At this moment.

Located in a remote galaxy in the universe.

Vegeta is facing the terrifying storm caused by star explosions again and again.

This galaxy is known as the Death Galaxy by most beings.

As long as the civilization that can enter the universe, almost no one will come to this galaxy.

Perhaps, life has come to an end, and this abandoned galaxy will occasionally have star explosions in a short period of time, or even evolve black holes. Or perhaps the planet is swept by a strong meteorite group, making the cosmic environment of this star field particularly terrible.

Very few people will choose to pass by this galaxy, because to reach another galaxy separated from each other, this is undoubtedly the closest.

Coming to this galaxy is also because Vegeta was fortunate enough to encounter a wave of meteorite attacks.

Ordinary training can no longer achieve the effect.

Even if gravity training has been increasing his strength, it is far from satisfying him.

Three months!!

It has been almost three months, and even though he is much stronger than three months ago, he still cannot surpass his own limits.

The so-called Super Saiyan barrier!

"Damn it!!! Damn it!!! Damn it!!! Damn it!!! Damn it!!!"

With roars, Darles punched the planet that was about to explode under his feet.

Even though he was in this remote galaxy, he could feel the huge breath coming from another corner of the universe.

There was no doubt that it was Darles's Qi!!

In just three months, he had improved, but others had improved much more than him.

He didn't think that was the strength that Darles already possessed. He firmly believed that it was the strength brought by Darles' three months of practice.

The Qi exploded to the extreme, and his whole body was shrouded in a pale aura.

If Darles was present, he would definitely feel that Vegeta's combat power had reached 10 million points.

The normal combat power of 10 million points also means that Vegeta has walked ahead of all the Z fighters. And as long as he transforms into a Super Saiyan, his combat power will directly soar to 500 million points.

500 million points.

This combat power alone is no less than himself after the start of the original Android chapter.


‘BOOM!!!! BOOM!!!! BOOM!!!! BOOM!!! BOOM!!!! BOOM!!!’……

Punches pounded, shaking the crumbling planet beneath his feet, exerting greater pressure on the planet that had reached the end of its life, causing it to explode faster.

Vegeta punched with all his strength every time.

If it hit a person, there was no doubt that this was the power that went deep into the bone marrow.

With his strength, he was enough to crush all the Z fighters in normal conditions.

This was also the power he gained from his obsession!

He was the prince of the Saiyans!!

No!! He was now the king of the Saiyans!! Even though the number of Saiyans left alive was very small, it still could not change his identity.

From outer space, large pieces of stellar debris attacked.

The fiery red light oppressed the fragile atmosphere of the planet, bringing the breath of death.

""Not good!!!" Vegeta shouted, his expression froze, and the next second he moved quickly to the top of the spaceship. He opened his hands, and concentrated rich energy on his palms.

The energy waves blew countless meteorite fragments into ashes.

Vegeta exerted all his strength, and waves of energy were continuously blasted out, reaching five to ten per second...

Because he was shocked by Darius's breath, he forgot his ongoing death training.

Otherwise, he would not be so miserable.

"Destroy it!!! Galick Cannon!!!" He raised his head and roared, clasping his hands together.

A strong purple light burst out and rushed straight into the sky.

The Galick Cannon at full power was also Vegeta's strongest move.

The strong energy attack hit the star fragments with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers in outer space, trying to shatter them in an instant.

But Vegeta always overestimated himself.

His strength was indeed strong to a certain limit, enough to explode stars.

But not every planet in the universe can explode. Some solid and huge planets and stars are not something he can shake, especially some huge stars.

The size and mass of the star that exploded this time are dozens of times that of the sun in the solar system.

The solidity is unimaginable. Even energy at the level of tens of millions is not enough to shatter it.

At most, it just slowed down the speed of the meteorite's fall and peeled off the fragments of the meteorite's outer layer.……

"Is this all I have?……"Vegeta gritted his teeth, unwilling to give up.

He had experienced dozens of life-and-death moments, and he was able to break through the boundaries and escape successfully every time.

But this time, he felt deeply powerless.

In particular, he was shocked by Darles's power, so he no longer had the courage to face it and become stronger... Once a person's heart is dead, it is difficult to wake it up.

Half-kneeling on the ground, Vegeta was covered in cold sweat. Under his seemingly strong appearance, his fragile heart was shattered at the slightest touch.

Pride, dignity... At this moment, they all became dispensable things.

But until his death, he was unwilling to let go.

It can also be said that this was his excessive stubbornness! He could give up anything, but his dignity could not be trampled upon, and he was unwilling to give up his pride.

【Vegeta, my most talented son, the one who will become the king of the universe in the definitely not Frieza, but you!! You are the prince of the Saiyans, the hope of the Saiyans!!! You are also the Saiyan with the greatest hope of becoming a Super Saiyan!!!】

As his consciousness was blurred, a memory and a voice exploded in Vegeta's mind.

After an unknown amount of time, he began to change.

He was no longer the same person he used to be. He became hesitant and lost confidence in himself.

The power that came from nowhere prompted him to stand up again.

The power in his body surged, and his blood was boiling.

Unknown to Vegeta, the S cells in his body were rapidly dividing and growing, constantly affecting his body and his power.

"I!!! I am the prince of the Saiyans!!! Vegeta!!!"

A roar of venting anger came out of Vegeta's mouth.

The violent energy was completely released, spreading to the limit with him as the center.

The pale energy was transformed into golden flames. His hair stood up high and turned golden, and his eyes turned into emerald green.

His eyes were wide open, and the surging power gave Vegeta power beyond his limit.

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