The thunder and lightning speed is extremely fast. When the reflection of electro -light printed in Xue Hong’s eyes, he instinctively stopped his hands in front of him and his teeth closed his eyes.

‘Oh! ‘

The huge burst spread, and Xue Hong trembled.

But weirdly, there was no pain on his body, but an extremely chill suddenly wrapped his whole body.

“This, what’s the situation …”

Xue Hong opened his eyes and opened his eyes, and saw a huge thick ice wall in front of him.

The thunderbolt hit the corner of the ice wall out of a crack. In the ice wall, the current can also see the current flow.

Just as Xue Hong was puzzled, a cold voice suddenly came in his ear.

“Blind things, dare to kill people on my boundary?”

Xue Hong hurriedly looked sideways, and was the ghost emperor standing beside him.

“, Sister -in -law?”

The Ghost Emperor glanced at him coldly, and Liu Mei frowned.

“Go and go, don’t disgust me.”

Xue Hong hurriedly nodded and said while running back to Ye Yuan’s side.

“I didn’t expect she would take a shot, this time it should be stable …”

“No! I heard Brother Feng said that this ghost emperor has no human nature at all. Only hate to humans, why do you still shoot?”

“Is Brother Feng let her come?”

Ye Yuan’s head pillowed his feet and looked coldly: “Since there is no humanity, then you can treat her as a beast and guard the territory, just her instinct …”

Xue Hong’s colorful said: “Beast … this description seems a bit overwhelming, no matter so much, as long as she shot, it should be stable.”

“Huh? What are you still doing your face?”

Ye Yuan closed his eyes.

“She is a ghost emperor, even if she is dead, I don’t want her to save …”

Xue Hong watched him for a while, gritted his teeth, “Are you still a man? If it wasn’t for the evil you did that year, wouldn’t it happen that it would not happen? Why is it still a corpse? ”

Ye Yuan said with his face, “What about my ghosts, I have done something that hurts humans …”

Xue Hong suddenly burned.

“Go to Uncle’s! Shut my mouth! Dog calves!”


Xue Hong said anxiously, slap on Ye Yuan’s head.

After this slap, both of them stunned.

Ye Yuan stared at Xue Hong unbelievable.

“You hit me?”

Xue Hong was a little false. Looking at Ye Yuan’s unable to move, he gritted his teeth and slapped on his head.

“What about it? Are you scared when I am? What can I do when I hit you today? Get up and bite me? Well, I hit it anyway.

“Don’t stare at me! Open your dog’s eyes, take a good look, who is protecting you now!”

Ye Yuan stared at Xue Hong, his eyes were all chilling, and he clenched his teeth, and he didn’t say a word for a long time.

‘Boom! ‘

As soon as the words fell, a horrible thunder suddenly sounded between the heavens and the earth, and a horrible lightning printed the ground pale.

Lightning accurately fell on the ghost emperor, and directly fried it into a pile of ice dandruff.

Shamar said with a fierce face: “Evil things, dare to challenge Shenwei …”

At this moment, the cold voice of the ghost emperor sounded behind him.

“Fart, you, you guys, are just the power of the ancient times. They are also dead. Are you God after death? Ordinary people die?”

Shamar’s eyes were cold, and the four soldiers swept backwards at the same time.

The wind swept through, and once again split the ghost’s body into a pile of ice dandruff, but in the next second, she appeared in a five -meter -open position.

There was a dignity in Charlone’s eyes.

“The way of not dead, extreme cold, ghost is immortal, you are not dead, are you the god of ancient times?”

The ghost emperor glanced at him without hearing.

“If it’s enough, it’s me.”

As soon as the words fell, I saw the ghost emperor raised his hand.

A horrible chill broke out instantly, straight into the sky, and after contacting the dark clouds of the sky, the black clouds immediately solidified, like a huge black ice screen covering the entire sky like an egg shell.


‘Ka, Kaish! ‘

As the voices of the ghost emperor fell, the black ice scene suddenly appeared a large number of cracks, and the sun also penetrated from the gap.

‘Oh! Intersection ‘

The last sound was spreading, and the dark ice fell like a meteor shower, and the smallest was the size of a car, and slammed into Charma.

“Small carved worm!” Charma’s eyes were cold, but instead of evading, he rushed out.

The four soldiers in their hands waved at the same time, and the speed was fast, leaving only the residual shadow to cut the black ice one by one.

“Not enough, not enough! Continue!”

Charlone, as tireless, was getting faster and faster in his hands. The black ice turned into ice dandruff landing, as if an artificial snowfall came.

But for his move, Xue Hong’s color could not help but complicate.

This Shamar is indeed brave, and the dark ice cannot be chopped into a dandruff at all.

But it seems that this guy’s eyes are not very good …

There are countless ghosts in the black ice. After scattered the ground, it was condensed together under Charmal’s feet and turned into a huge horror hand. The prey in the air seems to be in the next second, crushing him …

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