Imperial Overlord

: Nine hundred and fifty-five dry goods


()    Germany has supplied more than 10,000 vehicles to the Middle East, but these vehicles still cannot meet the logistical supply needs of the Middle East Corps.

    Longer got a report from General Alfred, saying that one-third of their car was paralyzed due to a malfunction, and the rest did not know when it would break down.

     "Hahaha! General Rohr, 4,000 cars is not a small number. You have already read our production priority report, so don't I need to say more?" Speer, who is in charge of German industrial integration, is also On the platform, he explained to Longer with a smile.

    The High Command and the Army Headquarters have repeatedly emphasized that between 1941 and 1942, the German offensive focused on the Soviet-German theater, rather than the distant Middle East.

     Therefore, Roner cannot get a larger supply, although the Axis powers have controlled the Mediterranean and began to use the Mediterranean for large-scale transportation supplies.

     It's actually very interesting, some of the supplies of Marshal Bock's Army Group South already come from the Mediterranean.

    The Middle East Corps also relies on the Mediterranean for survival - and the main supply line of the German Army Group North is the Baltic Sea, where the mines have not been cleared.

     "One last check, the military band is ready..." Goebbels walked over, accompanied by several leaders of the SS, and shouted to the distance: "The order of the music to be played in a while cannot be messed up!"

     "Reporters! Where are the reporters? Check their camera equipment and be careful!" He shouted as he walked to where the reporters were on the platform.

    All the reporters were very uneasy, they all knew what kind of majesty the man who came out of the stopped train in a while.

    This man took Germany to sweep the European powers, and now he has become the leader of the world's largest military power.

    What's more terrifying is that he is a radical terrorist dictator who is willing to use his sensibility to deal with many difficult problems.

    He is powerful and has a large group of familiar demons and minions. The army of millions is rampaging in the Soviet Union, and Moscow has even become his bag.

     "Reporters from the country and Japan should be separated, and don't let them cause any trouble!" Goebbels looked at the crowd of reporters who were debugging equipment and filmed in the distance, and instructed the SS officer beside him.

     Then he pointed to those people and continued to give his own orders: "Color photography is a new technology, remember to leave enough space for color photography! Film is expensive!"

     The Germany in front of us is not the technically conservative Germany. The head of state decisively ordered the development of countless new projects, and even many projects will give research directions.

    These projects, which were developed under the order of the Head of State, have achieved very gratifying success after they obtained the research direction.

     For example, the influence of Berlin's Imperial Film Group in the cultural field has already surpassed that of Hollywood in the country.

    Germany has unique advantages in terms of the utilization rate of color films, the update speed of shooting techniques, the scale and even the innovation of sound films.

     What is even more terrifying is that Germany took the lead in launching all kinds of comics to establish its own barriers in the cultural field.

    "Iron Man", "Spiderman", "Batman"... These anime characters that will be familiar to everyone in the future were all "created" by Goebbels and became the most admired superheroes by German teenagers.

    Although the country may already have these roles, their image in Germany promotes German values ​​and is the hero of the Third Reich closely surrounding the head of state!

     "Only the Führer's personal guard uses automatic weapons, right?" Reinhardt's job was no easier than Goebbels's.

    He is in charge of the outer protection of the Fuhrer - the core defense of the Fuhrer is actually the responsibility of the Fuhrer's own personal guards.

    Those people are all chosen by the head of state. Every head of state must know each other and be able to call them by name.

     Of course, how loyal the real Fuhrer's Guard is, it is even more impossible to infer with common sense.

     I heard that as long as these people heard the Führer's order, they dared to follow each other into the flames and burn to death without even turning their heads.

     "Woo..." The sound of the whistle came from the train in the distance. After hearing the sound, everyone involuntarily stood up for three minutes.

    Everyone looked in the direction of the train and kept their eyes on the train that was slowly entering the station. After the train stopped on the platform, the performance of the military band over there sounded, just before the white steam scattered from both sides of the front of the train was scattered.

     The carriage of the train was pulled open respectfully by the messengers guarding the platform, and officers came out one by one.

     They looked at the positions of everyone on the platform vigilantly, and then stood in their chosen positions.

    Further afield, the Fuhrer's **** jumped off the train. All of them were equipped with submachine guns, which were powerful and very easy to use in a small environment.

     Then, Field Marshal Brauchitch, the highest commander of the German Army, got off the train and officially put on his military cap at the door.

     Wearing black leather gloves, he greeted the crowd waiting for the Fuhrer on the platform, then turned sideways and stood aside.

     Then he raised his arms, stood at attention, raised his chin and saluted, "Victory! Führer!"

     "Victory! Führer!" On the platform, Goering was the first to raise his arm, and everyone followed, standing at attention and saluting neatly, like a forest.

     At this time Li Lecai came out of the carriage and waved to the crowd: "Victory! Deutschland!"

    Everyone withdrew their arms, and there were really not many people who could walk up to greet the Führer. Goering and Hess happened to be in Berlin, so only high-level executives at their level were qualified to go up.

    Goering was the first to go up, after all, he was the imperial marshal. Hess followed closely, but it was Minister Goebbels who spoke first: "Führer! Everyone remembers the victory you brought to Germany! The people are already waiting outside the station to cheer you on!"

     "A few hours ago, our army had surrounded Moscow, and I got the news on the train." Li Le was wearing the black leather trench coat Hitler liked to wear, a pair of black leather gloves, and a top of his head. Military cap, opened his mouth and said to the crowd.

     "I only have two days to listen to your respective work reports. I want dry goods, solid data." After he finished speaking, he stepped forward.

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