"How far have you progressed with your plan?"

Jiang Xun was a little curious.

After all, he hadn't come to see it for a while.

Who knows if the plan will develop in a direction he didn't expect? As

Jiang Xun finished speaking, the boy's eyes sparkled with excitement.

\"Mr. Jiang Xun, our team is now quite large, and almost all the people are on the same side with us.\"

But just as he finished speaking, a look of distress appeared on the boy's face again.

\"What's wrong? \"

Looking at the boy who suddenly became distressed, Jiang Xun asked curiously

\"I wonder if I was too reckless?\"

\"Although tyrants oppress us, they do give us space to survive.\"

After a pause, the boy said:"Mr. Jiang Xun, what do you think I should do?"

A trace of confusion appeared in the boy's green pupils.

Jiang Xun smiled and said:"It is human nature to pursue freedom. There is nothing wrong in fighting for your own life.\"

Jiang Xun didn't know where he heard this, but he thought it was very appropriate, so he served the bowl of chicken soup.

The boy was silent after hearing this, as if he was thinking about something.

After a while, a smile appeared on his face.

\"Well, I understand. Thank you for your teaching, Mr. Jiang Xun.\"

\"Hey, Wendy, is this wine good? \"

Jiang Xun then turned his gaze to the wind elf who was drinking heavily.

He couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Did the wine keep spreading after entering his stomach?

\"Not bad! \"

He has never tasted the wine of the later generations, so of course he thinks the current one is good.

\"Next time I'll treat you to something different, I promise it'll taste better than this\"

Jiang Xun said


Hearing that there was new wine to drink, this guy was very excited and kept circling around Jiang Xun.

\"of course it's true\"

Jiang Xun replied.

Anyway, you won't remember me when we meet again. How can you remember what I say now?

Jiang Xun thought it was interesting to tease this drunkard.

After chatting with them for a while, Jiang Xun got up and left.

Walking on the street, he found that everything had changed.

The eyes of the people on the street were no longer as empty and mechanical as when he first came.

Instead, they were full of fighting spirit, and their faces were no longer expressionless, but they shared their emotions with others.

Jiang Xun knew that this was because they had found their goal, which was to pursue freedom.

History is moving in the original direction, but this time it may be a little different.......

In the following period of time, everything was running as usual, and nothing major happened.

Of course, except that the North Wind Wolf King came to cause trouble a few times.

But because he couldn't break through the outer wind wall, he had to retreat in the end.

And Jiang Xun also found that Diekarapian didn't seem to want to fight with the other party.

In her words, she was disdainful to pay attention, but Jiang Xun felt that the other party was too lazy to move.

Ever since he came, this guy has been ordering him around.

If he didn't know that his body was sealed, he might have asked him to wrestle with the wolf in the snow.

But despite this, Jiang didn't get angry in order to complete the task smoothly.

Of course, a small part of the reason is that he may not be able to win.

But this is only a small part.

He believes that if he goes all out, escaping should not be a problem......

Humph, I will find more monsters when I go back this time.

I will swallow myself and become the strongest in the world!

\"Jiang Aiqing, come here for a moment\"

Hearing this guy calling him again, Jiang Xun sighed helplessly.

\"Come on, King\"......

\"I'm going to start tomorrow, guys.\"

In the hidden room, the boy's voice was no longer as cheerful as before, but full of seriousness.

\"Are you sure? \"

Amos also asked in a deep voice.

The boy nodded when he heard it.

\"Well, it's time. Now even many of the castle guards have joined us.\"

\"Wendy has also secretly brought his clan in.

\"The Gunhild family was once the tyrant's subordinates and is very familiar with the castle's structure. We can use this to avoid those traps.\"

The boy then explained

\"Well, in that case, I'll go tell them now.\"

Amos spoke up

\"Then I'll go discuss this with Gunnhild's people first.\"

The red-haired knight said this calmly and turned away.

The remaining people also went to complete their work.

After all, it was a big change, and success or failure depended on tomorrow......

Only the boy and Wendy were left in the room.

\"Wendy, do you think we will succeed? \"

As the final battle approached, the boy's voice was somewhat unconfident.

\"We will definitely succeed!"

Wendy also encouraged.

After spending so much time with the boy, he was inevitably influenced by him. He was full of fighting spirit.

\"By the way, go find Mr. Jiang Xun and ask him to stay away tomorrow.\"

The young man then spoke.

Wendy nodded after hearing this.

There will definitely be damage tomorrow. If Jiang Xun, an ordinary person, does not hide in advance, he will definitely get hurt.

Then Wendy turned into a wisp of wind and floated towards the tower.

Jiang Xun was resting at this time, and then he felt a gentle breeze blowing beside him.

This feeling, is it Wendy?

Sure enough, the next second a green wind elf appeared beside him

\"Wendy, is there anything you need from me?"

Jiang Xun asked.

Wendy nodded and told Jiang Xun about the boy's and the others' plan.

\"Tomorrow you should stay away from the castle, otherwise I don't know what will happen.\"

Jiang Xun was silent for a while and then said:"I see. I understand.\"

\"Well, I'll go first. Be careful.\"


���Di turned his head, a little confused

\"What's wrong\"

\"This time, remember to protect your friends.\"

Jiang Xun said with a smile.

Wendy was a little confused for a moment. He didn't understand why the other party suddenly said that.

But he nodded subconsciously.

\"I will\"

After the wind spirit merged back into the wind and disappeared, Jiang Xun's face regained its composure.

\"Jiang Aiqing, is the food so rich tonight? \"

Dikarapian looked at the dishes on the table with some surprise.

\"Some food is about to rot, so we need to dispose of it quickly.\"

\"Hmm, that's it.\"

Diekarapian nodded as he ate his food.

\"King, do you remember the king who was killed?"

Halfway through the meal, Jiang Xun suddenly asked

\"Remember, what happened?\"

\"I think you look a lot like her.\"

Jiang Xun said with a smile

\"Hum, I am indeed as strong as she is.\"

Diekarapian said proudly.

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