\"Lord Chenshen, the people have gathered.\"

Soldiers come up to report

\"Okay, evacuate the people quickly.\"

\"yes.....Please come with us.\"

The soldier hesitated for a moment and then tried to persuade him.

Gui Zhong shook his head and said,"No, I will stay and buy you some time."

\"But, this\"

\""Go! It will be too late if you don't go now!"

Gui Zhong suddenly shouted.

The soldier was frightened by Gui Zhong's sudden shout.

In his impression, Lord Chen Shen has always been very gentle and treated them like children. He has never lost his temper like this.

\"I....Got it. Please take care.\"

Guizhong did not reply, but looked at the demon god approaching from a distance.

Seeing that the soldiers had left,

Guizhong immediately mobilized his divine power and stood in front of the Guizhong machine.

Countless Guizhong machines on the city wall were gathering light, waiting for Guizhong's order to start.

\"Dear demons, please stop your advance, or you will bear the consequences.\"

Guizhong activated his divine power and sent his voice to the demons who were advancing.

But they ignored him and continued to move forward.

They thought that human toys could not hurt them.

Seeing this, Guizhong's heart sank.

He did not continue to warn, but directly activated his divine power, and Guizhongji roared to attack.

The divine power attached to the arrows gave them great power.

Seeing this, the demons did not dodge and let the attacks hit them.

But they underestimated the power of Guizhongji, which was not a weapon made by humans at all.

Many demons also paid the price for their arrogance.

Some slightly weaker demons died in this attack.

Proving that its power was enough to kill gods!

Seeing this, they no longer underestimated Guizhongji's attack.

It also led to a lot less deaths of demons.

Guizhong on the city wall did not stop attacking because she could not kill the demons.

Her goal was to do her best to buy time for the people.

And as Guizhongji fired one shot after another.

Gui Zhong's pretty face was already full of fatigue, and there was little power left in her body.

She was not good at fighting, not to mention that it was difficult for her to control multiple Gui Zhong machines for a long time.

Raindrops hit Gui Zhong's body, and she wanted to continue to drive the machine.

But her power was limited, and now it was already a spent force.

The demon god whose progress was slowed down in the distance also noticed this and hurriedly sped up.

Gui Zhong knelt on the wall weakly, looking at the demon god rushing over like a madman.

There was no fear on her face.

As early as the moment she chose to stay alone to cover the retreat, she knew that she could not go back today.

Relax your mind.

Close your eyes, and the things that make you happy can't stop emerging in your mind.

And the last scene is the last time she met Jiang Xun.

\"I'll leave now. I'll come back later.\"

She didn't regret staying. She had thought about this possibility when she chose to protect humans.....Now she really wants to see Jiang Xun again

\"I'm sorry, brother......There may be no chance.\"

Gui Zhong murmured softly.

At this time, the demon's attack had already arrived.

The attack composed of divine power was whistling, and Gui Zhong's clothes were blown by the wind pressure generated by the attack.

However, just as the attack was about to hit her, it was blocked.

\"Don't sleep anymore, the sun is shining on your butt\"

The familiar voice made Gui Zhong open her eyes suddenly.

The first thing she saw was Jiang Xun smiling at her. His attack was blocked by his hand.

Gui Zhong saw Jiang Xun.

Her first reaction was happiness, but the next second she said angrily:

\"What are you doing here? Go back now!"

Jiang Xun didn't pay attention to her tone.

\"This won't do. Lao Mo and I signed a contract to protect Guiliji.\"

\"You should leave quickly, this place is not suitable for civilian demons\"

Jiang Xun urged her to leave

\"No, how can you defend with so many demon gods? Even if the emperor comes, he may not be able to defend it!"

Gui Zhong looked at the demon gods who were about to arrive at the city and said angrily

\"Then....Defend it with all your might! \"

Gui was finally stunned by Jiang Xun's answer......

\"Enough, Jiang Xun, my affairs have nothing to do with you, leave now, and don't come to see me again! \"

Gui Zhong suddenly looked cold

\"Hey, you're my sister, how come it doesn't matter? \"

But Jiang Xun still said with a smile


Gui Zhong wanted to continue talking, but Jiang Xun said softly:"Okay, sister, you should go back. Be careful on your way."\"

The Word of Truth was activated.

Gui finally found that her body began to lose control. She began to fly backwards on her own.

She wanted to break free from the control, but she couldn't do it with her current ability.

In the end, she could only stare blankly at the smile on Jiang Xun's face and the abyss-like demon behind him.

She should have been happy to hear the word"sister" at this time.

But now she was only sad in her heart.

If possible, she would rather never hear the word"sister".....

Gui Zhong's figure gradually disappeared from sight.

Jiang Xun turned his head and looked at the dark mass of monsters in front of him.

His expression was solemn.

Gui Zhong was right. He really couldn't resist the attack of so many demon gods alone.

However, he should be able to hold on until the reinforcements arrived......

Gui Zhong saw the black clouds in the distance stopped moving, knowing that they were blocked by Jiang Xun.

Tears flashed in his eyes, and he kept praying in his heart that the emperor could provide timely support.

After repelling Osel at sea, Morax did not stop.

He turned into a golden light and flew towards Gui Liji.

The message that Gui Zhong just sent made him furious for a moment.

They were tricked by these demons!

The pupils that looked like flowing gold were shining and filled with anger.

The immortals behind him also knew that they had been fooled, and hurried back......

Gui Zhong and the other immortals returned to Gui Li Ji again

��But here was a mess.

There were pits and demon corpses everywhere outside the city.

But Guiliji was not affected at all.

The vines made of alchemy blocked the attack of the demons.

Jiang Xun, covered in blood, desperately supported the vines.

His condition was very bad.

Even if there were some first-hand ones, there were too many demons, some of which were powerful.

Under their siege.

Jiang Xun's body had already been severely injured, and now he could only move by willpower.

\"end....Yu is here\"

Jiang Xun heaved a sigh of relief after he finished speaking, and he no longer had the strength to hold on.

The vines withered, but the demons did not move forward.

Because they could clearly feel the wrath of Morax.

But just now that guy had killed more than half of them by himself, and now there was another Morax.

They all began to run away.

But Morax would never give them this opportunity.

He raised his arms.

The sky was instantly filled with golden light, and countless stars instantly formed and smashed down at them.

After a huge roar, all the demons were destroyed.

Morax hurriedly looked for Jiang Xun, but the other party was sitting on the ground with his head drooping, and his body was no longer breathing.

\"This time the fault is mine.\"

Looking at all this, Morax said in a deep voice

\"The Emperor doesn't need to blame himself\"

She answered quietly the previous second.

The next second, tears could not stop falling.

Hugging Jiang Xun, she suddenly remembered.

The first time they met, she stood on the city wall and looked at him with a vigilant look.

The last time they met, he stood on the city wall and tried his best to protect her.

And in the end, he saved her Guiliji.

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