokingly.

You know, he usually goes back to Liyue Harbor to buy snacks when he has time.

Among them, Qiqi's favorite is candied haws and dairy products.

"Well, the candied haws are very sweet, Qiqi likes it very much!"

Looking at the little girl, her eyes kept following the candied haws like a kitten staring at a cat toy.

Jiang Xun smiled and stopped teasing her, handing the candied haws in his hand to Qiqi.

"Thank you, brother!"

Qiqi happily took the candied haws and ate it in small bites like a hamster.

"Oh, and there's the little bird!"

Qiqi seemed to suddenly think of something.

Then he took down a gourd and placed it in front of the little bird next to him.

It seemed that he wanted to share it with him.

Seeing this, Jiang Xun actually wanted to say that his creation didn't need to eat to survive.

It would be fine even if he didn't give it food.....

Tuanque: ? ?

If you don't love me, please don't hurt me!

After sharing his food, Jiang Xun took Qiqi to continue playing.

They watched along the way.

Until Jiang Xun found that people suddenly started to rush towards the beach.

"Hurry up, hurry up, it’s time to set off sky lanterns!" (Because I don’t know what will be set off during this year’s Sea Lantern Festival, I will just treat it as a sky lantern)

"Okay, wait for me!";

" Hurry up, be careful to slow down. Lord Yan can't see you."

The people of Liyue around them were all holding a lantern in their hands, and they were all heading to the release site in high spirits.

Qiqi, who was holding a half-cut candied haws, also wanted to go and see.

"Brother, let's go and have a look too"

She knew about the Sky Lanterns, and she had released them before.

But they were always in small villages. However, she had never seen the scene of releasing Sky Lanterns in Liyue Harbor.

Curiosity drove her to go and see.

Jiang Xun naturally agreed to Qiqi's request.

He held her hand to prevent her from being separated by the crowd, and then squeezed to the front.

Someone was presiding over the order in the front.

It was the Seven Stars of this session. After a while, fewer people entered.

Everyone was in place, waiting for the moment to release the Sky Lanterns.

"Everyone, please be quiet," the Seven Stars shouted.

The noisy voices gradually faded away.

" It is the annual Lantern Festival again. I believe everyone has prepared their wishes for the new year."

" Let’s not waste any more time and start the countdown"

Three , two, one

, release!

As soon as the Seven Stars finished speaking, everyone below released the sky lanterns in their hands.

For a moment, countless golden sky lanterns slowly rose from the ground with light.

Each ray of light represented the hope of a Liyue citizen.

This was their expectation for the new year and also a summary of this year.

Qiqi, who was held in Jiang Xun's arms, was completely attracted by this spectacular scene.

This was a scene she had never seen before.

Because there were few people in the small village, the number of sky lanterns was also sparse.

Now the sky covered by the night lanterns was the most beautiful she had ever seen.

" So beautiful!"

Qi Qi said subconsciously.

Jiang Xun also agreed with her point of view.

This scene was indeed spectacular. Even though he had seen it once during the Hai Lantern Festival a hundred years later, he was still shocked by this scene.

" If there is a chance, let’s see it again next year"

Jiang Xun said to Qiqi


Qiqi asked in surprise

" Of course, when has your brother ever lied to you?";


Qiqi excitedly kissed Jiang Xun on the face.

This made Jiang Xun confused.

He didn't expect that this little girl would suddenly do this to him.

For a moment, he felt like he was going to be tortured......

Meanwhile, the residents of Liyue Harbor were not the only ones watching the night lanterns.

On the hill next to Yujing Terrace, five figures sat on the lawn, staring intently at the night lanterns rising from Liyue Harbor.

"Even if I have seen it many times, I still never get tired of seeing the sky lanterns!"

A lively and enthusiastic voice sounded on the quiet mountaintop.

"Yeah, it's really beautiful"

Another voice responded

"Yes, we had an agreement with him at the beginning......"

A quiet voice sounded, but it stopped halfway through.......

"If.....How nice it would be if he was still here"

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