"Ahem, by the way, I came here to say goodbye to you."

Jiang Xun interrupted.

As soon as he finished speaking, the people present had different reactions.

"What's wrong? Is Inazuma uncomfortable?"

Zhen asked immediately. Suddenly, she seemed to realize something and looked at Yae Shenzi without moving. Perhaps the reason was right in front of her.......

Yae Shinko noticed Zhen's gaze and felt a little aggrieved. How could she have offended him? It seemed that she was always the one who suffered when she was with Jiang Xun?

Miss Fox was very dissatisfied and didn't want to talk.

"No, it was an invitation from an old friend.

Jiang Xun took a sip of tea and answered slowly.

"Old Friend......"Jiang Xun, are you going back to Liyue?"

Paimeng asked. In her opinion, it should be that a fairy from Liyue contacted the other party and asked him to go back.

"That's not the case. It's a friend of Mond's."

".....Were we invited by the same person?"

Paimeng thought it was quite a coincidence after hearing Jiang Xun's explanation.

"I don't think so, but you also know my friend."

"Is it Wendy?"

Ying thought about it carefully, and then asked with doubt.

Jiang Xun smiled and nodded. Ying's brain is still quite smart.


Obviously, the other three people present were not familiar with this name.

"Or, his other name, Barbatos.

If Wendy is little known, then Barbatos is well known.......

"So that's it, is the Wind God called Wendy now?"

I felt a little emotional. Since the Kanreya War, except for the Rock God and the Wind God, most of the other gods have met with accidents, and the Seven Gods Conference has never been held again because of the appointment of the second generation of gods.

Now when she heard this familiar name, the Wind God in his youth appeared in her mind. He looked clean, but he liked to drink too much.

"Well, I wish you guys a good time."

Although she was reluctant to see Jiang Xun leave, she did not stop him after knowing the reason. Anyway, there would be plenty of opportunities to meet in the future, so there was no need to rush.

"By the way, Jiang Xun, when do you plan to leave?"

Paimeng asked.

She didn't expect that the other party was going to the same place as them. In this case, it would be a good idea to travel together. After all, with such a big brother by her side, she and Ying's safety would not be worried at all.

Jiang Xun glanced at this guy. From Paimeng's eyes, he could easily see her thoughts. He almost wrote the words"please take me with you" on his forehead, but he didn't care. It was not bad to have someone he knew by his side when he went out.

"Probably in these few days."

"We are almost there too."

Finally, after some communication, it was decided to leave the day after tomorrow.

Two days passed quickly, and soon it was the agreed time. Jiang Xun came to the dock early. Because the sun had not risen yet, there was still a layer of white fog on the sea level.

The visibility was not high.

The sound of the boat could be vaguely heard in the distance, and it seemed that it was about to dock.

At this time, a yellow and a white man also slowly arrived, but looking at the sleepiness on their faces, it can be seen that these two guys must have a hard time getting up in the morning.

Especially Paimon, his head was up and down, and once he almost fell directly to the ground.

Afterwards, many people arrived at the dock one after another, and the boat followed closely behind. With a turn of the helmsman, the huge ship was steadily docked at the shore. The sea voyage officially began.

Sailing is inevitably accompanied by risks, but this time it is not as unlucky as last time.

Except for the occasional thunderstorm, there is nothing else.

A few days later, the ship arrived at the port of Liyue smoothly.

Next, the three of them prepared to go directly to Mondstadt.

On the way, they met an acquaintance

"Hey guys, where are you going?"

"Hey, it's Wan Ye, long time no see, we are just about to go to Mondstadt!"

Wan Ye touched his chin, then said with a smile:"Really, the Free City is indeed a good place to escape the summer heat."

"Wan Ye, do you want to come with us?"

Ying invited him.

"Will this disturb your plans, especially this gentleman?"

Wan Ye turned the topic to Jiang Xun and wanted to refuse

"It doesn't matter, we are just passing by, we don't have any plans."

Jiang Xun waved his hand

"Then, I will respectfully obey your command."

The addition of a samurai from Inazuma to the original three-person journey did add a lot of topics to the conversation.......

Summer has arrived. Walking on the road, the sun is burning everything on the earth.

""Aren't you hot?"

Paimon asked.

But in the end, the other three people except him shook their heads.

".....No, it's too hot, Jiang Xun, do you have any spells that can make people cooler?"

Paimon wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Yes, but are you sure you want to try it?"

Jiang Xun asked with a strange look in his eyes, but Paimeng was already too hot to handle, and nodded quickly when he heard that he could cool down, without giving it much thought. Upon hearing this,

Jiang Xun used the elemental power of ice to draw runes in front of him. After the last stroke was completed, he smashed it with a palm, turning it into blue ice crystals, which automatically surrounded Paimeng.

With him by her side, absorbing all the surrounding heat, Paimeng only felt a chill.

But before she could be happy for long, she soon discovered that something was wrong. The temperature was actually dropping. In just a few seconds, the temperature around her had dropped below zero degrees.

Layers of frost began to condense on the ground


Paimon caught a cold under this attack of cold and heat.

Jiang Xun withdrew the spell, and the temperature began to return to normal. Then he used the Word of Truth to cure her cold.

"How about it, do you want to do it again?"

Jiang Xun asked.

Paimeng shook his head wildly.

It's better to be a little hotter than ice and fire.

The three people and the dragon spent a few days and soon arrived at Mondstadt.

Mondstadt is not like Liyue with obvious four seasons. After entering Mondstadt, you can clearly feel the temperature change. There is always a breeze blowing, which blows away a lot of the heat.

The four of them soon arrived at Mondstadt.

"It's the Honorary Knight. It's been a long time."

The knight at the door greeted Ying with a smile after seeing her.

"Well, hello, long time no see."

Ying also smiled and nodded.

"Honor Knight Sister, and Paimon, here, here!"

A shout came from not far away, and several people looked over and saw a little girl running towards them with her short legs.

"Hi, Klee, we received your invitation!"

Paimon greeted the newcomer.

"That’s great, we’ll be setting off soon,

Ke Li said excitedly, and at this time she also noticed Jiang Xun and the other person.

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