
After Roy pressed the HyperZector on his left waist, accompanied by a strange sound effect, a blue-white arc was born from the HyperZector and flowed to Roy's limbs.

The blue arc wrapped around the body surface gave Roy When I was in power, the armor was transformed.

The domineering red armor was covered with a layer of silver armor, making it more technological and streamlined than before.

The Kabuto horn on the top of the head became thicker and more flamboyant.


At this moment, Roy appeared in a brand new form in front of everyone's shocked eyes.

Not only that, but before anyone could start discussing, Roy moved.

Patting his left hand on HyperZector, Roy softly activated the hyper-time state.


The next thing happened in another dimension.

【Destroy the Nebit tribe's forbidden magic 'Nirvana', and reward 8% of the armor's justice progress. The current progress is 63%】


When Roy completed all his actions and returned to the place where he was standing before, no one could realize what Roy had done just now.

"bang bang bang……"

A series of explosions drew everyone's thoughts, which were about to discuss Roy's new form, to Nirvana, which was producing a series of explosions.

Looking up, everyone was surprised to find that many parts of Nirvana were undergoing astonishing explosions, with flames shooting into the sky.

The black magic beam that had been emitted from Nirvana had been extinguished, and Nirvana at this time looked extremely bleak.

Moreover, steel and gravel kept falling downwards, and the entire Nirvana was falling apart.

It seems that it won't take long for Nirvana to be completely shattered and cease to exist.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked to an unprecedented level

"What happened? Why does Nirvana suddenly explode?"

"Is it Mr. Roy? In his new form, which looks more powerful than before?"

"It’s really incredible, and it’s this ability to solve everything without anyone noticing!"

"If we were Roy's opponents, we wouldn't even know how we died. All I can say is, fortunately, we are all partners of the United Army!"


Everyone in the coalition army was talking a lot, but Roy didn't pay attention and just looked at Brian indifferently.

At this moment, Brian looked completely different from the arrogant and swollen look he had just moments ago.

His white hair hung down messily, his entire face was filled with despair, and his eyes looking at the crumbling Nirvana were also filled with disbelief.

Brian still couldn't figure out why such a powerful Nirvana was destroyed in an instant.

In fact, he couldn't even sense the other party's process of destroying Nirvana.

Brian simply couldn't accept this.

Looking at the gravel falling from Nirvana, Brian felt that his life had simply lost its luster.

The dream he had pursued for so many years, the dream to dye the world with darkness... was shattered!

His eyes gradually became crazy. Brian turned his head and glared at Roy, who was looking at him calmly, and yelled hysterically.

"Since you destroyed my dream, let's die together!"

Brian pointed the skull scepter Claudel in his right hand at Roy, and a powerful magic shock wave suddenly appeared from the top of the scepter, pierced the air, and shot towards Roy.

"Ever Dark Fantasy·Wail!"

Under the grief and anger in his heart, Brian struck with all his strength.

With the momentum of destroying everything, the thick light cannon with a radius of more than ten meters pierced the sky and the earth with an astonishing momentum.

Listening to Brian's roar, watching The magic shock wave shot out in front of him, and Roy was speechless.

Why are you yelling that you want me to pay for your dream?

Why do these words sound so familiar to me?

After he traveled through time, he had already ruined the dreams of several people:

Eligore's LULLABY, Leo's Deliora, Jellal's Tower of Paradise, and Brian's Nirvana...

Looking at it this way, Luo Yi is simply an evil person


The face under the mask showed a malicious expression, and Roy chuckled.

"I like."

Moving his legs, Roy faced the magic shock wave rushing in front of him, and walked towards Brian who was releasing the magic.

This scene frightened his friends again.

"What is Mr. Roy doing? Do you want to forcefully access that seemingly powerful magic?"

Jiu La's hand holding the scepter trembled slightly, and there was a hint of disbelief in his voice.

Even though he had witnessed Roy's power many times, he still saw Roy facing the scepter without hesitation. He himself felt that the magical attack was difficult, and the shock in his heart was still overwhelming.

Jula felt that he, the former Saint Shi, was too ignorant and his cultivation was completely inadequate.

In just one day of knowing Roy, he no longer knew. How many times had he lost his composure due to shock

? It was completely out of line with his usual calm behavior. However, Jula was overly worried because everyone was the same one.

They were all so shocked. Except for everyone from Fairy Tail, everyone else behaved even worse than Jura.

However, everyone from Fairy Tail was not worried at all, but looked at Roy walking towards the light wave with confident eyes. tall back

"Senior, come on! Kill the last guy!"

Lucy put her hands to her mouth, cheering Roy on.

Hearing the cheers of the cute junior, Roy did not reply, but stretched out his right hand and waved towards the back.

Then, His figure disappeared into the light cannon amid a burst of intense lightning and thunder.

Seeing this scene, before everyone had time to worry, the magical light cannon that had been so powerful just now suddenly collapsed and was annihilated in the air.

Roy, on the other hand, had already stood in front of Brian, grabbed Brian's head with his left hand, and lifted it into the air.

"Well, now, not only are your dreams shattered, you are about to be shattered too.

Any last words?"

Looking at Brian with a face full of pain, Roy laughed jokingly.

Severe pain came from his head, causing Brian's hands to hang down weakly, and the skull scepter Claude fell to the ground.

Hearing Roy's When asked, Brian didn't feel scared, only crazy.

He didn't even care about the pain on his head. At this moment, Brian just wanted to laugh crazily.

"Let’s do it! After taking action, that guy will take revenge on me! Hahaha……"

"I thought you could say something interesting, but I didn't expect it to be this much.

How boring!"

The smile disappeared, Roy spat out these words lightly, and smashed down hard with his left hand.


Brian was suddenly like a carrot, planted into the ground by Roy.

Where no one noticed, the skull scepter Claude on the ground made a huge movement because of Brian being planted into the ground. , shivering.

It thought about the scary guy who would appear later, and it shivered even more.

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