But now that he has agreed, he can only go for it.

After thinking it over, Jiang Xun found that he had nothing to prepare.

Because the current Morax team is too strong.

Both himself and Ruota are top demons, not to mention that there are countless strong immortals under his command.

I am afraid that their every move will be noticed tomorrow.

Small tricks are basically useless.

Finally, after thinking it over, Jiang Xun can only choose to reduce his presence as much as possible.

There is no such person as him in the original plot. God knows what will happen after Gui Zhong takes him over?

Time quickly came to the next day.

Gui Zhong came to Jiang Xun early in the morning.

She was dressed very formally today.

A glass-colored long skirt and a robe with large cuffs are very suitable for her temperament.

Just like a quiet lily, beyond the world.

Of course, if the other party had not caused him such a great shock to his heart yesterday

\"Good morning, brother.\"

Gui finally saw Jiang Xun and greeted him with a smile.

Jiang Xun thought carefully about her words which sounded like an insult.....It seems that he has become immune to insults.

After all, he knew that Guizhong only meant what he said literally, not in a sarcastic way.

Then he turned around and said hello.

Jiang Xun was ready.

But when he was about to leave, Guizhong stopped.

She looked at Jiang Xun in disbelief and asked

\"You don't want to wear this?\"

\"Yes, is there a problem?

Jiang Xun looked at his clothes and found nothing strange.

He looked at the other person with a puzzled look.

\"We are going to form an alliance, can't you at least dress formally?"

Jiang Xun was speechless after hearing this.

The alliance partner was not him, Jiang, and how could he reduce his presence by dressing so formally?

\"Ahahaha, I'll just be your guard, no need to worry about what I wear\"

Jiang Xun tried to skip this matter

\"That won't do, I don't think of you as a guard!"

Gui Zhong said dissatisfiedly

\"Hehe, luckily I was prepared.\"

Then he took out a set of clothes from the storage mechanism he had created.

\"I had guessed that you, a lazy guy, would not prepare any clothes. Fortunately, I thought of it in advance.\"

After saying that, he stuffed the clothes into Jiang Xun's arms.

\"Go change quickly! \"


Jiang Xun put on a frown: Listen to me, thank you (sad)

Under Gui Zhong's urging gaze, Jiang Xun was reluctant but finally had to change into this set of clothes.

\"Not bad, it looks good, so that others won't look down on you\"

\"Okay, let's go!"

Gui Zhong said, then turned around and hopped towards the alliance site.

Jiang Xun realized that she didn't want to be looked down upon.

She really did. I was so touched.....

However, he believes that being looked down upon has its benefits.....

The demons killed by Jiang Xun: Damn, this old six, I***

After tidying up for a while, Jiang Xun followed.

On the way, Jiang Xun saw Gui Zhong holding a yellow thing in his hand.

He lingered on it for a while.

Gui Zhong seemed to feel Jiang Xun's gaze, and then explained with a smile:

\"This is the Earthly Chain, the token of my alliance.\"

Gui Zhong shook the pain lock floating in his hand

\"Yeah, looks good.\"

Jiang Xun also responded

\"Right? Actually, this is not only a token, but also a challenge I have issued to Morax. If he can unlock this lock, he can obtain all my wisdom.\"

\"But I don't think he can solve it.\"

Seeing Gui Zhong's confident look,

Jiang Xun wanted to tell him that sometimes you don't have to follow the normal path to open a lock.

Especially for this kind of crooked but fragile lock, the other party only needs to put it on the ground and let Ruo Tuo jump on it.

He didn't believe that this thing couldn't be opened......

But in the end, it was just a thought in his mind.

Morax probably wouldn't spend time on this now.

Not to mention that he was busy fighting everywhere and had no time.

And why would he waste time unlocking a lock when there was a ready-made intelligent demon god?.....

Soon, the two arrived at the agreed location for the alliance.

Jiang Xun found that the location was chosen a little outside Gui Zhong's territory.

Not long after they arrived, Morax also came here with his immortals.

Jiang Xun took a look at the lineup behind him, which was indeed much more luxurious than his own.

There were deer, cranes, unicorns and so on, a lineup that would make a zoo director ecstatic.

Compared to the two of them on his side, it was a bit shabby.

Gui Zhong still had a smile on her face.

She understood that the other party's lineup was more or less meant to show strength.

But she didn't care, anyway, she was not going to fight against them.

She only proposed the alliance after she got to know Morax.

\"Sorry for the long wait! \"

Morax's calm voice came

\"We just arrived not long ago\"

Finally, he smiled and replied

\"Who is this? \"

Morax's attention was suddenly attracted by Jiang Xun. He felt that Jiang Xun was very strong.

\"He is my brother\"

\"Brother? \"

Is the God of Dust a twin demon god?

Morax suddenly had a little doubt in his heart.

But after a moment, he stopped thinking about it. If the other party is a relative, then it doesn't matter.

Seeing that the other party is no longer looking at him, Jiang Xun also breathed a sigh of relief.

The current Morax is not the shopping uncle who likes to slack off thousands of years later.

He has not experienced too much wear and tear now, and his personality is not as easy-going and humane as it will be thousands of years later.

Instead, he is extremely rational like a machine.

He always holds an attitude of letting humans develop freely.

If it weren't for the gentle demon gods like Guizhong and Marcosius who often help them, humans would probably not feel good.

\"Yes, this is my keepsake.\"

Finally like a girl���The earthly chain in his hand was presented.

Many immortals present were attracted by this beautiful token.

Especially a certain blue crane master.

The two bird eyes were almost touching.

However, Morax did not pay much attention to it.

For him, this thing was just a token for the other party to seek shelter.

Based on the responsibility of God's love for people, he did not refuse.

It was just that he was a little contemptuous of Guizhong's way of submitting the token before signing the contract (this is not made up, it is written in the information)

\"Well, let's sign the contract.\"

\"I, Morax, today establish an alliance with the Demon Lord of Dust, Guizhong, to help protect the safety of his people.\"

\"I, Guizhong, today establish an alliance contract with Morax to help improve the lives of the people and resist foreign enemies\"

\"The contract has been signed. Those who break their promises shall be punished by eating rocks! \"

With the signing of the contract between the two, the two officially formed an alliance, and Guizhong also officially joined his team.

During the whole process, Jiang Xun said nothing and successfully escaped attention.

And this was all thanks to Guizhong's explanation.

Afterwards, Morax left with his own people.

It should be that he was preparing to bring the people of Liyue Port to Guiliyuan in the future.

After all, the plain terrain here is still very suitable for the survival and development of the people.

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