Lucifer’s voice just fell, and the situation on the court reversed again.

Just when Chen Long was about to rush to pull, he suddenly heard a high -pitched hiss below.

‘! ‘

Chen Long looked down and saw that the two bodies pulled suddenly turned into hot magma, and the next moment he stabbed a fiery red paw from it.

Understanding, Chen Long was clawed with his throat with a sharp claw, smashed his backhand, and smashed the huge body of the thousands of feet on the ground.

‘Oh! ‘

Chen Long fell to the ground, and the huge impact caused a fierce shaking on the ground. The boulder splashed and the ground was cracked.


The sharp hiss sounded, and the dust dispersed.

Looking again, I saw that the pull of the whole body was turned into a fierce bird with red flames, and Chen Long under its claws had no movement.

“Meaning beasts! Just you, dare to fight with God?”

“Now, let’s die in the fire!”

When he talked, a huge pillar sprayed in the stretch, covering Chen Long’s body in an instant.

“Roar !!” Chen Long made a sorrowful sorrow, and the dragon scales were burned over in an instant. The black blood accompanied the ghost and continued to overflow, just raised the dragon’s claws to fight back, but was pulled by the other claw to die. Deadly pressed on the ground and looked at that posture, he wanted to burn it alive.

“Five!” Seeing this, Xiao Se Pi’s eyes were cold, and his hands condensed the fire of ghosts and gods, rushing straight out.

But at this moment, the space above his head suddenly twisted.

The next moment, Hadis suddenly appeared, holding a double -shares, and poked at Xiao Seer’s head.

Xiao Si Pippi could feel a trace of uneasiness, and hurriedly accelerated, but was worn by a double -strand fork from the hind neck, and then stepped on his shoulders by Hardis’s feet and crashed together.

“Uh!” Xiao Sebi felt pain and wanted to fight back, but Hardis stomped his head tightly on the ground.

“Dog! I have already gained a god, and you can’t kill … Ah!”

Without falling, a powerful death was pouring into Xiaospi’s body through a two -strand fork.

The death of death continued to destroy the flesh and blood in Xiao Sezi, and the horrible pain continued to attack his mind, which made people crash.

哈迪斯一脸得意的笑着,将头戴的隐身头盔扶正,随后轻轻低下身,戏谑道:“不不不,我也没有想过要杀你,你会知道,这样的情况下, Living is a kind of torture! Hahahaha! ”

After speaking, another death of death poured into his body, and the pain came, which made the weak body unconsciously trembling and trembling, painful, making people feel heartbroken.

“Broken, why did you get it?” The ugly New was furious, but the voice just fell, and suddenly felt a fierce tremor at his feet.

At this moment, a huge pyramid broke out and turned it over directly, and the Pharaoh stood below the pyramid.

At this time, his skin turned into gray -white, his trainer waved, the pyramid rose into the sky, and rushed straight to the meteorite falling from the sky.

‘Oh! Intersection ‘

The pyramid collided with meteorites, and the two were broken at the same time, turning into a meteor fire and rain to the ground.

Looking at the fell gravel, the ghost emperor’s heart suddenly tightened, hurriedly blocked in front of the citizens of Linjiang, and called out a huge ice curtain.

But at this moment, Arbis also broke away from the restraint, and suddenly appeared behind the ghost emperor, and the scepter waved violently, directly smashing her body into a beach.

The ghost emperor once again condensed his background, but as soon as he appeared, Albis’s attack also arrived immediately, making her unable to protect the citizens behind her.

A fastening in his eyes suddenly flashed, and he raised his hand, and saw all the boulder in the air set in place.

However, at this time, Poseidon and Garbaien appeared in front of her at the same time, fighting with it, interrupting her cast.

The next moment, the boulder in the air lost control again.

Seeing this, the evil spirits rushed towards the crowd, ready to forcibly carry the impact of these boulders.

However, at this moment, a thunder striked, and looked sideways, and I saw Zeus waved out of a well -well light chain.

“Old! Stop!”

From the beginning, Hai Zhu has been paying attention to Zeus’s every move. After seeing his shot, his strong body directly blocked the ghosts.

However, this time the lightning was far from the previous attack. When he touched Hai Zhu, he fainted it directly, but Zi Electric did not stop. He continued to shuttle in the evil ghost group and instantly knocked down.

Fortunately, when the rock was about to hit the crowd, the seven stone pillars suddenly appeared on the periphery of the crowd, setting up a strange array, raising a black light curtain, and surrounding the citizens in the center.

‘嘭嘭! ‘

The boulder constantly smashed on the curtain, and the shock of horror caused the ground to continue to shake, and the citizens who were scared to close their eyes in horror.

When the vibration stops, Linjiang at this time is completely reduced to ruins.

The buildings were destroyed by the falling stone, and there were smokes everywhere, and they were quiet. From time to time, there were two crying crying crying.


A corner of the battlefield.

The mouse fell to the ground, looking at the sore ground on the side, leaving only empty holes in his eyes.

Under the huge gap between strength, the battle of the war instantly reversed. Is this the power of the highest god …

But at this moment, the voice of the ghost emperor sounded in his mind.

“Don’t rub it, enter Chu Feng’s mind, and solve all the consciousness. This is our only hope.”

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